Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 107 From now on it will be one family

Chapter 107 I will be a family from now on
"Okay, let's stop teasing you, my in-laws. Now that the children's engagement has been decided, shall we hurry up and announce it to the public, and hold the ceremony as well?" Mentioning the children's marriage, Mother Bei couldn't hide her excited inquiry.

Lu Qiaoyin and her husband exchanged glances, then turned to look at their daughter again, and saw her looking at Jing Jie opposite with a childlike attitude, she smiled calmly, and looked at the second elder of the Bei family:
"Ji Yang and I have no objections, as long as the two children think it's okay, we can both!" After speaking, he smiled and looked at Bei Jingjie, who hadn't spoken much since he appeared, his eyes conveyed something silently.

Bei Jingjie has been paying attention to the words of the four parents. When the expectant eyes looked at him, he immediately reacted, stood up politely and bowed deeply in the direction of the two elders of the Ji family, with a sincere tone request said:

"Uncle Ji and Auntie please give Bei Xing to me with peace of mind. I promise in front of everyone that I will love Bei Xing and never let her suffer any grievances. I will do my best to make her live every day Be happy, please rest assured, uncle and aunt!"

After he finished speaking, he did not immediately get a response from Ji's parents. Ji's father even looked at the man opposite him with a scrutiny smile with a stern look in his eyes, and the two of them just kept talking to each other without giving in. Watching, finally Ji's father nodded solemnly in Bei Jingjie's sincere and innocent eyes: "Okay."

It seems like a simple word, but only Ji Yang himself knows what an important task he has given to the little man opposite him in the process.

A few words between you and me is like completing a tedious but simple ceremony. Ji Beixing has been watching them with a smile on the sidelines. When Jing Jie stood up and said that from the heart in front of his parents When she spoke, it was impossible for her not to be moved, and a certain corner of her heart trembled slightly for a moment.

At this moment, he understood that the reason why the man promised himself in that situation last night was that all this was like his promise, and he was completely sincere!What about myself?
The son has been approved by the two elders of Ji's family. Bei's mother stretched out her hand and called the waiter to order food for everyone. Now that the general direction is set, everyone can relax and chat while eating.

In the end, under the self-recommendation of their beloved wives, the two chairman of Beiji nodded and agreed. The next two children's engagement ceremonies will be arranged by the two of them. As for the public announcement, they will choose a time next week. Let's hold a press conference and make a statement together.

The matter was settled in such a harmonious way. During the period, Ji Beixing didn't intervene, and kept smiling decently all the time, as if everything was decided by his parents, but this was not so simple in Bei Jingjie's eyes .Looking at Bei Xing like this, a look of complexity flashed across his eyes, and he recovered his princely smile in just a few seconds.

The two families were chatting about the family affairs in a harmonious atmosphere while eating, and when they came from a distance, Bei Jingshan saw such a harmonious picture, "Why are members of Ji's family here? Didn't my brother say that today is a family gathering?"Did it happen by chance? '

She muttered suspiciously in her heart, but she also knew that this was not the time to talk about it. When she was about to walk to their table, her lively and clear voice rang in their ears:

"Daddy, Mommy, I'm here." Smiling faces approached a few people, and a lady greeted a few people on one side: "Hello, Uncle Ji, Auntie Ji, Miss Ji!" When everyone heard the voice, they put down their hands one by one. tableware, look at the person coming.The three members of Ji's family smiled back very friendly to the visitors, after all, they will be a family in the future! 】

(End of this chapter)

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