Chapter 117 For Love
Nan Gongyi, who left Bei's house, drove through the streets of City G, no, it should be said to be wandering, um, yes, just wandering, because he once again asked the driver to drive around G City without a destination.

The young master didn't explain the destination, the driver didn't dare to ask more questions, and he didn't dare to stop at will. He could only drive out of Bei's villa, and then drove into the urban area and wandered around the bustling streets.

Nangong Yi kept looking out of the car window, and even he felt a little strange. When he sent Xiao Nizi back to Bei's house last time, he also didn't know where to go. It's the same today, and this feeling seems to be even stronger , without her in that family, he doesn't seem to want to go back as usual,

'Are you really used to her clinginess?Think about it, it seems that since the first meeting, Jing Shan has been more attached to him, because of the relationship with Jing Jie, their only children naturally love this only little sister as their own sister. '

In this way, it seems to be like this over time. For more than ten years, although she has been studying abroad in the past few years, she will live in Nangong's house for a period of time when she comes back from vacation. This seems to have become a routine.

Her aggrieved face when she was at the door of Bei's house just now appeared in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help but burst out laughing, the coldness on her face had long gone, and it was full of tenderness that she hadn't even noticed.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in the eyes looking out of the window, and the decisive voice of "stop" reached the ears of the driver in front. After receiving the order, the driver turned the car and stopped in front of the gate of 'T.L', and someone stepped forward immediately Opening the car door for him, Nangong Yi put on big sunglasses and got out of the car. Someone had already opened the door of 'T.L' and went to the store to negotiate something. He came down to the store surrounded by bodyguards.

At this time, there was no one inside, and after he entered the store, the sign outside the store even had a sign of 'rest'. "Hi Nan Shao! Welcome to 'TL', may I help you?"

The eyes under the sunglasses looked at the woman who was speaking. She was not young but not old. She was probably a middle-aged woman who still had charm. She raised her hand and waved at the people behind her.

The woman who spoke just now is the store manager and manager of the 'T.L'G City branch. Seeing the man's hand gesture, she immediately turned her head and gestured to the waiters behind her, smiling forward and making an inviting gesture, "Mr. Nan , this way please. A batch of new jewelry has just arrived in the past few days and I will show you."

Standing in front of the counter, the woman put on professional white gloves and took out the latest bracelets, necklaces and rings from the counter and placed them in a row in front of the man, introducing them one by one. When she introduced the second model, she immediately put it away To the man's eyes of restraint.

"Don't you like Nan Shao?" The man had already got up from the sofa and walked to the front of the counter to watch. The female store manager had no choice but to follow behind and wait for orders.

Seeing that the man was about to walk to the last row of counters at the entrance of the store, the female store manager was about to go forward and try to introduce other styles, but when she just raised her head, she saw the man's finger pointing on the glass surface of the counter, and immediately Stepping on the high-heeled shoes, she stepped forward steadily and quickly, saw clearly what the man was pointing at, unlocking and taking something, and delivered it to the man courteously:
"Nan Shao, the blue crystal pendant you see now is called 'For Love', it is from a cutting-edge designer under 'T.L', it was obtained by the designer from lovers on Valentine's Day in July this year created out of inspiration.

The 6-carat blue crystal on "For Love" is cut from a rare natural blue diamond in Cartier. Because of its inspiration, the designer named him "For Love" after creation, hoping that he can give Those who own him bring happiness and love! "]

(End of this chapter)

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