Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 118 Something Happened

Chapter 118 Something Happened

After a short but comprehensive introduction, Nangong Yi still kept his eyes on the necklace in the palm of his hand. He always felt that the blue crystal seemed to be flowing faintly, like the waves of the sea. like her. "That's it, wrap it up!"

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll pack it for you right away." Taking the necklace from the man's hand, Fu Fu walked to the counter on the side, and recruited the most dexterous waiter to wrap the necklace quickly, and even specially chose the necklace. A blue silk jewelry box was provided as matching packaging.

Walking up to the man, he respectfully handed it over: "Young Master Nan, it's done!"

"Yeah" got up and took it, and unconsciously weighed it with his hands. No one saw the expression under the sunglasses. It was a rare kind of tenderness. When he turned around, Tathagata left surrounded by bodyguards.

"Please go slowly, welcome to come next time!" With a group of shop assistants, they said in unison to the handsome figure of the man.Seeing the figure disappearing at the door, the female store manager straightened up and told the people behind her: "This is Nan Gongyi, one of the Four Young Masters in G City, remember it all, and be smarter in the future!"

"Yes, store manager!" After the female store manager left, several waiters shook hands with each other in amazement and secretly excited. There are many rich people here, but this is the first time Si Shao sees a real person, too. handsome, so cool
On the other side, after Nangong Yi got into the car, the three cars at the door left one after another. The man sitting in the car stopped looking away at this time, and his eyes were fixed on the blue box in his hand. His eyes, which had already taken off his sunglasses and A smile overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Take this to pick up that little girl tomorrow, she should be very happy!" Thinking of her happy smiling face and eyes full of gratitude, he felt very satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

But the sky failed. The next morning at three o'clock in the morning, Nangong Yi was woken up by a rapid ringtone. Waking up from his sleep, he stared at the mobile phone screen that kept flashing on the bedside, and reached out to pick it up. :"Hey"

There was a hint of hoarseness and coldness in the voice, Wu Tian on the other end of the phone only felt his scalp tingle, but he had to continue: "Young master, something happened at Guankou!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yi's frown deepened, but his voice replied calmly as usual: "Well, I'll be right over." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, got up and dressed, and went downstairs directly. Some subordinates had already arrived in the car and waited. As soon as the man got in the car, they started the car and drove out of Nangong's house.

In the middle of the night, there were almost no traffic on the spacious road, and the three cars were galloping towards the wild horse. The journey that took more than an hour during the day now took only half an hour.

The car stopped at the gate of Hei Yan, and Wu Tian, ​​who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately opened the door of the car in the middle: "Young Master"

"Yeah" Nangongyi nodded towards him and walked towards the building of Heiyan's headquarters. The two of them went to the men's office on the top floor one by one, and sat down on the office chair. Nangongyi took off the sunglasses on his face , reached out and rubbed the bridge of his nose: "Speak."

"Yes, the person in charge at Guankou called one hour ago, saying that there was something wrong with the batch of goods that were going to be exported abroad after dawn."

"Well..." The man kept his head down, and he heard that he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end of the report, which made Wu Tian not sure what the young master meant, so he could only continue: "The 4.8 caliber gun that was originally exported- During a final inspection today, five crates were found containing a total of 320 guns - caliber 4.6."]

(End of this chapter)

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