Chapter 125
The only thing left in my mind is the image of that person, the more I think about it, the more uneasy I become, I turned around and ran upstairs with a 'dongdongdong'. "Hey, Jingshan. Why are you running so fast? What are you in such a hurry for?"

Turning around, she only had time to see the corner of her daughter's skirt. Mother Bei couldn't help muttering a few words. In the end, her eyes were still attracted by the reports on TV. I just don’t think I can get enough of them, and since the media released so many photos of the two of them together today, Mama Bei really thinks that these two are really a perfect match!
Bei Jingshan ran upstairs to the bedroom, pushed open the door of her room, rushed to the bedside table but did not find her mobile phone, and then stared at the messy bed——, knelt on the bed—— Rummaging, pillows, quilts. Finally found the target at the end of the bed, took the phone and called out the phone number that I dialed many times last night and dialed it again.

The call was connected, but the phone kept ringing and ringing, but no one answered, she kept dialing, and walked back and forth anxiously in the room.The bell stopped again, and she suddenly felt very discouraged, huh?By the way, she called Uncle Deng to ask about it. As soon as she had an idea, she immediately dialed the landline number of Nangong's house.

The phone rang a few times before it was picked up, and a respectful female voice came from the other side: "Hi, hello, Nangong Guan! What can I do for you?"

As soon as the voice over there fell, Bei Jingshan hurriedly identified herself: "I'm Bei Jingshan, is Brother Nangong at home?"

"Hi Miss Bei, the young master is not at home!" The maid replied respectfully after knowing who was calling.

"Is Uncle Deng there? Ask him to answer the phone."

"Okay, Miss, please wait a moment." Then the sound of leaving footsteps came from the other end of the phone, and she continued to walk back and forth in the room non-stop. A familiar voice came: "Good morning miss, may I help you?"

"Uncle Deng, brother Nangong is not at home, do you know where he has gone? No one has answered my calls since last night."

"Young Master Er went out very early in the morning. Maybe...the headquarters has something to deal with." Deng Butler replied without too much hesitation. He thought it would be better not to let the lady know about the morning's affairs.

"Well, then, if Brother Nangong comes back, ask him to call me back."

"Okay, miss, I will pass it on to you."

"Well, thank you Uncle Deng, it's all right, goodbye" Hanging up the phone, the doubts in Bei Jingshan's heart were not answered, or even lessened.

The time passed by like this bit by bit, and it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, but Bei Jingshan's phone didn't ring once during this period. While drinking afternoon tea with Mummy, her thoughts had already wandered somewhere, Finally unable to sit still, she put down the snow-white rose ceramic cup in her hand, looked at the woman opposite and said eagerly:
"Mum, I have something to go to Brother Nangong's house, that... don't wait for me to eat this afternoon." After finishing speaking, she turned around and ran away again without waiting for the woman to react.

"Jingshan, your sister-in-law's family is here this afternoon. You are really in a hurry." Seeing her daughter disappearing around the corner in an instant, Zhou Xue shook her head helplessly and pamperingly, "It's only been two days since I haven't seen you, so I can bear it." Can't stop, this daughter really doesn't know how to be reserved! '

Mother Bei's exclamation at this time was accompanied by deep blessings, but no one could have predicted the series of events that would happen next. It was only a few days but when she saw her daughter again, it would be another scene. 】

(End of this chapter)

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