Chapter 126
Mother Bei's exclamation at this time was accompanied by deep blessings, but no one could have predicted the series of events that would happen next. It was only a few days but when she saw her daughter again, it would be another scene.

Bei Jingshan ran out of the open-air balcony in the lobby and went directly upstairs, took the small package with her mobile phone, took the car keys, and took the elevator directly to the garage on the second floor of Beijia's basement, driving her favorite red car The BMW drove out of Bei's house and drove straight to Nangong's house.

She thought that since she couldn't find where Brother Nangong was going, she couldn't go to Heiyan headquarters to find him, because he would be unhappy, so she could only go to Nangong's house and wait, no matter what, he would always go home!
When she arrived at Nangong's house, Nangongyi hadn't come back. Although she was very tired, she didn't want to go back to her room to rest, because she thought that she would see him immediately when Brother Nangong came back, so she ordered Lili to prepare some drinks for her. In the living room, she just waited while watching TV. If she said she was watching TV, it would be better to say that the young lady was playing with the remote control.

After this sitting, it was time for dinner. Butler Deng came up to her and said, "Miss, dinner is ready, you should go to dinner first!"

"Well, I'd better wait for Brother Nangong to come back and eat together!" Without hesitation, Bei Jingshan replied without looking up at the opposite TV.

They don't know what this little ancestor ate for lunch, or even if she ate. They dare not let her be so hungry. Butler Deng winked at the little maid behind the woman, and Lili came to the sofa knowingly, Gentle persuasion said:
"Miss, maybe the young master will come back after eating outside. You go to eat first, and you can talk with the young master when the young master comes back. If the young master didn't eat, you can chat with the young master while eating, isn't it very good?" Well! What do you think?"

Seeing that the woman in front of her showed signs of loosening, Lili hurriedly said: "Miss, you go to dinner, Lili is here to help you wait, if the young master comes back, I will notify you immediately, okay?"

"Okay then." Knowing that the two of them had good intentions, and she didn't want to cause others to worry about herself, she got up and walked towards the restaurant, followed closely by Butler Deng.

When I came back from dinner, I saw Lili shaking her head at her. Bei Jingshan sat down on the sofa with a depressed face and continued to wait. Seeing the time passing by, the hour hand was already pointing to 12 o'clock. Bei Jingshan had been sitting for a day. , her back hurts, she didn't take a nap and drove for so long at noon, her eyes were battling.

Lili couldn't stand it anymore: "Miss, can you go upstairs to sleep, maybe the young master will be back as soon as you open your eyes tomorrow! It's okay for you to wait like this."

"I'm not sleepy yet, go down and rest, I'll wait!"

"Miss, if you don't sleep Lili or sleep, I will wait here with Miss!"

'Hey, this little girl is very stubborn, she forgot so much' and was unwilling to go upstairs like this, so she looked at her face and said: "I will call Brother Nangong again, if I still can't get through, then I will go sleep!"

"Okay." Lili had no choice but to agree, leaned over and picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table and handed it to the young lady. Both of them stared at the mobile phone expectantly. During the waiting process, Bei Jingshan The little hands twisted the corners of her clothes unconsciously. The 1-minute ringtone said whether it was long or short. After the ringtone, a mechanical female voice came again. Bei Jingshan had to put down the phone and said in discouragement:

"Why didn't you answer the phone all day? Hey. Then I went to sleep. If Brother Nangong comes back, remember to wake me up tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, I remember." Lili watched the lady go upstairs, then turned around and walked to her room, "She really hopes that the lady and the young master can become a couple!" '

(End of this chapter)

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