Chapter 127 Uneasy II

Going upstairs and standing at the door of her room, Bei Jingshan didn't go in immediately, but turned her head to look at Brother Nangong's bedroom next to her. She couldn't move for a while, and stubbornly picked up the phone again and dialed which one she had already familiarized with. Xin's phone number, the familiar ringtone came again, the difference was that this time, in addition to the sound from the handset, there seemed to be a ringtone coming from Brother Nangong's room.

She was surprised and puzzled at the same time, 'Could it be that Brother Nangong didn't go out, or has he come back?This is impossible, it is impossible for Uncle Deng not to know whether he has returned or not! '

Without thinking too much, he ran forward and pushed open the door of the man's room, and said in a pleasant voice: "Brother Nangong, you..." The door of the room was completely opened, but the room was completely empty. The phone that was not hung up, the flickering screen on the bedside table and the clear ringtone came to my ears.

'It turns out that Brother Nangong didn't answer the phone because he didn't have a phone with him at all! Completely without any hope, Bei Jingshan lowered her head and turned around to go to her own room next to her. The only hope is that she can see Brother Nangong when she opens her eyes tomorrow.

'Ping, bang, bang, bang, bang bang.' It was already past two o'clock in the night, but the sound of things falling to the ground suddenly sounded from time to time in the quiet Nangong house, which was clearer in this quiet night, especially for the fellow For Bei Jingshan on the first floor, she was awakened by this series of noises after she was already a light sleeper.

At the beginning, my eyes were full of confusion. At this point, no one should be working, and the source of these strange sounds seems to be... Brother Nangong's study.

Thinking of this, she immediately threw off the quilt and got out of bed, quickly ran to the door, opened the locked door and walked towards the source of the sound, opened the door and stood in the corridor, the voice became clearer, this time she dared to It is certain that Brother Nangong is back, otherwise, who would dare to make such a big noise in his study so boldly.

Slightly anxious steps stepped forward towards the study, the sound of standing at the door of the study became clearer, a trace of worry and uneasiness surged in her heart, she raised her hand and knocked on the door a few times, But there didn't seem to be any reaction inside, presumably those voices covered his own knocking on the door.

Out of concern for the people inside, Bei Jingshan turned the handle and opened the door to enter, regardless of politeness and impoliteness. The scene that greeted her eyes could not be described in other words except for the word 'random'.She hurriedly looked for the familiar figure in the house, and finally saw the person she had been thinking about for a few days on the sofa by the window.

He lowered his head so that she could not see his situation clearly, carefully avoided the debris on the ground, came to the man, knelt down and called softly: "Brother Nangong, Brother Nangong"

As the man raised his head, she saw clearly that his eyes were red, his cheeks were also slightly red, and the smell of alcohol all over his body made her frown, "Why did he drink like this?" and pulled the man The thug asked worriedly, "Brother Nangong, are you drunk?"

"Drunk? How can I be drunk? Ji Beixing, let me tell you, I, Nangongyi, don't care for women like you. Get out of here and never show up in front of my eyes." The last sentence of the man almost yelled out, accompanied by What's more, he waved away the little hand holding his hand.

This is the first time I saw Brother Nangong getting so angry, and at the same time I was shocked, and at the same time, he was thrown to the ground with all his strength by the man, his eyes met the gaze of the opposite man with aggrieved eyes, something might gather slowly at any time Will burst out. 】

(End of this chapter)

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