Chapter 128 Uneasy Three

"Brother Nangong, I'm Jingshan, I'm not...not her" she got up from the ground and continued to walk towards the man. Seeing his eyes stagnated, she kept looking at her as if trying to see something, she hurriedly and carefully held the man's hand again , the voice became more gentle and coquettish: "Brother Nangong, I am Jingshan."


"Yes, Jingshan, how much have you drunk? Why did you get so drunk? Did someone drive you back? Or did you drive back by yourself? You're already so drunk. It's okay to drive by yourself. Let me see. No injuries."

Bei Jingshan eagerly searched for the man's hands, feet, etc., and finally the man regained a trace of clarity in his mind. After seeing the person in front of him clearly, he pulled him up and hugged him, and buried his head deeply in her neck. Breathing greedily, he kept murmuring: "Jingshan. Jingshan"

"I'm here, I'm here!" After the man's sudden move, Bei Jingshan slowly calmed down, stretched out her arms to hug the man's neck, and gently stroked his back as if comforting with.

At this moment, Bei Jingshan felt extremely happy for a moment, but the man suddenly threw her into the abyss with an indistinct murmur, "Jingshan, she is engaged, she actually chose to be engaged, and the other party is still my good brother, by the way, that is..." Your brother, what shall I do. What shall I do. What shall I do with them?"

At this moment, Bei Jingshan felt cold from head to toe, and the hand stroking the man's back froze, unable to move for a moment, "Do you like her so much already?"Are you already in love with her?But she is my sister-in-law now, what will you do, how will you do it.' At this moment, Jingshan was confused, and there was no other sound in her head except buzzing.

"That's right, she's engaged." After she finished speaking, she obviously felt the arms around her waist increase in strength in an instant, making her almost out of breath, but she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. The sound of pain.

Gradually, she didn't know how long it had passed, Bei Jingshan felt the breathing of the man in her arms gradually became steady, she looked down, and saw that he had closed his eyes, still hugging her tightly like a confused child. Let go, the eyebrows are still tangled in worry.

Looking at the man at this time, her eyes showed a look of pain, and she couldn't hide her heartache. She really wanted to ask why. Why was she, why wasn't she, was she really that bad.

'Well' her thoughts were brought back by the man's groan, fearing that he would not sleep comfortably like this, she tried hard but very carefully to loosen the arms around her waist, and gently put him on the sofa to lie down, next door The room brought a blanket to cover him, and then wiped his face and hands with a specially brought hot towel.

When everything was done, looking at the man who was sleeping comfortably, she got up and was about to go back to the room, but just as she turned around, a big hand grabbed the corner of the pajamas tightly.

"Don't go, don't go. Bei Xing doesn't want to get engaged." Jing Shan, who was planning to stay with him for a while, had deep wounds on her face, tried not to look at his face, raised her big hand to tear off the corner of her clothes, Turning around, he left the door of the study in a depressed mood.

Leaning against the closed study door, Bei Jingshan felt as if her whole body was in an ice cellar, and she was exuding deep sadness from inside to outside. She should have known it a long time ago, since she couldn't get through his phone in the morning, she should have known Yes, but she is not reconciled.

That woman doesn't trust him at all, she is not worthy of Brother Nangong at all, she can't speak anymore at this moment, yes, how to put it clearly, isn't she stuck in it and unable to extricate herself? 】

(End of this chapter)

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