Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 143 The Heart Is Broken 1

Chapter 143
Seeing that she wanted to break free from his hand, Nangong Yi felt displeased for a moment, and pulled back slightly with his hand, the two of them rotated 45 degrees together, and he locked the woman's petite body between himself and the front of the car.

Worried that the woman would use the three-legged cat's kung fu to resist, Nangong Yi even grabbed his two arms and tied them behind her, clasping them tightly.Looking at this scene in the distance, Bei Jingshan saw that the two were embracing each other affectionately, and she couldn't help but her bright eyes flushed slightly, and her white teeth pressed her lower lip firmly to prevent herself from making a sound.

No matter how strong Ji Beixing is, her resistance in front of the man still seems so powerless at this time, "Mr. Nangong, what do you want to do? I'm your brother's fiancee, let me go!"

There was only two fists away from the man's face, and Ji Beixing didn't dare to question him loudly, so he could only speak to him through gritted teeth.When Nangongyi heard her say "I am your brother's fiancee", the coldness in her eyes made the woman's hair stand straight, and she also replied sharply:
"Don't you know what I want to do, Miss Ji?"
Staring, there is no way to go on like this, Ji Beixing took a deep breath, calmed down and looked into his eyes: "Nangongyi, it's impossible for you and me, don't you understand now?"

Hearing a woman call his name, even though he called him directly, the ice on Nangongyi's face seemed to have melted, but her words made his face sink again, and he continued to be straight without saying a word. , Looking at her coldly.

Although there was only a brief contact before, Ji Beixing still knew the stubborn nature of the man in front of him, and he couldn't help sighing, "She is telling the truth, and now every word she says comes from the heart. I didn't get angry.It's really impossible for him and her, not only the second elder of the Ji family won't like him,

More importantly, she found that no matter how happy the person in front of her was with her, his expression was always calm. It was difficult for people to see or even guess what he was thinking. When she was with him all the time, she only felt Endless pressure.

But Jing Jie is completely different, he always greets people with a smile, lives happily and romanticly every day, and is even more careful with women. His parents like him, and she also feels that it is more suitable for her to be with such a man , Isn't this good for everyone! '

After making up his mind and thinking through the relationship, Ji Beixing looked at him with a firm look in his eyes, and his voice was absolutely rational: "Nangongyi, I can't enter your world, and you never thought about it. Let me in, you are only interested in me because you think it is new, think about it carefully, ask yourself, do you really like me? Do you really have a feeling for me?
As for the engagement between me and Jing Jie this time, when you heard the news, did you feel angry because you felt betrayed or because you thought I made the decision to escape you? Have you really thought it through? "

Faced with the woman's repeated but calm questions, it was really difficult to see what was on Nangong Yi's face, but his eyes were deep, and the iron wall holding his hands gradually loosened, and the man seemed to be Really thinking about the topic I just said.

Standing still in front of the car, Ji Beixing moved his body to the side to put some distance away from the man's body. After all, he was really too close just now, so he didn't turn around and leave immediately.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ji Beixing didn't expect that he had already said it so clearly, but this man would still ask this sentence. Now if it wasn't for the man's cold face to suppress her, she really couldn't bear it. He was about to yell, "A dead face is really killing people." Although he couldn't swear, the anger in Ji Beixing's eyes was faintly visible. 】

(End of this chapter)

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