Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 144 The Heart Is Broken 2

Chapter 144

"What do you mean? Nangong Yi, I mean that you don't like me at all, you" Bei Xing suddenly stopped when talking about this season, and didn't continue talking, but tried to open a man's heart in another way: " Jingshan likes you, don't you know?"

Ji Beixing's question was spread far away on the empty mountain, forcing Bei Jingshan, who was standing in the distance, to raise her head when she heard this, "It turns out that everyone has seen that I like Brother Nangong." Yes!But why was he the only one who didn't respond?Could it be that he didn't refuse because he was afraid of hurting her? '

Hearing Ji Beixing's words, Nangong Yi narrowed his eyes unconsciously, looking at the woman's self-righteous look, did she think she knew him well? "Whether Jingshan likes me or not has anything to do with you and me?"

From the beginning to the end, the man kept this dead man's appearance, Ji Beixing was so angry that she really couldn't help but wonder if this man was really a fearsome and decisive young master of the underworld?
"You are really unreasonable" After saying this sentence, the woman turned around and was about to leave, but the man behind her really couldn't figure out what she was thinking, because he had never fallen in love with a woman since he was a child, and the only thing that made him soft-hearted It was only that little man, thinking of that bright smiling face, Nangong Yi panicked.

Then, in order to hide his uneasiness, he grabbed the woman in front of him and shouted with a trace of anger: "I love you, not Jingshan. Not her. I have always loved you, Jingshan, I only treat her It’s my younger sister, it’s impossible for me and her to live forever.”

After yelling this sentence, Nangongyi felt a lot more at ease in his heart. He looked at Ji Beixing with hopeful eyes, hoping that she would respond to his words after hearing these words, but Ji Beixing on the opposite side was just stunned. She was stunned, motionless, she really didn't expect him to yell out such a sentence suddenly.

The people in the distance are completely frightened and stupid. I can’t believe the words that resounded in my ears just now.” Brother Nangong said. He said that he has never liked himself. What he likes is. It is impossible for a lifetime, no possible'

Bei Jingshan bit her lips tightly, trying to stop the tears that were about to shed, but at this moment her heart ached to death, she felt as if her heart had been delayed, it hurt so much, the tears were uncontrollable Like the rain, she seemed to be suffocating immediately. In order not to let the people over there discover her existence, she put her little hand to her mouth and bit it tightly.

Turning around and walking slowly down the mountain, the back is like a doll that has lost its soul, it has no soul at all, it makes people feel distressed.

On the other side, among the two who were still in a stalemate, Ji Beixing came back to her senses, why didn't she feel happy when she heard the man say "I like you", don't women like the feeling of being loved? ?But she found that she really had no other thoughts other than a helpless chill in her heart.

He raised his hand and slowly opened the man's big hand, shaking his head full of disapproval: "Nangong, ask yourself carefully, why don't you understand that the person you like has always been the girl next to you, always It’s all, it’s just that you have never understood that it is love, so you ignored it, if you don’t face your own heart, you will regret it when you lose it. Don’t do things that make yourself regret.” After finishing speaking deeply After glancing at the man, Ji Beixing turned around completely and walked towards the gate of his house. 】

(End of this chapter)

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