Chapter 177
"I haven't seen Jingshan get close to any man in the past few years. Last night's dance was considered a miracle. Why did another handsome guy appear today?"

"Yeah, you guys seem to know them very well!"

"Well, there is adultery. Do you think that Jingshan has become enlightened recently, so peach blossoms have followed her?"

"Yeah. It's a good omen when I come back this semester, very good!" The three of you chatted one sentence at a time, fully gossip about this friend's affairs, euphemistically saying that this is caring for a good friend!

The two of them walked out of the school gate and walked a few hundred meters before arriving in front of the man's parked car, "It's still so flirtatious!" The first time she saw the man's car, the woman gave such a comment.

The man didn't think there was anything wrong with it. When he mentioned his car, he was full of pride. He patted the roof of the car and said arrogantly: "That's right, this is how I am worthy of my master's superb driving skills!"

"Cut..." Bei Jingshan gave him a disdainful look, opened the car door and got in.

Seeing this, Song Wei got excited and argued: "Hey, what do you mean? It's not like you haven't seen my driving skills before! Isn't it good? You enjoyed it very much at that time!"

"Uh..." Hearing the man's last words in the car, Bei Jingshan couldn't help but roll her eyes, "That sentence is very reminiscent, okay?" '

He hurriedly said to the man outside the car: "Hurry up and drive away, stop flirting here, no one knows you, young master!"

Fortunately, this is a foreign country, otherwise what he said just now would have attracted the attention of thousands of people on the street!Song Wei got into the car obediently after hearing the words, and still insisted unwillingly: "If you don't believe in my young master's skills, I will let you take a good look at it some other day!"

This became more and more ambiguous, Bei Jingshan felt her face was going to burn, she looked at him coquettishly and angrily said: "Are you going to drive or not? If you don't go, I'll get out of the car and go home, you can eat by yourself." !"

"Okay, miss, can I still drive? It's really difficult for an old friend to come to see you with such an attitude!"

"You are difficult to serve? You." Speaking of this, Bei Jingshan did not continue, because she was afraid that the man would continue to talk about it, so she just swallowed the sentence "Your whole family is difficult to serve" abruptly. Stomach.

"What are you? You have nothing to say, miss!"

"Hum..." Bei Jingshan turned her head and gave him a sideways look.The man smiled happily as if he had won the battle, started the car and drove forward, "Are you really angry?"

"Hmm." The woman made a face towards him, and then the two couldn't help laughing when they faced each other.

The open roof makes this scene unobtrusively displayed in front of passers-by. One of the men in the back seat of a black Bentley car passing close to the man just saw the woman's pretty appearance, and her cheerful expression He had never seen a smiling face before, so he couldn't help but wonder who this man was?

Although the two cars passed by for a short time, he still looked out the window thoughtfully, without speaking to anyone, he just said: "Check who is the man next to her?"

"Yes, Your Highness." A respectful voice came from the front passenger seat, and then he picked up the phone and explained His Highness's instructions just now. I believe there should be an answer within half an hour.

The two people on the sports car resumed talking and laughing. Listening to the woman's command, Song Wei drove the car to a Chinese restaurant in the south of the city center and stopped. As soon as the car stopped, there were two waiters. The one who stepped forward opened the car door for Bei Jingshan, and the other sat in the driver's seat after the man got out of the car and drove the car to park. 】

(End of this chapter)

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