Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 178 Mysterious Highness

Chapter 178 Mysterious Highness
“There must be something good here!”

"How do you know, have you been here?" Thinking that he often comes here for competitions, has he come here to eat before?

The man turned his head and walked in together with her while looking at her with a smile: "No, but you said that you want to treat yourself to a big meal. It's not good. Why would Miss Beida bring old friends here?"

Now Bei Jingshan really didn't know how to respond to his words, so she could only reply: "Yes, yes, you are smart! Hehe"

Said that the two had already walked to the door of the restaurant, and the welcome guests in the door were also Chinese who opened the door for them, and bowed to welcome them: "Welcome, sir and miss!" Take the two of them inside.

"There is no one in C26, just take us to sit somewhere!" Bei Jingshan said to the people beside her while walking.

At first glance, it was obvious that the woman must be a frequent visitor or would sit there every time she came, so the welcome guest quickly nodded: "Yes, this way please!"

The two sat down at the place Jing Shan had mentioned, and after ordering, Song Wei couldn't help but praise: "Well, this location is good, and the scenery outside is very clear."

"Hmm" "Do you come here often? The food here seems to be very authentic."

"Well, when I have nothing to do, I will come here to taste the local dishes. You won't be disappointed if you try it later."

"Okay, Miss Beida's introduction is definitely not wrong." Although the two of them have met no more than one hand, but I don't know if it's because of their personalities or because they are both of the same age. Come.

"Hey, how many days are you going to stay here for the competition?"

"Well, about three days, what? Don't you want me? Then I can stay for a few more days." The man had an expression of what you said, Bei Jingshan restrained her smile, raised her left hand to touch her arm , "Aversion to cold!"

"Hehe." Then the two laughed at the same time.

On the other side, the black Bentley had just driven into a luxurious gothic pure white two-story villa and stopped in front of the gate of the villa. The person in front immediately got down and opened the door: "Please, Your Highness!"

Then a pair of white casual men's shoes stepped on the ground, followed by slender legs in white trousers, and a pink shirt on the upper body, showing the man's powerful chest muscles loomingly and perfectly.

Walking in, the servant who had already been waiting in the lobby immediately bowed down to greet him: "Hello, Your Highness." Without looking at anyone, the man walked past everyone and walked upstairs to the room.

A dedicated person who had been waiting there saw the person coming, greeted him in a low voice and quickly opened the door, and entered the bedroom. The man continued to walk in and passed through a wall, and the servant behind him quickly stepped forward to open the transparent glass. Door.

This is a large indoor bathroom, but the difference from other bathrooms is not only that this bathroom has a full 70 square meters, but also that the bathroom here is a hot spring bathroom, which of course is artificial.

The misty water vapor filled the whole room. After the two women who followed came in, they stepped forward to remove the man's clothes. When there was only one underwear left, one of them took a towel and wrapped it around the man's waist, and the other Skillfully took off the man's underwear, packed his clothes and respectfully exited the bathroom.

The man walked into the hot spring slowly, leaned on one side, put an ice towel on his face and lay back on his back. Ten minutes later, the door opened again, and the three of them lined up by the bathtub holding towels and clothes with their heads bowed.

After a while, the people in the water opened their eyes and came up. After helping the man dry and put on his clothes in an orderly manner, the man went out directly and went directly to the downstairs hall. A man in a black suit was already there. waiting

Holding a folder in his hand, he leaned over and handed it to the man: "Your Highness, all the information you ordered to investigate is here"]

(End of this chapter)

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