Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 182 High-standard dinner?

Chapter 182 High-standard dinner?

Looking at a woman's smiling face, a man always feels comfortable from the bottom of his heart. Last year, when he left school by car at the gate of the school, he accidentally saw her standing among several blond American girls, looking so petite and cute. The bright smiling face was still fresh in her memory. Later, she specially sent someone to investigate and found out that she was still the school belle of this school.

That afternoon, I accidentally heard someone say that the school belle would go to the evening party, that's why he appeared so abruptly at the party that day. If it wasn't for her, he probably wouldn't have attended those parties until he left the school of.

Just one look at this oriental girl left a deep impression on her.The two were chatting about something when the door of the room was opened. A man in a suit who looked like a manager bowed in the direction of the two of them before entering the door, and then walked in with a few waiters behind him.

After the man entered the door, James looked up at him and then looked away. The man walked to James's entrance and leaned over and said to him respectfully: "Sir, miss, your food is ready, please use it slowly."

"En..." The man looked at Bei Jingshan who was opposite, and only responded lightly to his words, but the standing man seemed to have received a pardon, so he raised his body and nodded to the few people behind him.

Several waiters politely put the tableware and food in front of the two of them one by one. The whole set of etiquette seemed to Bei Jingshan to feel that these waiters were not ordinary waiters, with a kind of... He was a little puzzled by the indescribable extravagance. Are all the waiters in this store of such a high standard?Why didn't she find out before?
After a few people had arranged the food, the man on the opposite seat looked at her with a smile and said, "Jingshan, try it and see if it suits your appetite!"

The "good" woman nodded noncommittally, picked up the knife and fork on the table and began to divide the food on the plate.

Seeing her cut a small piece of steak into that bright red mouth with his own eyes, and a satisfied smile slowly appeared on his face, he nodded happily and picked up the knife and fork.

This is when the manager standing on the side nodded in the direction of the door, and saw the waiter at the door open the door. Two tall and uniform beauties in black clothes with slanted shoulders and long skirts slowly walked towards them. Standing still two and a half meters away from the dining table, he gave a slight salute to the two of them and then put the white violin in his hand on his shoulder.

Judging from that posture, it should be for their dinner accompaniment. It is not uncommon to see such an occasion in China, so Bei Jingshan just glanced at the two beauties appreciatively, then turned her head to meet the man's eyes, showing a slight sweetness With a sweet smile, he began to eat his own food without saying a word.

The man on the opposite side liked the woman's performance more and more, "She is a talented girl in the music department, she should like the violin quite a bit!" Thinking in this way, the man nodded to the two not far away, and the two beauties put their right hands on the violins on their shoulders, and within two seconds, the melodious music poured out as the violins were pulled.

'Well, as expected of a violinist in a big restaurant, this violin can even catch up with a major music student like her! '

The two of them ate the meal very slowly. Although they didn't talk much, it could be seen that they both had a good time.The two violinists only played two tunes before leaving the private room, including the manager.

There were only the two of them left in the private room again, the woman had almost eaten, she put down the scoop of ice cream she was eating, wiped the corners of her mouth with the square towel on her knees and raised her head, this is when the person opposite also put down the ice cream in her hand Cutlery: "Is the meal okay?"

The man is also well-bred, and he can't talk when eating. At this time, both of them put down the tableware, so he asked.Seeing his big eyes bent, she smiled ladylikely: "Well, thank you for your hospitality, Ricky"]

(End of this chapter)

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