Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 183 Can You Be My Female Companion?

Chapter 183 Can You Be My Female Companion?
"Just as long as you like it." Looking at her smiling face, he knew that his decision was correct.

"Ricky, do you often come here to eat?" Bei Jingshan asked seriously while looking at the man with big eyes blinking.

Not knowing why she asked this question, James still had a soft smile on his face: "Well, it's okay, it's just a familiar smell, so I often come here for a sit-down."

"Oh, the service in this restaurant is really good!" Hearing that the man squinted his eyes and looked at the woman opposite him carefully through the gap, he wasn't sure if she saw something or said something unintentionally, so he observed for a while. After a while, he didn't notice anything unusual, and then the man nodded in response and said, "Yes, that's why I like to come and sit and enjoy it!"

"Well, I agree, I like this restaurant!" Bei Jingshan sighed and directly expressed her inner feelings.

The man was naturally happy to hear her say that, so he suggested unconsciously: "Then we will come here often, shall we?"

"Okay." Bei Jingshan didn't listen to what he had to say, she just thought that what the man said was that if she liked it, she could come here often, so she followed it up.But the man didn't think so, seeing her agreeing, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Looking at the person opposite for a while, suddenly the man couldn't help but shouted again: "Jing Shan, can I ask you one thing?"

"What's the matter? Tell me, as long as I can do it"

"Well, you can definitely do this." Seeing how sure the man was and how familiar your smiling face was, she just nodded and didn't interrupt, expressing that she was listening carefully again.

"Can you be my female companion on the tenth of next month?"

"Be your female companion?" Bei Jingshan thought he would say something, but it turned out to be this matter, but why did she suddenly have such a request?
"Is there any memorable day next month?" She tilted her head and met the eyes of the person opposite, with a faint smile on her face.

There was a bright smile on the face of the man's eyes, but there was a flash of deep meaning in his eyes, followed by a touch of affirmation as if he had made a decision, but the people on the other side didn't see it.

"Nothing, just a birthday party"

"Oh, whose birthday can I find out now?" Seeing her asking the bottom line, curious about the baby, a look of unnaturalness flashed across the man's face, of course it was only a short-lived thing, and he just smiled like that Still no intention of speaking.

Seeing this, Bei Jingshan gradually had a premonition in her heart. They all said that the woman's premonition was very accurate. She stretched out her hand with [-]% certainty and [-]% doubt to ask him, "Could it be... your birthday? Isn't it you? Happy birthday, Ricky!"

"Well," the man finally nodded and admitted in her eyes.

"So it really is! Um... But don't you need to ask your girlfriend to be your female companion for your birthday?"

"Girlfriend?" The man looked at him and asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, yeah, girlfriend. Don't tell me you don't have a girlfriend yet"

"Yeah." The man nodded.Now it's Bei Jingshan's turn to be suspicious, it's not that she doesn't believe it, she just can't believe it. "So handsome, why doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

She originally thought so in her heart, who knew that she said it inadvertently, and after she finished speaking, she realized that it was too late to cover her mouth now, so she looked at the man with some embarrassment.

James didn't care, because he didn't understand what she was saying? ? ?There is another chapter, the codeword that is working hard!Wait for a while to refresh and see. 】

(End of this chapter)

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