Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 186 Your Highness?Identity Exposure 1

Chapter 186 Your Highness?identity exposure one
After all, Ricky is the protagonist today, and the two of them said a few more words to his parents, and Ricky took her to entertain other guests. How can she be his girlfriend today!
After he walked around, Bei Jingshan couldn't help asking: "Ricky, why are most of the people who came to the birthday party from political circles? Isn't your family in business? Oh, look at your father." The majestic appearance of the land, is your family engaged in politics? Right?"

Looking at the woman's curious eyes, James had no intention of hiding anything when he brought her here today, and nodded with a smile, "Well, but."

When he was about to confess his identity to her, the housekeeper who had been away for a long time came behind them again, and asked respectfully: "Master, madam said that the banquet will start soon, please go to the front stage."

Looking deeply at the woman in front of him, the man's eyes showed a hint of helplessness, but he was slightly relieved thinking that he would definitely confess his identity to her tonight, so let's confess to her later.

Nodding to the person behind him, "Yes, I see."

"Jingshan, are you tired? Do you want to sit down and rest for a while?" Knowing that the banquet is about to begin, he must be busy with a lot of things as today's birthday star, so Bei Jingshan shook her head sensiblely and said: " No, I'm not tired, let's go, I'll accompany you to the front!"

After hearing her words, the smile on the man's face became brighter, "Well, okay."

When they just walked to the round stage in the hall, a young woman who looked like a host was already on the stage with a microphone ready. Maybe seeing them approaching, the woman said:
"Dear men, ladies, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the birthday party of His Royal Highness James Ricky, the James family, tonight. I believe tonight will be an unforgettable night. Here, let us raise our glasses together, happy birthday to His Royal Highness James. !"

"Happy birthday" after the host's voice fell, the audience resounded with loud congratulations.But at this moment, Bei Jingshan only had those two words that the host uttered in her mind, 'Your Highness?Your Highness?he'

Looking up at the man in front of him with deep surprise in his eyes, his lips twitched slightly, because the sound of the scene was so loud that the woman's murmur was almost drowned out, but the man beside him still heard it The two words she murmured caused panic to flash in her eyes, then she calmed down and looked back at the woman, her eyes staring at each other without blinking.

Receiving the sincerity in the man's eyes, Bei Jingshan quickly came back to her senses and saw that the people around her raised their wine glasses after the voice fell. She also quickly took two glasses of wine from the silver plate held by the waiter standing behind her. , a cup was handed to the man.

At this time, although the matter exceeded his expectations, James knew the seriousness of the matter. It was not the time to explain anything at this time. He raised his wine glass and nodded to the people around him, then turned around and gently touched the wine glass in the woman's hand. Touch it, and drink it up in one gulp.

When everyone finished drinking their glasses of wine, the female voice on the stage sounded again: "Let us welcome His Highness to the stage with warm applause and say a few words to everyone."

There were clapping applause, Bei Jingshan slowly let go of the man's arm, raised her head and met his eyes looking at her, she still smiled back.

Suddenly the man leaned over and chuckled three words in her ear: "Trust me." He straightened up and looked at her with sincere eyes before walking towards the stage in front of him.There will be another chapter in a while, which can be regarded as adding more, thank you for your support! 】

(End of this chapter)

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