Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 187 Your Highness?Identity Exposure 2

Chapter 187 Your Highness?Identity Exposure II
Then there was a scene, thank you for coming to the banquet and so on. Although she didn't listen to it, Bei Jingshan still played the role of female companion very well, and looked at the people on the stage with a smile, without knowing it. Everyone would think that she was listening very seriously, but the people on the stage could tell at a glance that she was distracted, and felt a little flustered in their hearts.

After saying a few more words casually in a hurry, he stepped off the stage and returned to her side.When he stepped off the stage, he specifically asked the host to reverse the order of the banquet, and then the host announced the beginning of the next dance.

The first dance was of course Shou Xing and her partner leading the dance, because she had something to say to her. When the music sounded, the man eagerly grabbed the woman's little hand and walked towards the central stage.

Originally, this was the duty of a dance partner, so Bei Jingshan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. She followed the man to the dance floor, and the two embraced and started the first dance.

After the first eight beats of the dance steps, the man finally couldn't wait to speak: "Jingshan." There was a hint of uneasiness in the voice.

The woman still looked at him with a smile on her face, which made him even more uneasy, and hurriedly said again: "Jingshan, I didn't mean to hide my identity."

The woman still had no intention of speaking, so he had no choice but to continue, "My true identity is a descendant of the former German royal family. Although the royal family is gone now, for some special reasons I am the designated successor, so they will Call me Your Highness."

Finally explaining his identity clearly, the man breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.After listening to what he said, the smile on Bei Jingshan's face didn't decrease or increase, and she only asked one sentence: "Then your name... Is it true that your name is concealed?"This is the only question in Bei Jingshan's heart right now.

"No, the name is real. The royal family is no longer there, but the name remains."

"Oh" the woman replied half understanding.

"Jingshan, you...?" Worried that she would be angry with him, James was eager to say something, but Bei Jingshan stopped him and said softly:
"Ricky, you concealed something before, that's why you have a special status, I don't mean to blame you, and"

Hearing that she wasn't angry, the man's face returned to a bright smile: "And what?" He hurriedly asked following her unfinished words.

"And you're James Ricky anyway, aren't you my friend?"

"Yes, yes, of course"

"Isn't that good? I'm still Bei Jingshan, and you're still the James Ricky I know."

"Yes, what you said is right." After hearing the woman's words, the big stone in his heart completely fell. In the eyes of outsiders, the two looked at each other deeply with affection, dancing very well.

Beside a long buffet table on the side of the hall, there is a big pillar. At this time, a professional high-definition camera 'Kakaka' protrudes from behind the pillar. After taking several photos in a row, a black shadow flashes by. It's so fast that people just think they are dazzled.

Holding the camera in his arms, Hei Ying dodged left and right, dexterously avoided all the cameras in the villa, knocked lightly on a door at the corner of the corridor on the right three times, pushed the door open and dodged in.

At this time, there was a person sitting behind the sofa facing the man in the room. The hair style should be a woman. Sure enough, after the man came in, there was a soft but stern female voice from the sofa: "Everything is fine." Did you catch it?" Note: the place where the banquet is held is not the same place where Ricky lives!In addition, this is the end of today, thank you everyone, I have time to cast a vote, hehe, good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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