Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 193 Ricky's Mommy Wants to See Her

Chapter 193 Ricky's Mommy Wants to See Her
Seeing that the time is still very early, thinking that she was tired all day yesterday, so he didn't want to but had to say to the person on the phone: "Go and catch up on sleep, it's still early, I'll give you some time later Call up."

"Well, okay" Hanging up the phone, Bei Jingshan threw the phone aside with a big heart, and sank into the soft sofa, "Huh?It seems that I can't fall asleep again! '

Hey, then don't sleep, since you wake up, make yourself a hearty breakfast, don't be shocked, this little heart is trembling with fright all day long!
After saying that, he acted immediately, went back to the room, changed into home clothes, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and then reappeared in the living room refreshed, and walked straight to the small kitchen on the side. sound.

It's like a free song played at will, while humming the little song, I fry eggs for myself without idleness, and two slices of bread are toasted in the toaster.

Just when she was done, when she was putting the eggs into the plate, the doorbell rang suddenly, "Who could it be this early in the morning?" I couldn't guess who it was, the woman I had no choice but to put down the spatula in my hand, washed my hands, and then walked towards the door.

Looking at the people outside through the cat's eyes, a woman in black with no expression on her face (she was just wearing a black suit!) stood outside the door, staring at the door of her house. She felt that this woman seemed to be It was as if she was looking at herself through the eyes of a cat, and the thought made her shudder.

Then he stretched out his hand and opened the door, looked at the woman outside the door with a mild expression and asked, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Seeing the door open, the woman in black outside seemed to be a bodyguard to be precise, because there were several such women in black in her house. She lowered her head first, as if saluting, and then straightened up and looked at her:
"You are Miss Bei Jingshan, please come for me, our wife wants to see you!"

"Meet me? Your wife? Who is your wife? Do I know you?" A series of questions were directly thrown at the opposite person. Fortunately, they are all well-trained people. They looked at her and replied:
"It is the mother of your friend His Royal Highness James -- Mrs. James Mayoweth Ayre"

'Ok?It turned out to be Ricky's mommy, so why did she want to meet herself?Could it be.' He looked down at his clothes, then looked at the woman outside and smiled and invited: "Yes, but I need to change clothes. Come in and sit down first, wait for me for a while!"

"No need, I'll just wait for the lady outside." Bei Jingshan knows a little about their upbringing, let alone a royal bodyguard like this, since he insists on it, she can't say anything more. With a nod of the head, he closed the door and went back to the house.
After entering the bedroom, I chose a more formal white knee-length dress in the closet, with a pair of medium-heeled high heels underneath, and a rose-red knee-length fashion jacket on the outside. Her hair was naturally draped behind her and on her shoulders. Looking fresh and yet noble, he carried a small white Chanel handbag before heading out the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a woman standing straight outside the door, "You really did your duty!"If she was allowed to stand like that for a while, her whole body would be paralyzed'

As if thinking too far, he closed the door behind him and said to the person by the door: "Miss in black, we can go now."

'Miss in black? 'Hearing this address, the female bodyguard still didn't respond at all, and bent over her to lead the way. 】

(End of this chapter)

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