Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 194 The Royal Woman

Chapter 194 The Royal Woman

'Miss in black? 'Hearing this address, the female bodyguard still didn't respond at all, and bent over her to lead the way.

The two took the elevator and went downstairs one after another. When they walked out of the door of the apartment, they saw a black car parked outside the door.The woman took two steps forward and opened the car door: "Miss, please"

After she sat down, the car door closed and the woman in black sat down in the front passenger seat, the driver started the car and drove the car forward.

The car didn't drive for long, about ten to twenty minutes, then stopped, got out of the open car door, looked up at the destination, eyes narrowed involuntarily, "So it's here, this Wasn't it the same German restaurant where she and Ricky had dined last time?Is this restaurant also theirs?Forehead?As if nothing is impossible? '

She didn't guess right this time, but this restaurant is indeed related to the James family of the German royal family. The chef of this restaurant used to be the chief chef of the German royal family, but he has just been promoted from the position of royal chef in the past few years. After stepping down, he chose to open a restaurant here, and only a few people knew the true identity of the chef behind it.

It's just that since James came to the United States to study in the past few years, the chef has secretly taken over the responsibility of taking care of His Royal Highness's food, and here also specially sent a steward and several well-trained servants from the royal family to serve them specially. When they were eating that day, Bei Jingshan felt that there were a few waiters who were different and more refined.

He took a step forward and walked towards the gate of the restaurant, followed by the female bodyguard in black. When they came to the restaurant, they were invited to a separate luxury private room.

The door opened, and Bei Jingshan inspected the room and saw a lady sitting on the sofa beside her. She was just like the one she saw at the banquet last night. She was gentle and generous, but she was overpowering. In high royal air.

But the little girl didn't care about this at all, she just took out the best upbringing she had received since she was a child, and came to the woman's side with her two little hands folded between her legs, bent at 45 degrees, and said hello softly: "Auntie, hello!"

The voice is gentle and generous, and the etiquette is very in place. From the smile to the manner, people can't find any faults.Mrs. James's eyes flashed with admiration, and the corner of her mouth curled up into a faint smile and she said to the little man who lowered her head, "Well, Miss Bei, please sit down!"

"Auntie can just call me Jingshan." After finishing speaking, she nodded again and then sat down on the sofa opposite the woman, sitting on a third of the sofa, with her legs gently close together and slightly inclined, a series of After the smooth movements, the admiration in James' eyes gradually turned into a tinge of satisfaction.

"Haven't you had breakfast yet, and I haven't eaten either? I just invite Jingshan to join you." At the invitation of her aunt, Bei Jingshan took a sip of the coffee in front of her and didn't speak casually, because she knew that the woman across from her called her to come. The reason is definitely not as simple as that caused by dullness, after all, they have only met once, and there is nothing familiar with them.

Just as soon as he put down the coffee cup, the person on the other side spoke casually, with a tone that seemed to be chatting: "Jingshan, you know all the reports this morning, right?"

That tone was clearly affirmative, so could she still answer that she didn't know, nodding her head and giving a soft "hmm".

The woman nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then what do you think?"

'idea?What's the meaning? Bei Jingshan really didn't understand. Although she guessed that Ricky's mother asked her to come here to talk about something reported in the newspaper today, she really didn't listen to the question she asked now. understand?

Note: @朋友的重装&复不不得reader, the plot is confiscated, Nangong will only appear tomorrow, that, huh, tomorrow, it will definitely appear tomorrow, make up for your regrets and add another chapter today.I read every message carefully, everyone, please leave a paw after reading the book! 】

(End of this chapter)

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