Health Guide Cheats

Chapter 1 Teachings

Chapter 1 Teachings

"Shen Nong Jing" says: Those who eat grains are wise and intelligent; those who eat stones are fat and immortal (refining five stones);Therefore, those who eat medicine are juxtaposed with the sky, the sun and the moon. "Hunyuan Dao Jing" said: The god of grain is immortal (He Shanggong said: Gu, nourishes it, and if it can nourish the spirit, it will not die. God is the god of the five internal organs. The liver stores the soul, the lungs store the soul, the heart stores the spirit, the kidney stores the essence, and the spleen stores Zhi. When the five viscera are completely injured, the five gods will go away), which is called Xuanmu (the way of saying immortality lies in Xuanmu. Xuan, heaven and earth, the sky is the nose of man; the man is the earth, and the earth is the mouth of man. Heaven eats people with five qi, It enters from the nose and hides in the heart. The five qi are clear and subtle, which are spirit, intelligence, sound, and five natures. The ghost is called the soul, and the soul is male. It enters and exits the human nose and communicates with heaven, so the nose is mysterious. , entering through the mouth and storing in the stomach. The five flavors are turbid and sluggish, and they are bones, flesh and blood, blood vessels, and six emotions. The ghost is called the soul, and the soul is female, and it enters and exits through the mouth and communicates with the earth, so the mouth is a female).The gate of Xuanmin is the root of heaven and earth (the root, the original. The gate of the nose and mouth is where the vitality of heaven and earth comes and goes).If it is continuous (nose and mouth breathing should be continuous and subtle, if it can be preserved, if it is not there), use it not diligently (use the breath should be relaxed, not rush and hard). "Hunyuan Tao Te Ching" says: Birth (meaning that lust comes from the five internal organs. The soul is fixed and calm, so life is born) and death (meaning lust enters the chest. The spirit is scattered and confused, so death is also), there are three out of ten people who live. , there are three out of ten dead people (talking about life and death, there are three out of ten each, which are called nine orifices and four gates. In life, the eyes do not see in vain, the ears do not hear in vain, the nose does not smell in vain, the mouth does not speak in vain, and the hands do not Holding on indiscriminately, feet do not act indiscriminately, and essence does not apply indiscriminately; death is also the opposite).There are three times out of ten people who live and move will die (people want to live and move, but three times out of ten people will die).Husband why?It is too thick to survive (so those who move the dead place, because of their too strong life to survive. Going a long way against the sky, acting recklessly and breaking discipline).Gai Wen said that those who are good at maintaining life will not encounter tigers when traveling on land, will not be armored when entering the army, will not throw their horns at anything, tigers will not know what to do with their claws, and soldiers will have nothing to hold their blades.Husband why?Because it has no death (it is because it does not commit the death of three out of ten).

"Zhuangzi·Health Preservation Chapter" says, my life also has a limit (Xiang Xiu said: Life is endowed, each has its extreme), but wisdom also has no limit (Ji Kang said: If you don't think about it, you desire, and your sex moves; Sensation is the use of wisdom. Those who are sexually active will have nothing to spare when they meet things.

The troubles of the old world always lie in intellectual difficulty, not in sexual activity).If you follow the boundless with the limit, you will be done (Guo Xiang said: with a limited nature, if you seek the wisdom of being boring, you will be safe and not troubled)!Those who have become wise are already in peril (Xiang Xiu said: those who are already trapped in wisdom, and are rescued by wisdom, are in peril).Zhuangzi said: Those who realize the emotion of life should not do anything about life. There is no limit and there is no limit).Those who fulfill their destiny do not care about what their wisdom can do.

"Liezi" said: When young, one does not work hard, when one is strong, one does not compete, when one grows up one is in poverty, and when one is old one has few desires.A leisurely mind and a healthy body are the best way to keep in good health. "Liezi" said: The news of the surplus and deficiency of one body is connected to the heaven and the earth, and should be related to all kinds (Zhang Zhan said: Humans communicate with Yin and Yang).Harmony at the beginning and end with harmony.Calming the mind and extinguishing thoughts is the way of life (if you are always in harmony, your mind will not disperse).

"Hunyuan Miaozhen Jing" says: People often lose their way, and people who do not follow the way lose people.People often go to birth, not to people.Therefore, those who preserve health, be careful not to lose the way; those who follow the way, be careful not to lose life.Make Tao and life guard each other, and life and Tao protect each other. "Huang Lao Jing Xuan Shi" said: The way of heaven is transformed, and it is infinite with all things.Humanity transforms, body and spirit die.Turning the spirit to apply the essence, the essence is exhausted so it declines, the form is born with essence, and the essence is born from the spirit.Don't use life to give, so you can be in harmony with heaven; don't be deified, so you can be in the same style as Tao. "Xuan Shi" said: Those who use form to dissect corpses, the spirit and form are separated, the two are not in harmony, so they are like flying birds, which enter the sea and become clams, and follow the seasons and autumns of yin and yang.Those who are transformed into air can be expected to live; those who are transformed into form are very fearful.Yan Junping's "Lao Zi Zhi Gui" says: Wandering the mind in emptiness and tranquility, concentrating on subtlety, worrying about non-desires, and concentrating on inaction.Therefore, it can achieve life and prolong life, and stay with Tao for a long time. "Da You Jing" said: "Those who doubt it may say that it starts from nothing outside, and finally receives qi from yin and yang, carries shape and soul in heaven and earth, and grows from food and breath."And there are fools and wisdom, strong and weak, life and death.God, man?The interpreter said: If the body is born with stupidity and wisdom, it is heaven; for the strong and weak, it is human.Heaven is natural, humanity is itself.At the beginning, the fetal qi is full, born with a surplus of milk and food, long and lacking in taste, strong and sensual, strong and long-lived; at the beginning of fetal qi exhaustion, born with insufficient milk and food, long-term and full of taste, strong and free-spirited Those who are weak and die.The growth is full, and with guidance and support, the years are immeasurable. "Tao Ji" says: Human beings have long or short lives, which are not natural. They are all caused by carelessness in the body, poor diet, excessive sexual immorality, disobedience to yin and yang, failure to guard the soul and spirit, exhaustion of life, and the emergence of all kinds of diseases. End of life. "He Tu Di Shi Meng" says: Those who insult the weather are bad; those who follow the weather are good.In spring and summer, Leshan is high, and in autumn and winter, it is low and deep. "Luo Shu·Bao Yu Ming" said: The ancient people's prescription for curing diseases is to use sweet springs to moisten vitality, and the medicine is neither pungent nor bitter, sweet and multi-flavored.

Often can take it, body fluid flows to the five internal organs, is tied to the heart and lung, and there is no trouble for life. "Confucius's Family Sayings" says: Those who eat meat are brave and fierce (tigers, wild wolves, etc.), those who eat Qi are gods and live long (immortals and tortoises are also), those who eat grains are wise and die (humans), and those who do not eat are immortal And God (directly breathing without thinking).

It is said: Omnivores are favored by all kinds of diseases and evil spirits. The less they eat, the more open their hearts are, and the better their years will be.The more you eat, the colder your heart will be, and the worse your life will be.Ma Tan of the Taishi Company said: The spirit of the husband is the foundation of life, and the form is the tool of life.If the spirit is greatly used, it will be exhausted, and if the form is greatly used, it will die.The premature aging of the spirit, the desire to be with the world for a long time, is unheard of.The reason why people live is the god; what the god entrusts is the shape.If the god form is parted, it will die, the dead cannot be resurrected, and the departed cannot return.Therefore, it is the sage who values ​​it.The way of keeping a husband's health, some have all led the way, but those who have failed to understand it, but every time they think against the vulgar, they will secretly practice and win, and they will get more than half of the success.Those who are interested, don't you pay attention? "Little You Jing" says: think less, read less, desire less, do less things, talk less, laugh less, worry less, be happy less, be happy less, anger less, be kind less, and hate less.

Doing this twelve young masters is the capital of health preservation.Too much thinking can lead to mental distress, too much thinking can make the mind loose, too much desire can damage the mind, too many things can make the body tired, too much talking can cause qi contention, too much laughing can hurt the internal organs, too much worry can make the heart frightened, too much joy can make the mind overflow, too much joy can cause If you forget mistakes and become confused, if you are too angry, your pulse will be unstable;If these twelve excesses are not removed, it is the root of death.Not many, almost real people.Those who plan to be extravagant and lazy live long, those who are diligent and diligent die, it is also the difference between letting go.

Tian Fushou, anointed Liangyao, has the experience of having less and more desires.There are fewer illnesses among scholars, more illnesses among wanderers, and the difference between complicated and simple affairs.Therefore, ordinary people compete for profit, but Taoists rarely camp.

Hu Zhao said: "I don't want to look at injustice, I don't want to hear ugly words, I don't want to smell bad smells in my nose, I don't want to taste poisonous thorns in my mouth, and I don't want to conspire against deceitful things. This is an insult to God." loss of life.It also sighs in the usual way, and screams in the morning and night, and it is also evil when doing right.Ordinary people can't have no desires, and they can't have nothing to do.But when you have peace of mind and less thoughts, calm your body and donate your worries, first get rid of chaotic gods and offend your nature, this is the skill of miserly gods. "Huang Ting Jing" said: "The clear water of the Yuchi pond is used to irrigate the spiritual roots, and the cultivation can last forever."It's called natural diet.The natural one is the Huachi; the Huachi is the saliva in the mouth.If you breathe like the law and swallow it, you will not be hungry. "Laojun Yin's Internal Interpretation" says: The saliva gathers into a sweet spring, gathers into a jade pulp, flows into a Huachi, disperses into a fine float, and descends into nectar.Therefore, the mouth is Huachi, and there is a sweet spring in it. Swish and swallow it, irrigate the viscera and moisten the body, smooth all the veins, transform and nourish the gods, branch and joint the hair, and grow from it. The "Chinese Classic" says: Those who are quiet live long, and those who are restless will die. If they are quiet, they cannot nourish and shorten their lifespan; if they are restless, they can nourish and prolong their lives.However, quietness is easy to resist, but impetuosity is difficult.Raise them smoothly, and those who are suitable can be raised even if they are quiet, and they can also be raised when they are restless.

Han Rongyuan said: "Wine is the flower of the five grains, the taste is the best, and it can also harm people."However, beautiful things are difficult to pass but easy to pass, so we should be cautious about cultivating our nature.Shao Zhongzhan said: Five grains fill the body, but they cannot prolong life; hundreds of medicines treat diseases and prolong life, but they are not satisfied.Those who fill the flesh with sweet mouth are treasured by ordinary people; those who taste bitter and prolong life are treasured by Taoists. "Su Wen" said: The Yellow Emperor asked Qi Bo: I heard that people in ancient times were a hundred years old and their movements did not decline (that is, their blood and energy are still flourishing). Today's people are half a hundred years old, and their movements are all declining. The times are different. , Will people lose?Qi Bo said: People in ancient times, those who knew, ruled Yin and Yang, harmonized with Shushu (the method of intercourse in the house), had restraint in diet, restraint in daily life, and did not act rashly, so they could be in shape and spirit, and live their lives forever. , live over a hundred years old.Today's people are not the same. They use wine as a syrup, and delusions as a habit. They enter the house when they are drunk, use their desire to exhaust their essence, and use their lust to dissipate their truth.If you don't know how to be full, if you don't know how to control the gods, be quick to your heart.Swimming in yin and yang, living without festivals and limits, so half a hundred will decline.The old gentleman said: The life span is limited to a hundred years, and those who protect it can be up to a thousand years old, like ointment with small sticks and big ears.Everyone speaks loudly but I whisper, everyone is annoying but I remember little, everyone is violent but I am not angry.If you don't get tired of personnel affairs, don't cultivate official careers, be indifferent and do nothing, be complacent, and think of the medicine of immortality, no one in the world knows it.There is no sense of darkness, no understanding of human feelings; no sense of ignorance, the god sees the human form.Heartfelt whispers, ghosts hear people's voices.If you commit a thousand crimes, you will receive human form.People who are good for yang will be repaid by auspicious people; people who are good for yin will be repaid by ghosts and gods.Human beings are yang and evil, and thieves rule them; people are yin and evil, and ghosts and gods rule them.Therefore, the sky does not deceive people, it uses shadows based on its evidence; the earth does not deceive people, it uses its shadows based on its evidence.The old gentleman said: People who cultivate goodness and accumulate virtue but encounter evil disasters will suffer from the disasters of their ancestors.

Those who break the ban and do evil but meet their blessings will be honored by their ancestors. "Famous Physician's Discussion of Diseases" says: People in the world will not live to the end of their lives, and those who die young are all out of self-cherishing, angrily striving to do their best, inviting fame and fortune, and gathering poison to attack the gods.Injury bone marrow internally, derogate muscles externally.The blood energy will disappear, the meridians will be crowded, the flesh will be empty, and only the disease will be caused, the righteous energy will decline day by day, and the evil energy will increase day by day.It's the same as lifting the Cangbo to pour the fire into the fire, and the Hualing is decaying and the trickle is broken.It's easy to speak, even better than here.Peng Zu said: The way is not to be troubled, but you can not think about clothes, food, sound, color, victory, loss, loss, gain, glory, and humiliation. Not working hard, not extreme in shape, constantly guiding, breathing in, and resting in the fetus, you can get a thousand years old.Those who want to live forever.When taking medicine.Zhong Changtong said: "Agitate the six emotions and five natures, have the mind but not think it, have the mouth but not speak it, have the body but not calm it down."To be able to move in peace, to enjoy it but not to love it, to use it as a picture, without knowing the benefits of the day, or the change of things.Among them, Pengzu and Laodan, the concubines are almost the same.Why does he have the same kind of life as human beings and a different life span?Chen Jiyuan Fang said: All kinds of diseases can cause premature death, most of them are caused by diet.The problem of eating and drinking is too sensual.Sensuality can last for more than a year, food and drink cannot be neglected for a day.There are many benefits, and there are many harms (more will hurt, less will gain).Zhang Zhanyun: Anyone who escapes the noble power, even if he is not bewitched by evil spirits, will suffer from internal mental injuries and will die physically (it is not an external invasion of evil spirits, but he is directly fried in ice coal, and he vomits blood from the collapse).If you start to get rich and then become poor, even if you are not bewitched by evil spirits, your skin will burn and tendons will appear, and you will become sprained (wealth and poverty are more important than power, so the rash damages the body and bones).Movement is better than cold, stillness is better than heat, it can be both dynamic and static, so it can live longer.Essence and qi are quiet, and it is in harmony with the Tao.Zhuangzi said: A real person does not dream when he sleeps.Shen Ziyun: Those who have nothing to do during the day have no dreams at night.Daoren Zhang is in his hundreds and dozens of years, and he is very young and strong.Cloud: The way of cultivating one's nature is not to walk for a long time, sit for a long time, lie down for a long time, see for a long time, and listen for a long time.Don't force food and drink, don't be too intoxicated, don't be too sad, don't be too sad, this so-called can neutralize.Those who can neutralize will have a long life. "The Book of Immortals" says: My fate is in my own hands.But fools can't know that this way is the essence of life, so those who cause all kinds of diseases and wind evils are all due to wanton and extreme emotions, without self-pity, so they are vain and life-threatening.For example, a rotten tree will break when it encounters the wind; a bank that is about to collapse will collapse before the water.If you can't take medicine today, but you know the essence of love, you will have a life of 200 years.Zhang Zhan's "Health Preservation Collection" narrates: The main points of health preservation are: the first is the god of miserliness, the second is love, the third is nourishment, the fourth is guidance, the fifth is speech, the sixth is diet, the seventh is sex, and the eighth is anti-custom , the ninth is medicine, and the tenth is taboo.In the past, righteousness can be omitted.

Taoist Qingniu said: People do not want to be happy, and those who are happy will not live long.But don't be strong, do what you can, lift weights to attract the strong, dig the ground and work hard, tirelessly and endlessly, so that the muscles and bones are exhausted.However, toil is better than pleasure.It is quick to be able to do something from day to night, and to keep it going, but when you feel that you need to rest, and do it again, this is no different from guiding.The husband's flowing water does not rot, and the household pivot is immortal, because of his labor.There is no need to sit or lie down when you are full, but if you want to walk, you can take it easy.No, it will cause people to suffer from accumulated diseases that will not disappear, as well as numbness of the hands and feet, and a dull face, which will definitely damage the life expectancy.Huangfulong asked Qingniu Taoist (Qingniu Taoist, surnamed Junda), the principle of nourishing nature, which can be applied roughly, saying: physical desire is always laborious, appetite is often less, there is no excessive labor, and there is no excessive deficiency.Eliminate obesity, reduce saltiness and acidity, reduce worry, donate joy and anger, eliminate chasing, and be careful about the house.Emperor Wu worked.Peng Zu said: Although people don't know how to receive qi, they can nourish it properly, and they can live to 120 years old.Those who do not get this will all be hurt.Xiao Fu Xiaodao, can be 240 years old.If you add medicine slightly, you will be 480 years old (Ji Kang also said: If you guide and nourish properly, you can live a thousand years at the top, and a hundred years at the bottom).Peng Zu said: The way to maintain longevity is not to hurt it.Husband is warm in winter and cool in summer, without losing the harmony of the four seasons, so it is suitable for the body.

Peng Zu said: "Heavy clothes and thick mattresses, the body does not work hard, and the disease is caused by wind and cold."Strong flavor preserved meat, drunk and tired of eating, resulting in the disease of coalescence.The beauty is alluring, and the concubine's family is full of houses, which leads to the disaster of depletion.The obscene and lamenting sounds are pleasing to the ear, leading to the confusion of waste.Galloping and sightseeing, hunting wilderness, so that the loss of madness.

To seek victory, to take advantage of the weak and create chaos, resulting in arrogant defeat.Covering the sages may be unreasonable.However, tools for keeping in good health are like water and fire, so don’t get out of place, otherwise it will harm your ears.Peng Zu said: People don't know that taking medicine directly will cause damage, blood and energy will be insufficient, flesh will be empty and empty, and the brain and brain will not be strong.Therefore, it is committed by foreign objects, and the wind, cold and wine color are used to send out the ears.If the book is full, is it sick?The immortal said: There is no crime greater than adultery, no disaster greater than greed, and no blame greater than slander.These three are the car of disaster, the small ones endanger the body, and the big ones endanger the family.If you want to prolong the life of a young and sick person, you should not apply sperm, or you will die young; don’t warm up the bone marrow; don’t get cold, you will hurt your muscles; don’t cough and saliva, you will lose fat; don’t cry out, you will be frightened; ;Don't be angry, the spirit is not happy; don't think about it, the mind is in a trance.

If you can do this, you can live forever.

(End of this chapter)

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