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Chapter 10 The Royal Lady's Profit and Loss Chapter

Chapter 10 The Royal Girl's Profit and Loss (5)

It makes people clear the breath from the nose, keep their mouths shut, and count 24 at fixed breaths, which is one tael of fire. On the 45th, the fire enters one and sixteen taels to make a positive fetus.After the summer solstice, one-third of the mercury accumulates, and it looks like embracing eggs and suppresses the crimson lips.Also use the nose to draw clear air, keep your mouth shut, count 16 at fixed breaths, and count as one tael of fire. On the 24th, the fire entered 45 taels to refine the yin breath.The yin breath is cast into the yang womb to generate true qi, and the true qi generates the primordial spirit, and the spirit and form become one, and the same year as the heaven and the earth.Separated into two, with a body outside the body, but as a feather guest fairy, who is not in the world, and returns to the Three Islands and Ten Continents.And Ge Hong's commentary on "Theory of Fetal Breathing", said: The essence of fetal breathing is like being in the mother's womb.When the mother exhales, she exhales, and when the mother inhales, she inhales.Today's people don't understand the wonderful principle, even if they can close it for a short time, they can say it casually, panting endlessly, they have to stop and can't keep the closed breath, and their vitality is weakened, and it is taken away by the external yang energy.If you are not in a hurry, the outer body can stop for a while, so don't be in a hurry.When you are not short of breath, take a breath of clear air through your nose first, and then use the fresh breath to replace the remaining breath of the old closed breath.Therefore, it is necessary to seize its qi, accumulate it and refresh the body and spirit, which can eliminate and cure all kinds of diseases.It is also unnatural to stay and stay strong, so it is an inferior fetal breath.

There is a theory of three ranks for true immortals to become holy.Nose leads mouth to vomit, can remove floating cold, drive away heat, flush stagnation, and move meridians.If the rest is fixed, the qi and blood will not be exchanged, and the yin and yang will collude on their own.If you concentrate on ten thousand breaths, and the breath stays in the divine storehouse, the merit of Mahayana is indescribable.This is the best way to invigorate qi.Or swallowing qi to relieve hunger and thirst, promoting qi to strengthen the skin, absorbing qi to nourish the fields, nourishing qi to restore youthful appearance, luck to benefit the blood vessels, even though it is a small skill, it is not as powerful as the fetal breath to nourish qi, and the work is quick and long-lasting.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

Alchemy into Taoism
"Xishan Ji" says: It is not difficult to enter the Tao through the law, and it is not difficult to seek the immortal through the Tao.It is not difficult to seek immortality, so those who are difficult, the way they have learned is not correct.It is not difficult to learn the Tao, so those who are difficult, the Dharma learned is not true.In the past, people were invisible and changed their appearance, kept their breath and returned to their souls, cursed white blades without hurting, anti-drugs and insects without harming, nails fell by themselves, walked on fire without scorching, made water go backwards, returned wind and rained, tied a scarf and cast it on the ground while rabbits walked away, dribbling Dropping the needle and snaking, the fruit bears fruit in a moment.

Arowana swims in Qingmo.If this is the technique, it is different from the law.Therefore, people in ancient times believed that Yang was born after winter, and after the vernal equinox, the remaining cold entered the stomach by mistake, thinking it was a disease of typhoid fever.When you feel it, stay in a quiet room, sit cross-legged, close your eyes and meditate, and hold your breath.Fold it with both hands, wrap the kidneys outside, and kneel forward, no more than 81 or 81 degrees.The sweat is cool, and the cold will dissipate.The ancients dreamed of leaking omissions, or the lower yuan was cold, so after sunset, they sat quietly in a private room, pocketed the outer kidney with their hands, and rubbed the navel with their hands to count [-].Rub your hands around your kidneys, rub your hands around your navel and count [-].Nine times is the degree, but just change hands left and right.Suidanyuan replenishes the warmth and fills the body with true energy.

In the past, people lived in a quiet room, never thinking and forgetting to speak, and kept their minds burning, closed their eyes and kept their thoughts, like a burning wheel of fire.The accumulated sun and the sea are solid, and the color is abnormal.After a long time, all the filth will be exhausted, and it will be resistant to cold and heat.In the past, people used to eat too much, full of chest, or stagnation of cold and heat, or pain and congestion.When sitting quietly, draw clear air through the nose, keep the mouth closed, enter more and leave less, and attack the diseased place.Tighten your breath, no less than three or five times.Natural elimination, never all diseases.In the past, the upper part of the human mind was yang but yin could not reach it, and the lower part of the kidney was yin and yang could not reach it.Therefore, above the Yongquan, qi rises but does not descend, and blood pours but does not rise, resulting in heavy feet and knees, yin congeals and yang dissipates, and what's more, it runs all day long, rests no time, and pours soup into the feet at night.In addition, it is beneficial but less meritorious. It is better to raise the two feet high, so that the qi flows back into the Yongquan and countercurrent to the Danque, and the day is light, and the walking is as fast as a galloping horse, and its steps are like flying.In the past, people suffered from minor ailments of the limbs, microscopic internal organs, or stagnation.Sit quietly to clarify, close your eyes and never think, move your heart and energy to the sick place, temporarily close your breath for a short time, and you will be invincible.All of the above methods are also different from Tao.Husbands and Taoists are all-encompassing and all-encompassing, and they are more than just the ability of skills and the power of curing diseases.Knowing the law because of the skill, knowing the law because of the law, the Tao is based on Yin and Yang.Yin and Yang intersect and combine, so the heaven and the earth have the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the sun and the moon have the four seasons of string, hope and darkness.But human beings, within a day, at the end of ugliness and the beginning of Yin, yang merges with yin; at the end of Chen and the beginning of Si, yang intersects with yang;How far is it to understand the intersection of yin and yang?

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

refining gas
"Xishan Ji" says: Form is the house of Qi, and Qi is the master of form.Borrowing the form to nourish the qi, the qi is strong and the form is solid.Luck refines the form, the form is complete and the qi is true.

The real energy of the old man, the great luck follows the sky.Spring is in the liver, summer is in the heart, autumn is in the lungs, and winter is in the kidneys.People's vitality, small luck with the day.The child is in the kidney, the hair is in the liver, the afternoon is in the heart, and the unitary is in the lung.The ancient Xiandashi saw through the secrets.It is used for daily use and year-round use.From zi to noon, when qi is born, use the method of gathering qi to return elixir.From noon to zi, when the qi dissipates, use the method of collecting qi to make alchemy.Peng Yu's real tactic said: practice dryness in the morning, and practice kun in the afternoon.From Yin to noon, I rise up and sit in meditation, my eyes are closed, my words are forgotten, my breath is slow, and I think about my heart palace secretly, just like the ceremony of meeting a husband and wife. After a long time of success, I will live forever.

The real man's tactic of the former Yuan Dynasty said: keep silent since morning, stir up and down with the tongue, swallow the foul fluid and breathe out the accumulated joy, anger, sorrow and joy in the heart.

The true qi rises, keep the face, hold it with your hand, and live in a quiet room next time, and sit at the banquet without saying a word.Before noon, he was full of energy and dizzy, and fell asleep on his side with his mouth closed.Accumulating days of peace and happiness and prolonging years can also stay in shape and live in the world.This is to know the time and realize the intercourse, but there is no way to take it.The sage on the Western Hills knew that the kidney qi was born during the child's time, the liver qi was produced during the Mao time, and the kidney qi was intermingled with the heart qi at noon.Accumulated qi generates liquid, which is also in the dantian, and it is called Xuanzhu.If there is no difference in the heat, it will become a great medicine.In the kidney qi, the water of true oneness is hidden; above the heart fluid, the qi of positive yang is hidden.Using yin to embrace yang, and water to support qi, this is the foundation of the great way and the medicine of longevity.How to keep it from getting lost?Between Chen and Si, sit quietly in a secluded room, keep your spiritual consciousness inside, keep your mouth full of fluid, don't swallow or spit.

The nostril breath comes in less and comes out later, if it is continuous, the two qi will naturally intersect and condense like dew.There is no difference in one hundred days, the medicine is full, the holy fetus is firm in two hundred days, and the true qi is born after the immortality is completed in three hundred days, and the qi in the qi can be refined to become a god.Therefore, Zhongli said: In the past, there were the six formulas of the three true odes to the golden elixir. If you don't realize this through practice, the world will learn the Tao and make great efforts.It is also said: I have nothing to do in the courtyard, recalling the south of the Yangtze River, the spring city is full of flowers and the pool is full of water.If you see the beautiful scenery of Yangzhou, you must ride the tiger and dragon boat steadily.This is called dragon-tiger copulation, and it is also called the method of collecting herbs.And from noon to zi, those who use the method of collecting qi to make alchemy use the fire, which is different from ancient to modern.Those who do not understand the truth, do not know the secrets of heaven, but achieve the appropriateness of good fortune, only Bian Que interprets "Lingshu".Introduce fresh air through the nose, enter and keep it, four breaths are one baht, 24 baht is one tael.Fire, after the summer solstice, with the 25 degrees of fortune in the Xun hexagram, it will be used to refine the real mercury and become a yin fetus.The winter solstice uses the Qian Gua spiritual amulet to carry 25 degrees, and the practice is to smelt real lead to form yang breath.The breath of the yang is cast into the womb of the yin to become a golden elixir, and one grain of the elixir can live forever.Guangchengzi taught the Yellow Emperor to sit quietly and forget his thoughts from morning to evening, reject external worries, guard his spiritual consciousness internally, and stay single-minded.Lower the heart fire to the dantian, and store it under the navel like a pure bottle.In the clean bottle, there is a pearl like a bullet, which is burned day and night with scorching fire until the fetus is formed and rests.Naturally neither hungry nor thirsty, not afraid of cold and heat, can stay in shape for the rest of the world.When entering the fire, there is no way to gather energy.

There is a song in Xishan that says: "A beautiful man is in his prime, but it is difficult to get together at dusk when the flowers fall."If you don't want to avoid the lord's heartbreak, you must close the Yang Pass when you come.At the end of Xu Dynasty and the beginning of Haihai, when the qi returns to the elixir with the true liquid, the yin intersects with the yin and the qi desires to disperse.When you live in a quiet room, you don’t have to close your breath, but if you enter less and leave late, your heart fire will drop, and you will stay in the dantian.Fear that the kidney qi will rise and not stop, and the heart fire will not stop falling, it is the medicine obtained from daily refining by lightly threatening the abdomen, self-heating in the dantian.The first hundred days are Qian Gua, the next hundred days are Dui Gua to Qian Gua, and the next hundred days are Kun Gua to Qian Gua.When heaven and earth meet, there is no difference in heat, if this addition and subtraction are appropriate, such as adding and adding, you will have to fly golden crystals behind your elbows.Therefore, in ancient times, the sages first gathered medicine in the Li Gua, entered the fire in the Qian Gua, and formed the inner alchemy in three hundred days to become a land god.The body and spirit are both wonderful, and the catastrophe will not die.Therefore, the way to refine form must be based on true energy.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

Refining Qi to become God
"Xishan Ji" says: Use qi to refine form, form form qi and make the body light and healthy, not drowning in water, not hot in fire.Its Daping dragon and tiger copulate to form a big medicine, which can be transformed into a golden elixir without any difference in the heat.If spirit is used to refine qi, the refinement of qi into god is not due to the intersection of yang and yin, but to extract lead and add mercury.Cause the yin of the [-]th to disappear, change the bone and refine the shape, make the yang of the [-]rd grow, the celestial womb will be completed in [-] days and the true energy will be born, no more herbs can be collected.Flying Jinjing behind the elbow, ascending from the Weilu point on the back of the kidney to Jiaji, ascending from Jiaji Punguan to Shanggong.Not only the kidney qi nourishes the brain, but the real fire is used to refine the elixir in the afternoon, so that the yin is exhausted and the yang is pure.In this way, the kidney qi will be generated at the time of the child, the heart is quiet, the eyes are closed, the eyes are closed, the kidney qi gathers, the body is raised slightly, the chest is flattened and the waist is straight, first to Jiaji, and then to the upper palace.From Zichou to Chensi, there will be three barriers in one hundred days.And the real fire of the heart, exercise the inner alchemy of the lower yuan.The yin solidifies and the yang condenses, and the qi naturally diverges.It is a day when there is qi in the qi, the front rises to the top, the back rises to enter the brain, both the front and the back rise.But don't move your body, burn your body to drive away ghosts.

One burn increases one spirit, ten burns increase one spirit, a hundred burns lasts for thousands of years, and a thousand burns come out of the world.In ancient times, the sages feared that the fire would be too great, but there was a way to water it.It starts with collecting herbs, which is the jade liquid that returns pills.The second time, Jin Jing enters the brain behind the elbow, and reenters Xiatian from Shangtian.It is the method of returning alchemy with gold liquid.It is also true to puff up the cheeks and swallow the breath.The pill is then generated with true qi, and the qi of the five internal organs is refined with true qi. The "Nine Immortals" says: The golden hammer of the divine sword is based on the energy of the five internal organs. "Zhong Huang Jing" says: Close a thousand breaths to refine the five internal organs.The five internal organs each show their true colors, and the qi gathers upwards to look like the Yuan Dynasty.When the three yangs unite and ascend to the top, there is no time for cultivation without going out of the five viscera, and there is no way to exercise them.Xishan has a method of refining qi, which is wonderful and mysterious.Gather herbs and put them into the fire, and the medicine will be completed in three hundred days.Returning the alchemy to refine the shape, full of true energy for two hundred days.

Great luck doesn't have to follow the sky, but small luck can match the day, and you can refine your breath by holding your breath.For example, liver qi is refined on day A and day B. On day A, liver qi advances ahead of Gen hexagram, and the breath is closed until the Xun hexagram lasts. Like green qi, it is transported at the top.The second day nourishes the liver qi, which is the same as the other method. When fire occurs, the five elements produce restraint.On Bingding day, the heart qi is refined. On Bing day, the heart qi is advanced in the Xun hexagram, and the breath is held until the Kun hexagram for a period of time.Cultivate the heart and energy every day, and when there is fire, the five elements will produce restraint.Wuji day refines the temper, advances in spring, then shuts the breath at the time of Chen and Shi, shuts the breath at the time of Wei in summer, shuts the breath at the time of Xu in autumn, shuts the breath at the time of ugliness in winter, and shuts the breath at the time of ugliness. Whenever there is fire, the five elements produce restraint.Gengxin day refines lung qi, on Geng day the lung qi advances ahead of the Kun hexagram, hold the breath until the Qian hexagram lasts, just like the white qi appears, luck is at the top.Xin day nourishes lung qi, when there is a fire, the five elements generate restraint, Rengui day refines kidney qi, Ren day kidney qi advances ahead of Qian hexagram, hold breath until Gen hexagram for a period, like black air present, transported at the top.Gui day nourishes kidney qi, and when fire occurs, the five elements produce restraint.Turn over once in ten days, refining all five internal organs.For every 250 days, practice for 25 days each.

Self-gathering of true qi, driving river carts, carrying colorful things, reed music, chariots and horse flags, each divided into square numbers and formations, laughing and laughing, going up to the emperor's palace, and entering the heavenly palace together.Or the ghosts are in the way, and the evil spirits are obstacles.But in the quiet room, close your eyes and meditate your mind, rise up and sit upright, the real fire of samadhi will spontaneously rise, once it burns, the devil will dissipate.The fire is too cool, and there is nothing.The former part follows Gele and becomes more prosperous.Sitting silently all day long, with insightful insights, never getting tired of it, the strange testimonials cannot be recorded.I feel that my body shape often seems to be flying, and my spirit is soaring, which is difficult to control.It is often used to adjust the spirit and come out of the shell, which is the time of transcendence and holiness.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

"Xishan Ji" says: A person who cultivates the truth, his ambition is in Xuanyuan, but he is willing to be lonely.One day is full of qi, the five qi are towards the Yuan, the three flowers gather on the top, the blood coagulates and the qi gathers, and all the gods are true, and they are in the upper palace. Don't think it's real.It's because I went to the palace and couldn't get out of the inner courtyard, because I couldn't get out of the way, because I was trapped in the dark road, my body and spirit are perfect, I can't get out of it, I'm a land god, and it's hard to abandon my shell and return to the ten continents and three islands.

The sage on the west mountain has completed his previous work, and the method of getting out of the shell must be recorded in detail.

In the past, Mr. Haichan was full of meritorious deeds, and his yang spirit was about to come out. He was in the upper palace, and he sat alone in a quiet room, like a crane coming out of the gate of heaven.Zhongli Gong has completed his skills, sitting quietly and contemplating inwardly, it is like climbing a seven-level treasure platform, from bottom to top, one level to one level, when the top is exhausted, don't flicker, you will change your shell and come out, and you will be a land god.After the climb is complete, close your eyes and jump down, like sleeping in a dream, with a body outside your body, like a baby Dayingjie and cute.Don't travel far away, you must return to your own body quickly.If you enter without exit, you will be in the same year as heaven and earth; if you exit without entry, you will be different from the common people.Lu Gong came out with a seven-story treasure platform and a three-story red building, just like Zhongli's method.Fang Dang looked inside, and Zihe moved his god into the Heavenly Palace, yearning for Zihua and unwilling to go beyond.Therefore, starting a real fire and turning it into a fire dragon in the smoke and flames, jumping out of the dark lane, is the best way to abandon the shell.Zen master Shizu, although there is no fire, the ghosts will not disperse.Fang contemplates inwardly, and in the middle of the meditation, he goes away with the sound of the divine chime. This stop can be exited without seeing the entry method.The Sixth Patriarch Zen Master of the past Dharma, although the yin spirit came out of his shell, his shape was like a dead tree, and his heart was like dead ashes.The spiritual consciousness is guarded within, and it surges from the heart.One rise after another, until 33 days have passed, it will transform into the Letian Palace, just like Taoism in the upper palace.When kneeling and prostrating, go out from one of the three gates, this is also the way to go out but not to enter.The holy merits on the west mountain are full of numbers, and when they come out, although they are not separated from the inner meditation, they play a big song and pass through the middle gate.Therefore, starting a fire is moving the spirit to the top, and going through the door is to adjust the spirit to come out of the shell.Fang Naiguan, after the fire, wanted to make a fuss in the depths of China, there were three or two huts in an isolated village, and they began to come out from there.It is both far and near, but looking back at the hometown, there are few grounds, and it is impossible to go.If you look back and see what you want to come, you can't go wrong.According to the legend of the saints and sages, they all have to abandon their shells without difficulty.The hymn said: success must come out of Shenjing, and the inner city is prosperous, so don't tire yourself out.Looking back at my hometown, the scenery is beautiful, and there is an isolated village in the middle of downtown.Husband!The ignorant people who have little learning, stop at the middle of concentration and come out of the ghost spirit, go out of the gate of heaven by mistake one day, and can't return to their original body.

The True Story of the Meeting of Immortals in Xishan

"Dongtian Yulu" says: People in the world do not understand Dali, and they are temporarily honored and honored by the world, rocks, fire, lightning, and make their minds uncertain.One day, the Qi is weak and sick, and the Qi is exhausted and dies.Turning around and not realizing it, living in a different kind.If the spirit is in another shell, it will not be suitable for life and death.Husband cultivates true qi, once the true qi is formed, the Yangshen is trained, and when the Yangshen is released, one can leave the world.Living in the three islands, he has become a god and discarded his shell, so he must pass it on and accumulate in the world.After completing the work, he will live in the cave sky under the Zizhao Tianshu.Zhichuan's "Shou Dao Ji" said: "Those who have achieved the Tao must pass it on."It is not human to pass it on, and it will harm the Seventh Patriarch.If you don't pass it on to others, disaster will come to you.Chisongzi warned the Yellow Emperor: "The way must not be selfish, and what you ask must be given."Treat it as if you believe in gold and show that it will not change. "Xishan Ji" said: Those who give alms show the sincerity of those who receive the Tao.If you are big, you will give up your body, if you are middle, you will give up your children and grandchildren, and if you are low, you will give up your fields and houses.At the top, it gives to those who have the way, in the middle, it gives to those who have the law, and at the bottom, it gives to those who have the skills.Mao Zhenjun said: Those who preach the Tao must want to establish a religion with the sages.When you meet a person with no ambition, don't say that you can get trust and money and be strong.It is not special to fall into teaching and fall into Taoism, and neither is beneficial to each other.Zhenren Yu asked Yiyuan Dezhenjun to say: "When an immortal enters Nanzhou to preach and establish a religion, he must make an oath and give gold and jade. Why?"Zhenjun said: People in Gai Nanzhou have many evils and little blessings, and they don't believe in heavenly secrets.Despise life and value wealth, willing to be a ghost.If you don't establish a letter of gold, he will have reflexes.If you don't make an oath, he will vent it lightly.Therefore, gold is used to show that it remains unchanged.Husband!People live in the masses, there is no one in ten thousand who is pure and empty, no one in ten thousand is sincere, and there is not one man in ten thousand who is enlightened.Few people pay attention to breaking the secrets of the sky and putting them lightly on goods and entrusting their lives.

Gai Qi people falsely seek money, deceive people with lofty ideals, and cause those who are confident to see the way and abandon them.So the people of high morality tied their hands and jaws, and refused to save them.

If you follow the Tao, you will know people's virtuous and foolishness by knowing them, and you will know their evil and righteousness by receiving the Dharma.If you get things done in festivals, you will continue to make contributions.It is not possible to reward one or two teachers and friends for making Thailand Huahua gold.

(End of this chapter)

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