Chapter 11

I heard that pine is as strong as a thousand years old, but snow is not as strong as a moment.If you plant pine trees in rotten soil, they will be moths in a month's time; if you hide snow in Yinshan Mountains, it will not disappear even after many years.

If you go against its nature, you will be firm and brittle, and if you go with the flow, you will be procrastinated.Things are good, but human reason is different?But what about the so-called art of adjustment and photography?When I secretly read the books written by predecessors to protect life, there are often many taboos and complicated programs. It is difficult for practitioners, because it is noble, especially difficult.The ministers are less and often sick, pay attention to health preservation, study for a long time, and compile the next cloud.The technique is simple and feasible.First of all, I want to strengthen his righteousness, and second, I want to adjust his limbs. As for clothes, housing, medicine and bait, the nature of vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish, those that are beneficial must be recorded, and those that are not beneficial will not be written.If the ancient formula is wrong, it must be corrected;It's called "Baosheng Yaolu".Although it is not helpful for hearing, it is helpful for hygiene.Take the liberty to offer, to fight deep and burn.Pu Qian follows the order.

life insurance record
Rejuvenation valve
Ji Shuye said: Take medicine to seek sweat, and there may be no results.Feeling ashamed and anxious, drifting away.

Knowing that emotions originate in the center but manifest on the outside, one knows joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and would rather not hurt others?Therefore, if the mind is not scratched, the spirit will not be tired, and if the spirit is not tired, the qi will not be disordered, and if the qi is not disturbed, the body will be healthy and life will be prolonged.

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tune body door
Those who keep in good health should have little labor and no extreme fatigue.Therefore, when water flows, it becomes clear, and when it stagnates, it becomes dirty.People who maintain health want their blood to flow constantly, like the flow of water.Sitting without wanting to get tired, walking without wanting to get tired, walking constantly, but it is advisable to slow down slightly, which is the art of small labor.Therefore, when the hands and feet want to bend and stretch, the arms want to be pulled left and right, like the method of pulling a bow.Or rubbing with both hands, such as rubbing stones.Or build the air with both fists, or sway the arms lightly from side to side, or look around the head and neck, or turn the waist and hips from side to side, sometimes leaning over and sometimes leaning up, or holding hands together, like washing hands, or rubbing palms together to make heat, Cover your eyes and rub your face.Do it at will during the matter, and count by ten.If you do it frequently every day, you will lighten your body and keep your eyesight clear, your muscles and joints will be smooth, your diet will be easy to eliminate, and you will have no stagnation.If the body is small and medium-sized, it is fast, and it will be solved immediately.The old guiding method is too annoying, and it is not easy for noble people to do it.Now this technique does not choose the season, and there is no degree. It can be done at any time, and it will be effective quickly.

The wife lay down at night, and wanted to rub her limbs, chest and abdomen with her hands ten times, which is called a dry bath.Lie on your side and bend your knees to benefit your energy.Often turbid saliva is spit, and clear fluid is swallowed.It is often pushed up with the tongue, gathered in Qingjin and swallowed.Moisten the five internal organs, please the skin, and make people live longer. "Huang Ting Jing" said: The mouth is the Yuchi Dahe Palace, so don't do it if you cough and swallow the spiritual liquid.He also said: "Shut up and bend the tongue to eat the fetal fluid, so that I will be able to refine and become a flying immortal."Tapping the teeth frequently makes the teeth firm and wards off evil.My wife is in the summer months in spring, I want to go to bed late and get up early, in autumn I want to go to bed early and get up early, in winter I want to go to bed early and get up early.The morning should not be before the rooster crows, and the evening should not be after sunrise.

When it is hot, it wants to be comfortable, and when it is cold, it wants to close it.This combination of the four qi is the way to protect the body and prolong life.

life insurance record
On Clothes Gate
I heard that the clothes are thick and thin, and I want to get them to fit at any time.Therefore, the summer moon should not be completely thin, and the cold season should not be extremely warm.It is very pleasant to wear single cooked clothes and lie on a cooked tent, or to cover the waist, abdomen, knees and shin.The cotton clothes in winter and moon should not be very thick, but the cold will add more layers.In this way, people will not be suddenly cold or hot.Therefore, when it is cold and hot, it will decrease, and the decrease will not hurt the temperature; when it is hot and cold, it will increase, and the increase will not hurt the cold.If the cold and heat are in season, if you take it off yourself, you will be injured by the cold and heat.The desire for cold is gradually on, and the desire for heat is gradually removed.From the waist and abdomen down to the shins, it is desired to be at room temperature.From the chest to the head, I want to get a little cool.Cool enough to freeze, warm enough to dry.Clothes are wet with sweat, so change them immediately.Lavender's anger has not stopped, so don't take it easy.The husband's cold and heat are peaceful, his body and spirit are peaceful, no rashes, and his life will last forever.

life insurance record
On Food and Drink
Those who eat and drink, so nourish the blood of people.The blood will flourish the body, and the qi will protect the limbs.The essence is the marrow and the essence; the second is the muscle and the flesh.It is often impossible to wait for the extreme hunger to eat, and wait for the extreme full to withdraw food.Often want to feel full when hungry, hungry when full.Qingniu Taoist said: People want to be hungry before eating, and first thirsty before drinking.I don't want to eat and drink by force.And don't want to eat hot food first and eat cold food with the meal, because the hot and cold will attack each other and cause trouble.For all food, eat hot food first, then warm food, and eat cold food less.If you eat too hot, you will hurt your bones, and if you eat too cold, you will hurt your tendons.Don't burn your lips even though it's hot, don't freeze your teeth even though it's cold.

All food is warmer than colder, lesser is better than more, cooked is better than raw, bland is better than salty.Don't wash your face when you sweat when you eat hot, it will make you lose your color and your face will look like insects.Felt full and had a headache.Whatever you like, don't delay it, otherwise it will hurt and cause disease.Do not discard all the disliked tastes, for if they are all discarded, the visceral qi will be uneven (for example, if you don’t eat bitterness at all, your heart qi will be weak, if you don’t eat salty at all, your kidney qi will be weak).

Therefore, the sky has five elements, human beings have five internal organs, and food has five flavors.Therefore, the liver uses wood, the heart uses fire, the spleen uses soil, the lungs uses metal, and the kidney uses water.Acid relieves the liver, bitterness relieves the heart, sweetness relieves the spleen, Xin relieves the lung, salty nourishes the kidney.Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood.Wood makes earth, earth makes water, water makes fire, fire makes gold, and gold makes wood.Therefore, in the four seasons, there is no taste produced and produced by eating too much, all of which can damage the viscera produced.It is suitable to eat the taste of mutual growth, and it can help the king's qi.The king's internal organs are not injured, but the king's energy is enhanced.The diet is appropriate, and the temperature and temperature are appropriate.Then all diseases will not arise, and the age will last forever.

life insurance record
On residence door
It is said that if the soil is thick and the water is deep, there will be no disease.The place where the old man lives depends on his place, and everyone wants the soil to be thick and the water deep.The soil wants to be firm and moist but yellow, and the water wants to be sweet and clear.

The room where you usually live should be extremely careful, without any small gaps, so that the atmosphere can enter, and people who live in good ways for a long time.Wind is the air of heaven and earth, it can generate all things, and it can also harm people.It first enters the interstitial space, gradually penetrates into the skin, transmits the meridians internally, reaches the viscera, the transmission is wide, and the trouble is deep.Therefore, the ancients said: Avoiding the wind is like avoiding the arrow.Sitting for a long time in the heat of summer, the two ends of the room are connected to the house, which attracts the wind, especially if the road is side by side.Do not lie down in the heat of summer.From after the beginning of spring to before the beginning of autumn, it is desired to have its head in the east; from after the beginning of autumn to before the beginning of spring, it is desired to have its head in the west.Often pillow medicine pillow, better than Baoyu, Baoyu cold head hurt.The pillow, when the medicine is hot, the hot air rushes up, and when it is cold, the air-conditioning hurts the brain.It is only appropriate to use the one that manages the wind and calms the cool.

Baosheng Yaolu on residence door
medicine pillow

(Long pillow cures head wind, dizziness, heavy brain, cold pain, dark eyes, nasal congestion, and wards off evil spirits) Vitex (eight points), chamomile (eight points), Asarum (six points), Wu Baizhi (six points ), Atractylodes macrocephala (four points), Xiong (six points), Tongcao (eight points), Fangfeng (eight points), Ben (six points), antelope horn (eight points), rhino horn (eight points), Ishigami calamus (eight points) ), black beans (Wuhe, pick and choose to make the net).

File the upper (front) medicine finely, remove the fine powder, and make it evenly together.Fill it with raw silk pouches, in order to reach its Qi.For the second time, use a Biluo bag to refill it, sew it like a pillow, take the medicine until it is firm, and put it in the zygote.Its shape is also like a pillow, and the medicine bag makes it come out of the lip of the zygote an inch and a half.Take off the cover when you want to take a pillow, and cover it if you don't want to pillow, so that the medicinal gas will not disperse.The pillow is getting lower and lower over time, and it can be used as medicine to make it real, or black beans can be added to make it the same as before.After three or five months, replace the medicine when it stops breathing.

For the first ten days or one month, there is a slight ringing in the ears, which is the experience of convulsions caused by medicine.

life insurance record
On Medicine and Food
Arguing that taking the medicine of gold and stone, there is a reason why it can be taken but not taken.If you want to study the art of health preservation, you must use the medicine and stone.Let's assume that the question is based on the reason.

Or ask: the medicine of gold and stone, if it is buried, it will not rot, if it is boiled, it will not rot, and if it is used, it can solidify Qi and prolong life.The medicine of grass and trees is bound to be rotten, so how can it be fixed?The answer is: The medicine of gold and stone has a strong nature and no body fluid. If a person is strong and strong, taking it will not be beneficial; if it is extremely weak, the poison will be released.When a husband is in his prime, he is vigorous and smooth.If it is strong, it can make stones, and if it is slippery, it can move stones, so it doesn't grow.And when it is weak, the glory and defense will be astringent.If it is astringent, it cannot make stones, and if it is weak, it cannot make stones.Stones are not restrained, but those who walk keep them accumulated, so they are a serious problem for people.If you want to gain but lose, how can you stay there?Question: Is there anyone who is not empty but has stone hair?The answer is: Worry and anger are in the heart but cannot be vented, then the body will be stagnant and stagnant, and the stone will accumulate and not disperse, and as it accumulates, various carbuncles and sores will appear.There are also people who obey the stone, relying on the power of the stone and wandering freely.If the stone power is strong, it is a disease of being strong.Those who don't know it think it works miraculously.The semen is scorched, and the heat is fierce, and the hole is added to the pot, and it is rare to be anxious.

Question: If the harm of gold and stone is like this, why did Emperor Nong mark it in the "Ben Jing"?The answer is: people with too much deficiency and accumulated cold may wish to take it temporarily, and it will be harmless if the disease stops.

Another question: In the past, the cloud and stone were strong and strong, and the viscera was weak, and the viscera was weak. Now, those who are weak and submissive to the stone, how can they control their power?And I haven't seen it harmful, why?The answer is: When you first take it, the stone will accumulate forever, and it will be extremely cold, so it will not come out.From this point of view, when the emptiness accumulates cold, you can temporarily take the bait.If it is long-term prevention, it is not as good as the medicine of plants and trees.

Ask again: The grass and trees can't last long, how can they hold people?The answer is: If you obey tirelessly and embrace each other with influence, after years of accumulation, you will surely gain great benefits.The medicine for attacking and curing the disease, sees the effect through the recovery of the disease; if the prescription is fixed, the body feels safe and effective.When the body and spirit are peaceful, the life span will last forever.

Fruit lotus seed powder.Mainly tonify the middle and nourish the mind, benefit energy, and eliminate all kinds of diseases.A long time to lighten one's life and prolong one's life.

Take the lotus fruit in August, and remove the skin and heart of those with black skin, expose to dryness, pound and sieve to make powder.Mix it with wine or white porridge as early as, and it is not suitable to eat it with rehmannia glutinosa.When the lotus seeds are tender, eat them raw to invigorate the air, and they are powdered to benefit people.

chestnut powder.Concentrate the intestines and stomach, invigorate the kidney qi.

Take chestnuts and expose to dryness, make the skin dry, peel and thinly slice.It is also exposed to dryness, pounded into powder, and eaten like lotus powder.Chestnuts are eaten raw, animals and insects are eaten raw to produce gas, and cooked food also swells, all of which are not as good as exposure to half-dry.It is very beneficial to warm the muscles close to the clothes and eat them.

Grape pulp, although it is a common technique, has excellent tonic effects.Main muscles and bones damp arthralgia, beneficial energy, strong will, makes us fat and healthy.Long-term service makes light of one's life, does not grow old and prolongs life.When the grapes are ripe, put a bucket of mutton juice and a bucket of rice swill juice on the roots first, and stay overnight like this.Those who pick the ripe ones pick it up, put it in a new white bottle, make it full and slightly firm, seal it with stone tools, and make it into a pulp naturally.Remove the dregs and drink it, the taste is too mellow, which is very beneficial.

Baosheng Yaolu discusses medicine and food
durian syrup

(Treatment of wind-heat, dizziness, and irritability) Green pears (twenty pieces of large ones), pomegranates (ten pieces), Danzhuli (three liters).

Pound durian on top.Squeeze the natural juice, filter it and mix it with bamboo drain.One serving, five infusions, three servings a day.Twenty pears are used for the large pears, and thirty for the small ones.

Cereals and vegetables flax.The main intestine is weak, tonifies the five internal organs, strengthens energy, grows muscles, fills the brain, strengthens bones and muscles, and removes deficiency and heat.Take it for a long time to improve eyesight and make light of body, not to grow old and prolong life.A jusheng, the four edges are flax, and the eight edges are jusheng.Tao Hongjing said: Among the eight valleys, this is the only one that is good.It also says: sweet in taste, in the rice and bean department.This is exactly black hemp.Today's jusheng is used, although the stem pods are small, hemp-like and the leaves are large.Very bitter in taste, very cold in nature.If the husband tastes bitter, he should not enter rice grains, and if he is cold in nature, he should not use it as a tonic.Its leaves are different from hemp, which are low in the shade and rise in the sun.This should be a different thing, not Jusheng or flax.It's common today, but you don't know what's wrong with it.When using black oil hemp, it tastes sweet and has four-edged pods called flax, and those with eight-edged pods are called Jusheng.Just in line with the scriptures, it is not appropriate to use those that are bitter and cold.

meat sheep.If the husband eats it, he will lose his yang, and if the woman eats it, he will definitely lose his yin (the sheep with horns are the ones).Sheep marrow tonic deficiency (brain marrow, food is not good for people).

venison.Warming, tonifying the middle, strengthening the five internal organs, benefiting energy.Hu Jushi said: Deer are fierce in nature, eat more good grass, must be located in hills, and must be born in rivers and lakes.Therefore, those who can serve the gods are because of their cleanliness.There are nine kinds of good herbs (deer onion, deer medicine, white wormwood, cress, licorice, litsea, kudzu leaves and roots, wormwood, and shepherd's).Deer often eat these nine herbs, which can detoxify, cure wind, and suppress alchemy.Take aconite.Eat more venison and aconite, less strength.Do not eat it in May, and the velvet should not be close to the nose.

roe meat.Warming, nourishing the five internal organs.The eclipse from August to November is better than mutton.After December, the wind blows, and it is unbearable to eat.

eels.Warm in nature, governs the five hemorrhoids, kills all insects, and nourishes yang.Eat three to five degrees, and all diseases between the waist and kidney will be cured.Those with five colors also manage women's pulse and various diseases.Chopped, boneless, seasoned with five flavors, placed in the intestines, roasted at both ends, waited to cool, and then cut to eat.

If the chicken is female and yellow, it is warm in nature.Main deficiency and thirst, frequent drowning and diarrhea.Tonify the five internal organs, benefit energy, and treat wind in the black.

round fish.Make up for it.Remove all stagnant heat between the joints.It is not suitable to eat in May and June (some people use soft-shelled turtle shells as powder, and they suddenly turn into small turtles due to dampness in May and June).

Pigs have no tendons, chickens have no marrow, and there are too many medicines and food.

quail.Sexual compensation.It is not suitable for eating with mushrooms, and it is good for frying.

(End of this chapter)

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