Health Guide Cheats

Chapter 20 Yueyi Chapter

Chapter 20 Moon Yi (8)

Question: What is medicine?The answer was: that is to say, this medicine, if it goes well, it will make a person, and if it goes against it, it will make a pill.The five elements are reversed, and the seven treasures of the earth.The five elements go straight, and the dharma realm is a fire pit.People use it every day but don't know it.Ziqing said: It is also true to collect medicine while not moving.

Asked: What is the Huachi of Shenshui?Answer: Li Quanyun: The key to returning the alchemy lies in the Huachi of Shenshui.Ziyang said: Put lead into mercury and call it Shenshui.It is called Huachi by throwing mercury into lead.Haitoad said: The divine water comes from a high source.Ziqing said: Huachi is in the sea of ​​Qi.

Ask: What are the three passes?Answer: The head is the gate of heaven, the feet are the gate of the earth, and the hands are the gate of man.

Question: What are the three essentials within?The answer is: the first is Dayuanchi; the second is Jianggong; the third is land.

Question: What are the three external essentials?The answer is: The mouth and the nose have the same orifice, which is the gateway for the exchange of spirit and energy.When you are off work, adjust your nose and breath, hold your tongue, and close your breath.

Asked: What is exchange?Answer: Zhenyizi said: Dui, mouth also.

Ask: Where is the baby girl?The answer is: the baby is in the kidney, and the woman is in the heart.

Question: The kidney belongs to water and is yin, the baby belongs to yang, the heart belongs to fire and is yang, and the female belongs to yin.Why live here?The answer is: The kidney belongs to the ridge, and there is yang in the yin, which is the real yang.The heart belongs to Li, and there is yin in yang, which is true yin.

Ask, where is Niwan Palace?The answer is: There are nine palaces on the head, which are called Niwan in Chinese.

Asked: What is Jin Gong?The answer is: Phnom Penh is the public, and it is lead.Ziyang said: You must be able to subdue Duke Mi Jin.

Asked: What is Huang Po?Answer: Yellow is the color of earth, and its position belongs to Kun, so it was named Yan.Ziqing said: "Jin Gong's speechless daughter died, and Huang Po was still pregnant at an age."

Ask: How is breathing?Answer: When exhaled, it exits the heart and lungs, and when inhaled, it enters the kidneys and liver.Exhale connects to the root of the sky, inhales connects to the root of the earth.When you breathe out, the dragons sing and the clouds rise, and when you breathe in, the tigers roar.Breathe the wind and cloud, condense into gold liquid.

Asked: What is Qiongye Yuye?The answer is: All are divine waters.

Ask: What is spirit?The answer is: God is fire, and fire belongs to the heart; Qi is medicine, and medicine belongs to the body.God, Qi, son and mother.Master Xu Jing said: Qi is the source of life.God, the system of life.Hold the full control of the gods, concentrate on holding one, the gods live according to the breath, and the combination can lead to longevity.Sanmao Zhenjun said: "Qi is the medicine for aging, and the heart is the spirit of Qi."If you know how to master Qi, you will be a fairy.

Question: What is a twelve-story building?Answer: There are twelve joints in the human throat.

Ask: What is a curtain?The answer is: the eyes are also.When working hard, Hanguang Yunfang said, closed the door and hung the curtain to watch silently.

Ask: What is Meridian?The answer is: Ziwu is in the midst of heaven and earth.In the sky, it is the sun and the moon, in the human body, it is the heart and kidney, in the hour, it is Ziwu, in the hexagram, it is Kanli, and in the direction, it is north and south.

Question: What does it mean that the five phases come together and each has its own combination?The answer is: the number of heaven and earth is 55, so if you do one nine, you can make ten.Kun gets four or six, which together make ten.Xundui got twenty-eight, combined into ten.Zhen Gen gets thirty-seven, which makes ten.There are five separations, ten hurdles, and there is no companion between hurdles, so they are self-combining.

In terms of numbers, it is the number in the world.If you say it in line, you will get the line in the middle of heaven and earth.In terms of position, you get the middle position in heaven and earth.Hum away is not too big.

Ask: What are the Five Sacred Mountains?The answer is: "The Map of the True Shape of the Five Sacred Mountains" says: It is on the head of a person.Ziqing has a sentence that the scarf hides the crown of the five mountains.

Asked: What is Xuan Min?The answer is: the one above is called Xuan, and the one below is called Mu.Xuanguan has one orifice, the left is called Xuan, and the right is called Mi.

Asked: What is the gate of the mysterious female?The answer is: The nose that communicates with the weather is called Xuanmen, and the mouth that communicates with the earth's energy is called Mihu.The mouth and nose are the portal of the mysterious female.

Ask: What are three men and three women?Answer: Qiandao Suokun, the eldest male is called Zhen, the middle male is Kan, and the youngest male is Gen.Kun Dao Suogan, the eldest daughter is called Xun, the middle girl is called Li, and the young girl is called Dui.

Question: What is fire dragon and water tiger?The answer is: Tiger, Western gold.Gold produces water, but its shape is hidden in water.Dragon, oriental wood.Wood makes fire, but it is restrained by fire.Taibai Zhenjun said: If the five elements do not go smoothly, the tiger will live in the water.Five elements reversal technique, dragons come out of fire, yes.

Ask: What is the division?The answer is: Zishi is like the winter solstice, when the cathode is born and yang is born; noon is like the summer solstice, when the anode is born and yin is given birth;Personality is also divided.Ziyang said: Divide the upper and lower strings with the body and mind, and bid farewell to the two solstices of winter and summer with the air.

Question: What is bathing?The answer is: Fumigation with true energy, irrigation with divine water for bathing.The Taishang said: Irrigate with sweet springs to wash away the dirt. It comes from Huachi and returns to Kunhu.Xinglin said: It is also true to bathe in Zishen water.

Ask: What is pumping and adding?The answer is: Since lead is drawn to the back of the elbow, mercury must be added to Zhonghuang. "Chuan Dao Ji" said: You can't add it when you can take it.

Question: What is transportation?The answer is: move gold essence to the back of the elbow, and move jade liquid to the niwan.Work hard, save formulas.

Asked: What is Santian?Answer: The brain is the upper field, the heart is the middle field, and the sea of ​​qi is the lower field.If you get the opportunity of the handle, the mediation will circulate up and down, just like the flow of the Milky Way.

Q: What are the three barriers behind?The answer was: the back of the head is called Yushen Pass, the Jiaji is called Lulu Pass, and between water and fire is called Weilu Pass.

Asked: What is the divine room?The answer is: The room where the primordial spirit lives.Lang Ranzi said: I don't understand that the heart is scratched in all kinds of ways, and when it reaches the heart, everything is idle.

Question: What is the gathering of three flowers on the top?The answer is: Shen, Qi, and essence are mixed together and become one.The opening of the porch is the gathering of spirit, qi, and essence.

Question: Five energies towards Yuan?The answer is: the vital energy of the five viscera ascends to Tianyuan.

Question: Harmony of the four images?The answer is: the eyes do not see but the soul is in the liver, the ears do not hear but the essence is in the kidneys, the tongue does not move but the mind is in the heart, the nose does not smell but the soul is in the lungs.

Essence, spirit, soul, and soul gather in the Italian soil.

Question: Ma Ya, God's Talisman, Bai Xue?The answer is: both are the general names of lead and mercury.

Asked: "River cart?"The answer was: The upright energy in the north is called the river cart.The left is called the sun wheel, and the right is called the moon wheel.Carrying righteousness, transporting it in Yuanyang, and moving forward in response to the festival, it is nothing more than the power of this car.

Question: Why are you old and young?The answer is: When collecting herbs, judge their tenderness.Peng Helin said: When it is young, it must be picked and when it is old, it will wither.Ziyang said: Seeing that the gui is born, lead must be collected urgently, and the gold is too far away to taste it.

Question: Ups and downs?The answer is: lead floats and silver sinks.

Question: Clear and turbid?The answer is: Yin is turbid and Yang is clear.What is clear floats above, and what is turbid sinks below.Those who practice alchemy, leaving the clear and removing the turbidity belong to yin.

Question: The five elements restrain each other?The answer is: "Jinbi Jing" says: gold and wood are cut down together, and water and fire are restrained together.The soil is prosperous and the Jinxiang is prosperous, all three things are lost, and the four seas converge, resulting in peace, and it is also due to the merits of the middle palace and Tude.

Asked: "Why do you come and go?"The answer was: the child is coming in the afternoon.Yin Fu Yang Huo, from Zi Jin Fu to Chen Si, from Noon Retire Fu to Xu Hai.The beginning, the end, and the end of Kun are all based on hexagram images.One fades and one grows, one goes and one comes, so as to make its changes. "Yi" says: closing a household is called Kun, and opening a household is called Qian.One close and one opening are called changes, and endless exchanges are called connections.

Question: male and female?The answer is: female yin and male yang.One yin and one yang are called the Tao, and solitary yin and yang cannot live on their own. "San Tong Qi" said: Male and female are wrong, seek each other by kind.Note: Xiong, Jinsha also.Female, fire mercury also.It needs to be combined to vomit, and similar clusters are formed, which is considered a magic medicine.

Question: How to prevent danger?The answer is: If you lose the fire and weather, you should avoid sleepiness and coma.Cuixu said: "There is a time when the essence is born, and when the time comes, the gods know it. During a hundred moments, one must not fall into a coma."

Q: Intercourse?The answer is: magnets attract iron, and barriers impede penetration.

Q: Is there any?The answer is: "Jinbi Jing" says: Whether there is mutual restraint, there is Qinglongju on the top.There are two things and one thing, and it is difficult to see the magic of spirituality.

Question: Punishment?The answer is: Yang is virtue, and virtue comes out, and all things are born.Yin is punishment, punishment will come out, and everything will die.Therefore, in the second month, the yang contains yin and the elm pods fall, like gold sand falling quietly in the womb with the movement of yin, so it is called returning to the root.In August, yin contains yang and shepherd's wheat grows, like gold water nourishes the liquid in the tripod with yang qi, so maoyou is the punishment and virtue.The yin and yang both stop, so the talisman fire also ceases.

Q: Black and white?The answer is: "San Tong Qi" says: Knowing the white and keeping the black, the gods come by themselves.White is gold, black is water, and the root of gold water is the base of medicine.

Question: Heat and cold?Answer: Zhenyizi said: Don't wait, the wind and rain will not adjust, and the floods and droughts will cut down.Either the yang fire is too severe or the yin talisman is out of order, the freezing winter turns into a great heat, and the midsummer turns into a thick frost.The fire is too bad, and the spirit mercury flies away. Those who carry the fire, don't you be cautious?Question: Hui Shuo?The answer is: "Can Tong Qi" says: between the dark and the new moon, it is in line with the Bank of China.It is the occasion when gold and water meet.

Question: Guji?The answer: Taizhen said: Guji is not leaking, and changes in a moment.It is said that the water and fire are both good, and the divine room is closed and not leaked.

Question: Holy fetus?The answer is: no quality is born, and it is formed into a holy fetus, which is diligently protected.October is like a young girl's first pregnancy, like a little dragon raising pearls.Gai's air begins to condense, and it is very easy to lose it.

Question: Four positive?The answer is: Ziwu Maoyou is the four righteousness.One orifice of the porch is the Sizheng Palace.

Question: Where is Huang Ting?Answer: Above the bladder, below the spleen, in front of the kidneys, to the left of the liver, and to the right of the lungs.

Question: Golden Crow and Jade Rabbit?The answer is: Sun Zhongwu is compared with the fluid in the heart.The rabbit in the moon is better than the qi in the kidney.

Question: Refinement?The answer is: Refining form to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, and refining spirit to harmonize the Tao.The master of the Golden Cave said: In a refined form, it is extraordinary sand and stone.

Question: Zhang Ziyang said that the heart and kidney are not separated, why?The answer is: the heart and kidney are separated from the body and ears, and it is useful to have a body.

Question: Owner, why?The answer is: Qi is the use of the heart, and it belongs to Li.The shape is the function of the kidney, which belongs to the ridge.During copulation, it is used here.

Question: Kung fu?The answer is: When you know the time, you have sex, when you enter the fire, you prevent danger, when the sun is born, you fight in the field, and when you punish and virtue, you bathe.Even Wencheng Dan also.

Q: Field battle?The answer is: "The Classic of Dragon and Tiger" says: Wen uses softness, and martial arts fights against rebellion.Ziyang said: defend the city and fight in the field to know the good and bad, and increase the spiritual sand to fill the tripod red.

Question: Nurturing?Answer: Xinglin Yun: Wen Yang Xiang Zhou Xing.Pi Ling said: "The golden tripod always keeps soup to keep it warm, and the jade furnace does not need fire to teach coldness."

Question: Cooking?The answer was: Cooking golden tripods and refining jade stoves.There are no formulas.

Question: Rewards and punishments?The answer is: the occurrence of spring qi is called reward, and it is also the time of the former yang fire.The autumn qi killing things is called punishment, and it is also the time of the yin talisman in the afternoon.

Question: To defend the city?The answer is: Embracing the Yuan and guarding the One, concentrating the mind and gathering Qi.

Question: Embankments?The answer is: Get rid of distracting thoughts and concentrate on it.

Question: God's house, why?The answer is: nose also.It is the door to the entrance and exit of spirit. "Huang Ting Jing" says: You should repair and cure in the divine hut, breathe in the hut and enter the dantian.

Question: Does Taiyi contain truth?The answer is: keep the truth and oneness in the heavenly valley, enter the qi into the Xuanyuan, and then reach the original.Tianzhen replied: If the true way nourishes the spirit, if you can keep me at the gate of death, it will make the bones of the Seven Patriarchs angry.Dao is the one who lives me, God is the one who lives me.It is also true to keep the gods in the Tao and nourish the gods with the Tao.

Question: Three corpses?Answer: "Zhong Huang Jing" says: one is the upper worm dwelling in the brain, the other two is the middle worm dwelling in the Ming hall, and the third is the lower worm dwelling in the abdomen and stomach. They are called Peng Ju, Peng Zhi, and Peng Jiaoye.The wicked enter the way.Happy people quit their ambitions, Shangtian is the palace where the Yuanshen lives, but people can't open this gate.Lived by corpse insects, the cycle of life and death has no end.

If you can hold the primordial spirit to live in this palace, the corpses and insects will be destroyed by themselves, and the true breath will be determined by itself.The so-called opening of one orifice and opening of all orifices at the same time means that all the organs can be fully understood.Then the innocence descends from the spirit, the god who is not a god is so a god.

Question: Fetal breath?The answer is: If you can keep the true oneness, you will not communicate with each other, just like being in the mother's womb, which is called great concentration.

Question: Yuchi?The answer is: mouth also. The "Huang Ting Jing" says: "The clear water of the jade pond is used to irrigate the spiritual roots, that's true."

Question: 橐龠?The answer was: a sack is a bag without a bottom, and a flute is a three-hole flute, and it is also something that the blacksmith makes to blow the wind. "Laozi" said: Between heaven and earth, is it still like a scorpion? "Theory of Lifting and Decreasing" says: Human beings can be used in the same way as the heavens and the earth.When it opens, the air goes out, and when it closes, the air enters.Going out is like the rising of the earth's air, and going in is like the falling of the weather.Once it rises and falls, it can be as long as the sky and the earth.

Question: Five buds?The answer is: it is the true energy of the five viscera. The "Zhong Huang Jing" says: If you can keep the three insects and abandon them, you can see five buds and nine true qi.

Question: Tun Meng?Answer: "Dao Shu" says: "The ridge is the water, once it becomes a festival of water, and then it becomes a village of water and thunder, and its Yao lives in Yin."Lizhe Huoye, one becomes a trip to the volcano, then becomes a cauldron of fire and wind, and third becomes a landscape of mountains and rivers, and its Yaojuxu.Pumping and adding water and fire lies in Yinxu, and the energy of the twelve hexagrams lies in the use of Tunmeng.

Question: Harvesting the essence of the sun and the moon?Answer: It is not the sun and the moon outside, but the true liquid in the heart and the true qi in the kidney.

Question: Internal and external gossip?The answer is: the head is dry, the feet are kun, the bladder is gen, the gallbladder is sunda, the kidney is kan, the heart is li, the liver is shock, and the lungs are dui.

Question: Wait for a while to practice, and then start?The answer is: sometimes there is time in the middle, and there is time in the engraving.Pi Ling said: There is no need to look for the winter solstice in alchemy, there is a yang in the heart.Ma Ziran said: Noon is the middle of the day at any time, and there is no universe in the hexagram without Yao.This is all hard work.

Question: What is the image of Jindan?The answer is: the shape is like a bullet, and the color is the same as a vermilion orange.Baopuzi said: "It's as big as a bullet, yellow as an orange, and delicious in the middle, sweet as honey."

The recluse who gets it is meditation, the yellow clothes who get it is transcendence, and the practice of trial is the end of the world. "Yuanshu Song" said: If you don't see it, a golden pill is so huge, it's as big as a marble and yellow as an orange.Everyone's share is perfect, and the room is full of spiritual light every night.Gai everyone has enough, and everyone is perfect.You should know that there is no tangible thing, Lu Gong said: return the essence of the pill.

Question: Where is the opening of the entrance?The answer is: at the head of the people.Kung fu is easy to see, but hard to find.If you don't meet the real teacher Mo Ding to grant the prophecy, you will be foolish.

Q: Vacuum?The answer is: Returning the principal and returning the yuan is a vacuum.Xinglin said: I don't know the formula of Dan, and I play vacuum all day long.

Question: Function?The answer is: Bollworm mantra, pass on the spirit and send the spirit.

Q: In a trance?The answer is: If you can keep the true oneness, the true qi will condense by itself, and the yang spirit will gather by itself.Gai uses one mind to transport all qi, and if the qi stays, the spirit will live.If you really accumulate strength and do your best for a long time, then you can adjust your spirit and come out of your shell.

Question: Detachment?The answer is: those who surpass, come out.Those who take off are exchanged for mortal bodies.All go out.The previous sages had the experience of shedding their shells: the sixth patriarch came out of the seven-story pagoda, Zhonglu came out of the seven-story red building, and the sea toad and the male crane came out of the sky gate.The poem says: success must come out of Shenjing, and the prosperity of the inner courtyard should not tire you out.He will adopt the method of transcending the five immortals, refining them into immortal qualities and leaving the mundane world.

(End of this chapter)

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