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Chapter 19 Yueyi Chapter

Chapter 19 Moon Yi (7)

Open the arms once, open the chest twice, stir the cart three times, and draw the bow four times.Qingxia Weng's "Danjing Zhizhi": The servant learned Taoism since childhood, abandoned his family with a weak crown, traveled all over the rivers and lakes, and sought teachers and friends.Since I got my first teacher Zhang Wuzhen, I have been familiar with the classics, poems and biographies of Lie Dan, read them carefully, and searched for friends and righteousness.I also tried to visit Taoist warlocks, visited famous caves and heavens, prayed for the inscriptions on the stone steles, and obtained the essentials of Haiqiongxian's guidance on the Dao.Later, when I met Shuiran layman in Zhuling Dongtian, he wrote poems and chapters as gifts, and only then did he realize the wonderful purpose of Haiqiong.I know that what I have learned, pursued, and seen when I was young is that a house is built on a house, and branches are grafted on a branch. I don’t know that a house is a house, and a branch is a branch.Once enlightened, I am afraid that it will be lost; and scholars after reading may not be so willing to pay attention.Because of the number of words recorded, it will benefit future generations.Those who get it can understand the meaning through the text, and work hard. Although they don't seek a teacher, they are in it.Husbands and men have four big fours, and they are all Yin.Only the innate qi is true yang, and this qi is not the qi of blowing, bragging, exhaling, or inhaling, nor can it be seen in form or shadow.

Therefore, Mr. Wuzhen thinks that what can be seen can not be used, and what can be used can not be seen.However, before this qi takes form, in the womb of parents, first receive this qi, and then give birth to two kidneys, then two eyes, from which the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, nine orifices and four limbs will be born, and then the human body will be complete. Foot also.This Qi is only in the middle of the two kidneys, and it is called the Gate of Xuan Min.The words of the former master Xuan Mi's song are so detailed that no one in the world can understand it.Today, when people slaughter animals and pigs, there is a void in the middle of the two kidneys and the place where the lumbar spine goes. There is this in the membrane, and the breath expands until the meat is cold.Before the qi dies, the qi and blood are in full bloom, the soul belongs to each other, and it contains the five essences, and the qi is like soup.Once a person dies, he is like an animal, his energy and blood are scattered and he is discouraged.This alone is the golden elixir.Therefore, the former teacher regards the liver, heart, spleen, lung, gallbladder, kidney, intestine, essence, body fluid, saliva, qi and blood as wrong, and also thinks that the spirit and soul seem right and wrong, this is also the case.In a human body, the right foot is Yin and the left foot is Sun.And the feet are gushing springs, which send out water and fire, enter the tailbone from the feet, and join the two kidneys.On the left is the kidney hall, and on the right is the essence house, one water, one fire, one turtle and one snake, enveloping each other.Between the two kidneys, there is an orifice created by a deficiency, which is called Xuan female.The qi of the two kidneys penetrates between the black and the female, from which the two paths of yellow and red are emitted.The upper Jiaji is double-opened and runs through 24 vertebrae. When Zhongtong's confidant is dying, it will meet in Fengfu and go up to Niwan.

From the Niwan to the Mingtang, it irrigates the Five Palaces scatteredly, goes down to the Chonglou Yuque, pours directly into the Jianggong, and then flows into the main palace.Day and night cycle, endless flow.It is all natural, that is, it is not made by hands and feet.Today's people who enter the sect don't know the principle of emptiness and nature's silent use, but they bend and stretch, swallow, rub, guide, think, watch, and think about it, which leads to illness.For example, Taoist Bailian has many yellow swellings, and Taoist Taoist luck has many Qi Gu, both of which are also experienced.Everyone is like this, that is, there is not much, but those who have self-cultivation can do it, and those without self-cultivation can't.Its popularity has its own definite number.

Just like the tide in the sea, the first moon must respond to the sky, and the handle of the bucket will move by itself at noon.And if a woman's menstruation comes according to the time, it is certainly not bad.When this qi meets yang, it becomes fire, and when it meets yin, it becomes water.Fire is the sap of wood, and water is the essence of gold.Also, the left kidney is the hurdle, and the right kidney is the li, in which there is Ji, and in the hurdle there is E.The combination of pentamethylene and two soils is the word Gui.

Also known as gold in water, the gold one, the sword, hence the name Daogui.Fire is wood, and water is gold.For gold and wood, water and fire share the same hometown.In fact, gold, wood, water, and fire are just one soil, and one soil is the total of the five elements.The former teacher thought that the five viscera have no energy and the six viscera have no energy, so it is called this.This Qi moves naturally from time to time, not artificially.

When talking about pulleys, three carts, the Yellow River, and Caoxi, the images are taken in this way, and they are not based on human strength.This qi often arrives in the middle of the day, and it is called yang fire.At noon, it is cloudy water.When it arrives at Mao, it is wood liquid.When the unitary hour arrives, it is the essence of gold.There is Jia in Mao, and Geng in You.Therefore must use Jia Geng.There is Wu in the child, and there is Ji in the noon, so the middle land is transported.It is not enough to understand the principles of the ups and downs of the universe, the ups and downs of yin and yang, the tenderness of medicinal materials, and the latent hyperactivity of water and fire.However, the first teacher spoke in great detail, but later generations were very confused; the more he talked, the later generations became more suspicious, why?All fate ends up in nothingness, and if there is nothing, you don't know how to work hard, so the fetal breath fails and returns to obstinate emptiness.Ignoring nature and indulging in delusion and force, it is a waste of mind and energy to return to illness.Those who are nothingness say that they cannot be seen or heard.

Natural ones, say that they cannot be welcomed.Today's work is done step by step, such as fire and heat, and the words are deep and shallow, and the sentences are clear, and the steps are carefully cut.Stick to it, and everything will be fulfilled.If you don't enter the house before, let's pay attention to it, and you have to collect medicine in Anding.Every day and night, practice sitting meditation. If you sit firmly, the joints will open and the pulse will flow from the bladder to the Jiaji, just like the movement of a wheel.Congenital Qi, naturally from Sanguan to Niwan, down the Chonglou, and into the Jiang Palace.However, there are times when it comes, and there is also a time when it is picked. When Jiageng Jinmu is flourishing, sit silently without rubbing.After a while, he felt the fire in his head, and the nectar dripped down his throat, so he looked inwardly, and stopped at giving away the purple palace Xuan female within his mind.In a single day, A should be wound up, and Geng should be wound down.From Zi to Mao is the upper string, and you get half a catty of mercury; from noon to unitary, you get half a catty of lead.Half a catty of methylmercury, heptyl and lead are collected, and the number is naturally determined.The so-called lead must be collected urgently when seeing Guisheng, it is said that wood, mercury, gold, lead should be taken at Jiageng.Such a method is adopted.However, when it is first picked, regardless of the years and months, it will be accumulated for a long time to form a tripod furnace.The husband is a body, and the furnace is also.Jiang Gong, Ding also.Today people use the Huang Ting in the spleen and the Niwan in the top as the tripod, which is not the case.After a long time, the furnace will be completed.Then the medicine is planted, and the medicine lasts a lifetime, and it is harvested and refined.

Picking and accumulating it becomes medicine, and refining it becomes fire.One day of mining is worth a catty, and one day of refining is worth a baht.When collecting herbs, Jiageng vigorous qi must be collected.The law of practicing fire, avoiding Jiageng bathing, has this difference.The method of picking is like a tripod, but it does not meet the eyes, and it comes naturally to meet the mind and send it to the eyes.

Therefore, in the Danshu, there is a saying of Huang Po and Qing Nu.Huang Po, meaning too.Qingnv, eyes also.Greeting each other with intentions is called Huang Po's matchmaking; sending them away with eyes is called rumors of young girls.The energy of the human body moves at will.If you want to do it, you can do it, and if you want to stop it, you will stop.Therefore, it is sent to the tripod, and it can be stopped at will.No more dirty.It's called medicine.The medicine is put into the tripod, and then there is a fire.The sage imparts medicine but not fire, and uses fire and medicine to return to the same destination, so he sympathizes with different merits.Zi is one yang, and Zhisi is six yangs.From Zi to Si, the number of fire is six, and the number of six yang is dry.When his son arrives at Si, he welcomes him with his mind, which is called entering the fire, and called adding.Noon is one yin, and Hai is six yin.From noon to Hai, the number of water is six, and the six yins become kun.When it arrives at noon to Hai, send it with your mind, which is called annealing, and it is called pumping.

Therefore, Zisi is fire, and Wuhai is water.Those who talk about fire but not water, add it into the fire, and withdraw it into the ear of water.Naturally, not artificially.The Danjing says that there are countless people in the Hetu Luoshu, and it is said that the fire is natural, and it matches the number of this generation, and it does not have to be combined with force.It is said that the dynasty is in the twilight, and it is day and night.It is also said that the combination of the hexagrams and the hexagrams does not require force to be combined with the hexagrams and lines.If it is said to be used, it is said that this qi operation flows through the five viscera and a hundred channels.For example, Haizi prospers the kidneys, Yinmao prospers the liver, Siwu prospers the heart, Shenyou prospers the lungs, and Chen Xu Chou prospers the spleen.Naturally, this qi operates and comes out of the prosperous palace.There is no need to think about the flow of qi in and out of this viscera at this time.However, at the beginning of making the tripod, there are no taboos.When the time comes, it is done.If it is used as medicine for fire, you must choose a day to enter the house.Nothing vulgar, don't do it rashly.Make the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and four images forget each other, the chest is indifferent, and the empty room is white. Once there is something, the seal is not tight, and the medicine leaks, which is not the way.Since they live indoors, they are only half hungry and half full, so they cannot ask for sleep.Every time I feel embarrassed, I always remind myself.Pick up the medicine when you see it, and do it when it encounters fire.Within a year, except Maoyou and February, there will be no water and fire.According to its Mao, the wood is prosperous, the unitary is the metal, the wood is prosperous, the fire is prosperous, and the metal is prosperous, the water is prosperous.Those who do not have water and fire in February will be injured by Ge Xing.Within twelve months of a year, except for Maoyou and February, only October is kept.Therefore, when the fetus is formed in ten months, and there is no need to use fire after ten months, it is also called hurting the elixir, which is called the degree of fire.When the fetus is born in October, it is moved into the Niwan, which is called changing the tripod.This fetal gas is sufficient, as if a person has been born, but it must be breastfed.So change the tripod into the mud balls, which is called breastfeeding.At this time, there is no need to work on the heat, nor to take a bath, but it is only necessary to warm and nourish it.After three years and nine years, the gate of heaven will open automatically, and the baby will come out naturally, and there will be no hindrance in coming and going, and he will become a fairy.The theory of using labor at the beginning and the end comes from nature, and it is not delusional to pretend that manpower is strong, but it is just to welcome it in time.This is to build a tripod and set up a furnace over a long period of time.In the tenth month of a year, when the fetus was conceived and used fire, the first teacher thought it was true that the golden core was so red in one day.It is also called one that can be achieved in an instant, why?It is said that one hour and a half day's work can take a year and a half year's good fortune.When the medicine is born, it is only met in an instant, which is called the instant golden elixir.That is to say, it is not to work hard all day and all night, and to do it by force.Husband medicine, furnace, fire, bathing, fetal breathing, baby, use, pumping, guest of honor, ups and downs, ups and downs, lead and mercury, water and fire, real earth, gold essence, wood liquid, all words are false names and surnames, In fact, it is only for one thing.The chain of hooks and chains is self-familiar.It is useful to start with the theory of emptiness and nature, which has been exhausted in many alchemy scriptures from the first teacher.Participating in the same, consistent, nothing more.However, it is not difficult to speak, but it is difficult to do it, and it is not difficult to do it, but it is difficult to keep it.Why is it difficult to keep it?Most of the small methods of the sect have no retribution.Only one golden elixir will bring retribution.Today's people collect herbs, young people need half a year's work, fasting, bathing, abstaining from desire, forgetting, sitting quietly, and picking them silently.When the season comes, the ears, eyes, hands, and feet will be light and healthy, and all diseases will be free.Naturally, the two kidneys are on fire, the spine is like a wheel, the mud balls are poured like soup, and there are often drops of nectar in the mouth.If you can stay awake and keep your mind unceasingly, after only two months or so, you will get the divine light from your eyes, and your mind will be clear. If you have the nature of wisdom, this will be an experience.Those who get it must not think of it as the ultimate way, otherwise they will become crazy for a lifetime and become a wind.In the third month, when the time is not bad when you are practicing fire, the nine orifices will be bright, and there will be a golden wheel on the head, looking inside and outside, and connecting with ghosts and gods.At this time, the baby has already formed an image, so it is not allowed to let it move freely, and it must be tightly guarded when entering and leaving, otherwise the fire will leak and the pill will dissipate.When the tenth month is full, the baby is full of breath, and it will naturally be like a ripe fruit, take off the stalks, and then go in and out, and can move about a foot.

If it is far away, it should not go far, and once it is out, it must be taken back, otherwise the gods will take it away and go astray, and they will be reborn and entrusted, and they will no longer care about the house.Three years and nine years have passed, the days are full, and the bones are mature.If you have lived for more than ten years and know the depth and importance of personnel, you can let them come and go naturally.However, there are still demonic obstacles. When he sits in meditation and forgets, he will be twice as smart and full of miracles.All the strange and strange things in the world, the rare encounters of gods before and after death, and the frightening appearance of ghosts and ghosts all come together in front of them, as if seeing with the eyes of wisdom, and as if the gods are attached to them.The coming of this demonic obstacle cannot be regarded as the way, but must be firmly grasped.One thought is solidified, the so-called Taixuan keeps its true form.Don't see falsehood as truth, follow emotion as nature, and keep oneness in this way, only then can you become enlightened.Many people today have no fixed power and fixed views, so they are possessed by external evils.Don't you think that if you don't succeed in learning the Tao, or you will fall down, do you think that there is no doubt about whether there are gods?What a pity!Pu Ping studied and made friends all his life, consulted teachers and asked questions, and practiced hard. What he saw was the same, and he told future scholars.People with lofty ideals can recite it, search for the meaning of the text, refer to the posthumous theories of the alchemy scriptures of the ancestors, and seek the secret purpose of the Dao Zang Xuanwen, all of which are compatible.But if you can practice it according to this, you will be born in October.After moving the cauldron to raise it warmly, it is necessary to participate in the upward movement again, and then you can see Wuzhen's lower compilation to seek the method of refinement.And when there are rare encounters in nature, there are those who don't say it.If you don't do it this time, you will have no owner in your body, your baby will be sterile, and you will study Zen in vain, just like water without a source, and a tree without roots, and you will feel stubborn and empty.The unity of the pubic region is the principle of penetration. If there is any leakage, it will lead to no success in old age, and it will end up in the evil realm of reincarnation.Cultivate to become alchemy, unite to become true, only then is penetration and honesty.Then use the dantian to cultivate it into a treasure, and then it will be a treasure.Cultivate the real treasure in the body, after the alchemy is completed, the depth of the cultivation can be determined, and whether it is confirmed or not.How can there be retribution, but it is the place to learn.Don't neglect for a moment, don't indulge in a step.Flying in the middle is the top, dissecting the corpse is the second, seizing the house is the second, and reincarnating is the bottom.To be like a flying ascension, a long life and a long view is one, and a dead body is two.In particular, the two must be perfect and complete, and have the merits of propagating and transforming on behalf of heaven, benefiting things, and benefiting people, in order to be able to achieve this.If there is no meritorious deed, but it is enough to prolong life, it cannot be a fairy. Why do we say that once the spirit goes away and does not return, the energy will be exhausted and not revived.On the top, you will seize the house, and on the bottom, you will reincarnate.It is also called the soul of no attachment.

The servant deplores the ignorant, there are tens of thousands of people who talk about the Tao, and only one or two achieve success.Therefore, it is also described as a ring for those who come.If you don't want to vent lightly, you will pretend to be this book.The later authors have to have fun and research, just like a teacher, like seeing a gentleman, treasure it, and keep it as a treasure forever.Don't show it to anyone else, don't pass it on to anyone else.Anyone who violates this statement will bring disaster to himself first, and then to the Nine Patriarchs.Falling and sinking, never ending.At that time, Jiazi looked at the sun in autumn in Xianchun, and wrote the book in Zhuling Dongtian.

Health secrets
road song

The road is not far away, in the body, everything is empty and not empty.If the nature is not empty, the spirit lives, and the qi returns to Yuan Hai, and the life span is infinite.If you want to get out of your body, don't leave anything on the Lingtai.When things are in the body, the mind is unclear, dissipating the true essence and damaging the muscles and bones.The spirit controls the qi, the qi retains the shape, and it does not need miscellaneous skills to grow.Technique is easy to know but difficult to meet, and few people do not specialize in it.

Therefore, thousands of people learn it, after all, there is no one or two percent.If the spirit comes out, it will be withdrawn, and the spirit will return to the body by itself.Such mornings and evenings, it is natural for a child to give birth to a true child.

The golden lock is the entrance, and the jade key is the vitality.When sitting quietly, adjust the breath in the nose.Obey the rules and regulations, so as to get a natural place.The breath is endless, and you can't stop thinking about it.After the breath is adjusted evenly, there will be no breathing in and out in the nose.But where to save, one thought is firm.Breathe with vitality, rest in the porch.

Suddenly there is a sound, and the close is opened, and I have seen it at that time.At this point in time, the Chinese character Fangdong is thorough.

Jinding wants to keep the mercury in the sand.Jinding is a Chinese character, also known as a tripod furnace, and the middle is intended to be preserved.Mercury in sand is essence.Yuchi first launched Vitarin.Yuchi is Huachi, and the water is Shenshui.Jinding wants to keep its mercury.When sitting quietly, keep the middle guard first. If you keep the middle guard firmly, the in and out breath will naturally be silent.

After a little silence, I consciously calmed down, and the vitality was naturally hidden in the breath.After the body is consciously blended, and does not know that there is a thing, a self, and a world, it is like this, and the water in the Huachi comes naturally.Wait until your mouth is full, and when you swallow it with a sound, you will send it to Zhongjian with your intention.There was a sound at the entrance of the middle gate, as if a lock was unlocked.

When you are like this, you close your eyes and take a picture, look at your own internal environment, and see the supernatural scene, which cannot be fully described.

Health secrets
Jindan Q&A
Question: How do you call the golden liquid returning pills?The answer is: gold liquid is also gold water.Gold is a jellyfish, and the mother hides the fetus, because it has the name of returning pills.

The former sages have said: "The elixir is the dantian."Liquid person, lung fluid also.Return the lung fluid to the dantian, so it is called the golden fluid to return the dan.

Question: What is lead and mercury?Answer: Extraordinary black tin mercury also.Shinichi said: Lead is the parent of heaven and earth, the foundation of yin and yang.Gai Shengren took the roots of the parents of heaven and earth to form the foundation of the great elixir, and the pure essence of yin and yang to form the essence of the great elixir, and they are very artificial.Mercury is good at flying, and when it meets lead, it will form a knot, because its son and mother are in love.

Asked: What is fire?The answer is: fire is the true energy of the sun, which is the yang in the hurdle.Master Ziqing said: "There is a fire in the ridge."

Asked: What is waiting?The answer is: five days is one waiting, which is the end of Jiazi.There are twelve o'clock in the day, and sixty o'clock in five days, and there is one Jiazi in the end.

Ziyang said: "A moment of time has its own year's festival. When a fire breaks out, it will be a week in an instant."

Asked: How is the heat?The answer is: The month is used in the middle of the year, the day is used in the middle of the month, the hour is used in the middle of the day, and the engraving is used in the middle of the hour.

Ask: What is true oneness?The answer is: People can keep their innocence in the valley of heaven, and this is the way of abiding by the oneness of truth.The master of the Golden Cave said: The true One lies in the great abyss of the North Pole.

Ask: What is movement and stillness?The answer is: Yang is active, and Yin is quiet.Cuixu said: Seek stillness while moving, do something while stillness, do something while moving and stillness, and pass it on orally.

Asked: What is the nine return?The answer is: gold produces four, and the number is nine.Those who return, from top to bottom, nine is the number of Lao Yang.Yin Zhenjun said: From the son to the Shen, it is the nine returns, and it is also smooth.

Ask: What are the seven returns?The answer is: Fire produces two, which makes seven.Those who return, return from the bottom to the top, seven is the number of Shaoyang.Yin Zhenjun said: From Yin to Shen, there are seven returns, and it is also retrograde.

Ask, what is a furnace?Answer: The top-grade elixir method uses the gods as the furnace, nature as the medicine, concentration as the water, and wisdom as the fire.The middle-grade alchemy method uses gods as the furnace, qi as the medicine, the sun as the fire, and the moon as the water.The low-grade alchemy uses the body as the furnace, the qi as the medicine, the heart as the fire, and the kidneys as the water.

There is also Yanyue Furnace.

Asked: What is a tripod?Answer: Master Bao said: The golden tripod is close to the Niwan, so the Yellow Emperor cast the Jiuding.

(End of this chapter)

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