Health Guide Cheats

Chapter 18 Yueyi Chapter

Chapter 18 Moon Yi (6)

One method: Ordinary people feel that the back is strong, no matter the season, shrink the throat, push the arms upwards, press the head from left to right, and stay on the left and right sides. Urgent, don't rush first and then slow down.If there is no sickness, I often want to get up at dawn, at noon, and at the end of the day for three hours. If you use the hour, don’t miss the twenty-seventh, and get rid of cold and fever, pain in the spine, waist, neck, wind numbness, sores in the mouth, teeth wind, dizziness, and the end of the day. Except also.

Guide to health regimen
One method: Sit facing east, hold the three links continuously, and twist the two nostrils with your hands.Treat nasal problems.Sitting cross-legged, it cures nasal afflictions, relieves carbuncles and sores on the feet, removes mucus and saliva, clears the nasal passages, and smells fragrant and stinky.After a long journey, I have heard the ten directions thoroughly.

One method: Sit on the knees, open the feet, and keep the five joints open to cure nasal sores.

One method: Sit upright with your waist straight, slowly breathe in through your nose, and twist your nose with your right hand to remove dark eyes and bitter tears.Slowly close your eyes and exhale, nasal polyps and deafness can also be eliminated.Typhoid fever, headache indistinct, should be sweating as the degree.

One method: Sit facing east and keep three links, twist the two nostrils with your hands to treat polyps in the nose.

Guide to health regimen
Ear door
One method: Sit on the ground and cross your feet, insert your hands through the curved feet, lower your head and cross your neck, to cure the inability to warm yourself and deafness for a long time.

One method: put your feet on your neck, and keep doing the twelve passages continuously, and you will get more and more blocked, you will not feel warm or hot, you will suffer from persistent cold for a long time, and you will be deaf and blind.If you practice for a long time, you will become a Dharma, and the Dharma body cannot be changed five or six times.

Guide to health regimen
leak door

One method: treat spermatorrhea, white turbidity, and colds.When the yin is flourishing and the yang is declining during the Xuhai period, rub the outer kidney with one hand and rub the lower navel 81 times with the other hand, and then change hands, nine times in each hand, rubbing for 81 days to see the test, and it will be successful on the [-]st day.

One method: to treat nocturnal emission, make the bed short and narrow; lie down like a bow, bend two knees and retract the navel, or lie on the left or right side, support the scrotum with one hand, and put one hand on the dantian. If the things you want are solid and not vented, you can keep yourself safe.

Guide to health regimen
One method: Lie down, let the two feet cover the knees, put the evil heels on the mouth of the routs, inhale the air and shake the abdomen, expel the air through the nose, remove the drenching, and urinate several times.

One method: Squat about one foot high, bend your knees from the outside to the inside with both hands, reach the top of the feet, hold the five fingers of the feet with both hands, and push them hard to make the inside bend eight.Sharpen the waist and hips, treat stranguria.

One method: Lie down, put the knees and heels on the mouth of the routs, inhale Qi and vibrate the abdomen, exhale the air through the nose, and remove the pain in the stranguria and stems.

One method: Use the heels of both feet to cover the knees to remove insufficiency.

One method: Lie down, let the two feet cover the knees, put the heels under the buttocks, take in the air through the mouth, make the abdomen distend from the extreme, and exhale seven breaths through the nose, to eliminate dyspnea, frequent urination, pain in the stem, dampness below the yin, and lower abdomen Pain, knee does not follow.

Guide to health regimen
Two can't get through the door
One method: sit upright, put your hands behind your back, which is called taking the stool, the more you can't defecate, the more you will feel weak.Instead, put your hands on your back, push up to make you feel careful, and sit on the floor. On the contrary, you will be able to pass the nine passages, the more you can't defecate, the more you will benefit your abdomen, the more you will be weak.

One method: the tortoise moves the qi, puts down the clothes and quilts, covers the mouth, nose, head and face, lying on the front, continuously and nine times, and slightly exhales the breath from the nose, to cure the blockage of stool.

One method: Lie down, twist the left and right flanks with both hands straight, to relieve difficulty in defecation, abdominal pain, and cold in the abdomen.Inhale air through the mouth, expel air through the nose, swallow dozens of warm air, and recover from illness.

Guide to health regimen
hernia gate

One method: Pull two toes, stop five breaths, draw the Qi in the abdomen, remove hernias, and sharpen the holes.

One way: Sit with your feet stretched out, hold your thumbs with both hands, make your feet go up and down, pull them up, stop at five breaths, guide the Qi in the abdomen to flow through the body, remove hernias, and sharpen the holes.It is easy to come and go, and it is refreshing, smart and slender after a long trip.

Guide to health regimen

One method: just sit on your back, keep your mind calm and calm, and keep your heels closed.

One method: step on the ground with one foot, bend the knee with the other foot, hold the calf under the nose with both hands, and pull towards the body in a sharp posture, changing left and right to change Siqi.Remove hemorrhoids, five labors, and three miles.

One method: Sit on the crouch, bring the knees together, open the feet, and pass continuously to treat the five hemorrhoids.

One method: hold the feet with both hands, keep the head still, receive the breath from the feet to the mouth, dissipate all the solar terms, come and go Sanqi, if you want to get it.Catch the left and right sideways, each pole, pull the waist and do not move.Remove extremities, upper and lower waist, intramedullary cold, cold blood, tense muscles, stuffy hemorrhoids.

One method: step on each other with two feet, frown towards the genitals, put your hands on your knees in two directions, hold the two sevens in extreme posture, compete with the body in two directions, take the posture two sevens, and push your waist back and forth.To heartwork hemorrhoids.

Guide to health regimen
Old man's door

"The Book of Cultivation of Truth" says: In the spring, the wood that improves the eyesight helps the liver, and in the summer solstice, the fire in the heart goes away.Qiu Ding knows that gold and lungs moisten, but kidney blowing only needs Kan Zhongan.Sanjiao hee relieves restlessness and heat, breathes spleen and transforms meals for four seasons, remembers to hear and hear, its merits are better than Baoshen Dan.

Jue Yun: Open your eyes when the liver is booing, and hold your lungs and hands together.The heart is holding hands high behind the head, and the knees are flat when the kidneys are blowing.When the spleen is used to exhale, the mouth must be pinched, and the triple burner is hot and lying down.The four seasons are always booing, and the eight festivals are not to be boasted.Covering the liver is the phase fire, which has diarrhea but no tonic.The kidney is true water, which is nourishing but not diarrhea.

Liver shush, mainly dry face dust, red eyes, excessive tears, pain, hypochondriac pain, yellow-red or astringent urine.

Heart ah, the main irritability, sore throat, heat swelling, sweating, heat in the palm, throat thirst.

Spleen exhalation, mainly hot phlegm and saliva, yellow eyes, sore throat, bleed at the nose, dry mouth and tongue pain, body weight and abdominal distension.

Lung, governing asthma, coughing and polydipsia, phlegm and phlegm in the chest and diaphragm, and sweating due to hot wind in the palms.

Kidney blowing, the main symptoms are leprosy, dark complexion, dry mouth, tinnitus, swollen throat, pain in the thigh, and hot pain in the foot.

Sanjiao hee, mainly for cheek pain, throat numbness, and ear closure.

The above mainly treats the six meridians and the evil of the disease, but there is no deficiency of viscera, and the smell of medicine and food is used as a tonic.The scriptures say: Form eats flavor, so taste returns to form, qi nourishes form, so form returns to qi, qi transforms to produce essence, and taste is harmonious to make form long, so the five flavors are suitable.If the failure of the five ambitions is not curable by medicine, the five victories are appropriate.

Worry beats anger.The liver belongs to wood, and it is angry when it is in the will, and it will hurt itself when it is a festival.Therefore, it is said that anger hurts the liver, so it is controlled by the victor.

Fear wins joy.The heart belongs to fire, and the ambition is joy, but the holidays are anti-self-injury.Therefore, it is said to be happy and sad, so it is controlled by the victor.

Anger beats thinking.The spleen belongs to the earth, and when it is in the will, it is thinking, but when it is a festival, it will hurt itself.Therefore, it is said that thinking hurts the spleen, so it is controlled by the victor.

Joy beats worry.The lungs belong to gold, and gold is worrying in the aspirations, and it will hurt yourself during festivals.Therefore, the victor controls it.

Thinking about victory over fear.Kidneys belong to water, and they are fearful when they are in the mind, but they will hurt themselves when they are in festivals, and let the victor control it.

"Tongxuan Ji" says: The wonderful principle of supplementing the truth, as long as there is nothing in the mind, forget both inside and outside, let go together, and grasp it.When yang gives birth, when yin gives birth at noon, put on clothes in a quiet room, hold hands firmly, sit upright, cross-legged, squat down on the abdomen, after a while, raise the body, protrude the chest forward, and slightly bow the head behind, open the double gate at the back, and slightly behind the elbow. Fan, stretch the waist three times, from the Weilu point, like a fire, rise from the waist, and hug the Jiaji.Be careful not to switch on and off, it is very hot in real time and strong, gradually open the spine and let out the air, still face up, close the back of the head tightly to close it, be careful not to let it open, immediately feel hot and strong, gradually go to the top to replenish Niwan and marrow sea are the body's resistance to cold and heat and are the foundation of longevity.For example, stretch out the chest, stretch the waist, close the back, store and raise the waist, if the fire does not rise, you should sit quietly and observe inwardly, and do it again in the same way until the fire rises.From ugliness to Yin, it can be stopped.It is said to fly gold essence behind the elbow, and it is also called to draw lead to make kidney qi generate liver qi.

He raised his head slightly and lowered his neck, and put it under his neck.Like a fire, nodding forward, bowing the head and bending the neck, pulling the tip of the tongue close to the back, putting it on the pillar, the body fluid comes out, swallowing without rinsing, returning the yellow court, it is called Jinye returning pills.Do this at any time of the four seasons, from Gen to Sunda.At night, it is Leyang Pass, and the method is self-contained to dry.

Health secrets
Yuxi Zidan Room Quotations

Concentrate your mind on your mind, and return your mind to your qi to make alchemy.Emotions return to nature, and the restoration of nature returns to the root to support life.Returning the essence of pills is just lead and mercury.Yuan Jing is the root of life, Bao Yuan Jing and true lead are self-sustaining.The primordial spirit is the ancestor of nature, and the essence is stingy, but the real mercury is self-produced.It is known to strengthen the essence to nourish the qi, and to strengthen the qi to nourish the spirit.Lead and mercury sometimes meet each other, and they stay together to form a fire.True Qi gathers together all the time, forgetting for a long time to form a golden elixir.If the real lead goes away and the real mercury dries up, the primordial spirit is scattered and the primordial essence is exhausted.Isn't it difficult to ask for a return?If you don't meet someone with ambition, don't teach it lightly.Keep it safe and keep it secret.

The yin and yang exchanges outside the formula, so the medicine is also outside.If the inner sill is away from the convergence, then the internal medicine is also.The outside works, but the inside is natural.There are two functions of essence, qi and spirit, and one body.In terms of foreign medicine, the essence of intercourse must first not leak; the breath of breathing must be more subtle, so that there is no breath.The god of contemplation, the most important thing is quiet.In terms of internal medicine, refining the essence, refining the essence, is also the extraction of the Yuanyang in the ridge.If the original essence is solid, then the essence of intercourse will not leak out.Refining qi, refining primordial qi, replenishing the primordial yin in Li.When the vital energy stays, the breathing air will not come in and out.Refining the gods, refining the primordial spirit.Hum and clutch, the body becomes dry.Yuanshenning is Taiding, the god of thinking.On top of that, there is even one who refines the emptiness. It is not easy to speak lightly.Mian Zhan Mian Zhan.

Health secrets
Yuxizi Yichun Heart Jue
Three thousand six hundred methods, supporting thousands of families.The rate is all side door and small method, nothing more than a winding path.The servant has experienced "Cantong" for only [-] years. He wrote the twelve-character formula in the picture in the rules, and used it to teach Taoism.A gentleman takes honesty and sincerity as the central pillar, and controls the outside when he is in the middle.Supplemented by the eight characters of Xihe, Zhonghe, Lianjing, and Liansu, the four seasons are adjusted to respond to the middle from the outside.Shanghe Tianxin, Zhongji personnel affairs.The silent symbol is good fortune, and the yin and yang follow the track.The five elements are governed externally, and the five internal organs are governed internally, thinking that the cycle of the sun and the moon has no reason.Don't do anything, don't think about it, you will be determined, and you will use the total opportunity.But we must cut off our appetites, calm our minds, reflect on our thoughts, eat and drink, adjust our nose and breath, beware of drowsiness, and save our eyesight and hearing.Cultivating heaven and harmony in the four majestic instruments and the four congregations is in harmony with the beauty of nature, and there is nothing difficult about it.Those who have already established Yin'e will use it to sign the fire and raise the holy fetus.Those who have not established Yin and Hubei can benefit their vitality and nourish their spirits.In order to establish Yin and Hubei's gradual wastage and loss, and diseases attack each other, it is a simple method to drive away diseases and strengthen vitality as a method of replenishing and prolonging life.Song Xianchun was at the age of the next Yuan Festival, and Li Gongming, the son of Yuxi in Yichun, prefaced it.

Those who are in the rules and pictures are in the rules, like living in a rule, like a self in a big round mirror.But honesty and sincerity are the mainstay and the central pillar.When all worries are gone, the real person appears, like a fish jumping into the abyss, swimming and enjoying himself without leaving the square inch.Emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy are not yet expressed. At this time, you can stay in the rules, swim and dive.

The four seasons are used to correct good fortune, and among the four prestige, one must not lose integrity.When things come, they should respond, and when they should return to the center, the central pillar must not be moved.It is always empty in the middle, and not a single speck of dust stands there, and it is wonderful if you let it go for a long time without letting it go.The six yins return to Kun, and all things; Yuanfu goes to construction, and it begins to sprout and grow.

The son has no father.The place where the yang is latent and moving, when everything is not born, from here is the place of action.At this time, sit in the lotus position, focus on the inner light, adjust the breath continuously, and keep it silently.

Then one qi comes from nothingness, it is dark, colorless and formless, it is not the place of Zixuanming, Kungui, it is born in the kidney, it nourishes the essence, it becomes stronger day by day, it goes away first, then it returns to the baby, and it accumulates and accumulates. It is the foundation of inner alchemy.Yuan Zhenren said: Yuan Qi supplements Yuan Qi, is it just ordinary sand and stones? This is the best way to replenish Qi.Those who are in the court, the beginning of the gentleman's classics, the beginning of the germination of all things, and the end of benevolence.Master, the qi that is first born is in the kidneys, and it comes spontaneously without being summoned, so it should be preserved and nourished.Adjusting the breath is not audible to the ears, but it is long and continuous, which is in line with nature, and it corresponds to the heaven and earth.Over a long period of time, the kidney qi merges with the heart qi, and the sympathy between the two qi will produce mysterious pearls by descending the nectar.Those who are in the dark are also able to cultivate righteousness and sages.So as not to lose the original heart of a child, the end of righteousness.At noon, the qi of the beginning of life is in the heart, and it comes spontaneously without being called, without thinking or worrying, and meditating in the heart to unite it.Sitting quietly and taking photos, after a long time, the heart and kidney qi will be combined to become a great achievement.One of the three talents of human beings, the good fortune of one body is equal to that of heaven and earth.Therefore, the sun and the moon are always moving, the Qi of the heaven and the earth are in harmony, and the essence of the true one is in harmony.Human vitality, 810 feet, is consistent with the two qi.Therefore, vitality and great luck follow the day, and small luck follows the day.But human life can't appreciate the greatness of the heaven and the earth, so that it will be mourned, injured and defeated, the spirit will be confused, and it will be contrary to itself.Those who know, if they can grasp the machine in a reasonable way, they can conform to the chemical process and become the way of alchemy and internal refinement for longevity and long-term vision.Outside of others, they are always confused, but in the vitality, they are all things, and they are able to control the qi. "Shan Tong Qi" says: In spring and summer, it is used for internal use, from Zi to Chensi; in autumn and winter, it is used for external use, from noon to Xuhai.It also says: Rewards and punishments correspond to spring and autumn, twilight corresponds to cold and heat, lines of speech have benevolence and righteousness, and anger and anger can be expressed at any time. If this is the case for the four seasons, the five elements are justified.

Health secrets
Zhonghuang Neizhi
Mr. Yuzhen said: "Wuji Zhonghuang Dao was originally taught orally, and there is no text. I am sympathetic to the newborns. I heard it for a while, but I can't remember it."Therefore, this skillful and convenient method is set up to make him listen to his ears and focus on his heart, and his eyes to watch his spirit.After the transmission is completed, burn it immediately, and don't let it be generalized.The inner edict says: Heaven has nine palaces, earth has nine provinces, and people have nine orifices.The sky has Zhonghuang as the sun, the earth has Zhonghuang as Taiyin, and people have Zhonghuang as Dan, all of which are called Zhonghuang.Baji means its position, and Huang means its color, so it is called Zhonghuang.The eight extremes are the main places of the eight directions, and they are only the middle palace, that is, the Huangting, that is, Xuanmu, that is, the innate Qi, that is, the Xuanguan, that is, the place of perfection, that is, the way of Huangji, that is, Yunzhi Juezhong.

In the five elements it is called soil, in the five internal organs it is called the spleen, in the five constants it is called faith.Drugs, three qi, five gods, heat, and inhalation are all here.When walking, standing, sitting and lying down, you should pay attention to it, and you should not leave it for a moment.Don't waste people, but be honest with things.Always be quiet.My patriarch said that it is better to keep the middle than talk too much.

It is also said: Thirty spokes make up a hub.The spokes are flanked by ribs, and the hub is centered.It is also said: Between heaven and earth, it is as if it is a stick.It is also called breathing.Exhale, the kidney qi rises, and when soil is obtained, it stops.Inhale, the heart fluid will drop, and when it touches the earth, it will rest.That is to say, the great elixir is formed by tempering water and fire.If it can be preserved, the law will work.I often say that if you want to be enlightened, you must be in the middle.The one in the middle can understand the four corners of the upper and lower sides, which is also called impartiality.The distance between heaven and earth is [-] liters. The heart and kidneys of a person, that is, the world of the whole body, are eight inches and four minutes apart. Take the middle finger joint as an example, from the navel to the tip of the tailbone, there are eight inches and four minutes.Now the cloud navel, the lid is opposite to the kidney.Therefore, three inches and six points below the heart, three inches and six points above the navel and kidneys, and only one inch and two in the middle are divided into Huangting, which is in charge of my body and life. The so-called holy way is the secret of the secret.

Sanmao Zhenjun said: Essence is cultivated in Qi, and Qi is gathered in God.If the spirit does not disperse, it is called comprehension.The son never leaves the mother, and the mother never leaves.The child and the mother stick to it and live forever.Mr. Dong Zhen said: Be cautious and guarded, don't say anything, be natural and natural, mysterious and mysterious.People who have heard the Tao are all lucky for a thousand lives, and they have a fairy fate.Or talking and laughing, leaking to others.Unforeseen disasters, spreading disasters.After receiving the teaching, do it diligently.

Yuxi real person said: Confucianism Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Zhou Gong, Confucius, Yan, Zeng, Si, Meng, the Taoism passed down through the ages, that is, this way.Sheng Shao admired Qingxu and paid attention to the Tao.Thousands of methods, all teachers visit.Because of visiting Hengyue, Fang met someone, and secretly received Ziyang Xianweng Dan Jue.According to the Jiugong gossip, change the month with the year, change the day with the month, change the time with the day, take the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, and win the miracle of good fortune.Nagui Zhonggong, sympathetic into Dan.Not only to prolong the life, but also to live in the world, the so-called my fate is up to me.After being promoted to self-satisfaction, his physical strength is not weakened, his temples are not white, he can travel hundreds of miles a day, and his movements are light.Miraculous testimonials cannot be described.

In the meantime, water and fire are both economical, and it is also a method of rendezvous between obstacles and separations.Over time, it can become a pill.Today's people are covered with fire, dryness and inflammation on the top, and water on the bottom, which seduces the yin and evil qi, takes advantage of the gap, and makes people sick.If you meet Shouyao, this trick will make it happen.The five elements are reversed, and the dragon comes out of the fire.If the five elements don't go straight, the tiger will live in the water.If you go forward, you will be ordinary, and if you go retrograde, you will be holy.Mysterious and mysterious, now I will learn about it later.The tactic is: lift up as soon as it rises, and the qi returns to the navel; swallow it as soon as it descends, and water and fire meet.These sixteen characters are simple and easy to do, regardless of time.Or in the government, you might as well do political affairs; even if you are rich and honored, you might as well use it.The so-called ultimate way is not complicated.If there is a wind disease, it will take effect very quickly.But when there is little free time in the daytime, whether you are crossing your legs, or hanging your feet down, or sitting upright, you are not restrained, just take the breath in and out of the nose.

Breathing in is called inhalation, even if the breath is raised, the lower part of the body will exert a slight force, and all the breath will return to the navel. This is called the return of the breath to the navel.Covering the umbilical cord is the sea of ​​qi in a person, and all the energy gathered is stored here.Breathing out is called exhalation, even if the body is free, there is a sound when swallowing, this is called the meeting of fire and water.If you do it, don't count the number of times.If you want to do it and do it, you will stop when you can.If it can be held for a long time, the navel is often like fire ironing, the breath in the abdomen is like thunder, the urination will gradually decrease, the essence will not leak, the waist and spine will be strong, the diet will be improved, all diseases will be eliminated from the body, and external evils will not invade.After walking for a year, all diseases will be cured.After walking for a long time, the three palaces will naturally rise and fall, and the two qi will circulate, thus forming a great way, and longevity and long-term vision.In the past, there was Mr. Haiwang who taught people the method of walking and holding, breathing in and out according to the nose, but not the method of lifting convulsions.The next time, Li Daoren from Enzhou taught Yang Heyu the method of raising convulsions, but not the method of inhalation.All use it to be dry.As a result of traveling to the Ziqi Peak in Nanyue, he personally received Mr. Li's secrets.The gentleman is also from Shandong, he is [-] years old, his hair and beard are not white, his face is like a child's face, and he walks like flying.If I get its biography, it will be verified.Don't dare to be secretive, and I would like to be a person who preaches the good way.

Health secrets

(End of this chapter)

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