Chapter 109

The award ceremony was on the second night after arriving in Japan, and there was a dance party after the award ceremony, Yi Han volunteered to be the only male companion.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the only one took Yi Han's arm and walked slowly into the venue.Undoubtedly, her appearance became the highlight of the party, and everyone was guessing who this beautiful Chinese doll was.

Wei Wei and Yi Han looked at each other with a smile, the radiance of confidence radiated from Wei Wei's young face, looking elegant and full of vigor.

But, inexplicably, just like when he held Yin Ziran's hand to attend the ball, Wei Wei felt a pair of cold eyes staring at him.

She couldn't help becoming nervous, she searched around, but couldn't find the source of the gaze, perhaps, it was an illusion...

The awards ceremony officially started, and the awards were divided into details. Finally, the winner of the competition was awarded. When the award-presenting guest read the three words "Ran Weiwei" on the podium, the audience was shocked.

She stepped onto the podium with a smile, took the trophy from the guests, faced the audience, and raised the trophy.

The applause surged, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. She vaguely saw a familiar figure standing up in the auditorium, and then quietly exiting the stage...

At that moment, she stopped breathing, her lungs seemed to be filled with pain...

It was at that moment that she realized how much she still loved him...

She really doesn't hate him, maybe, this is called fate and no fate...

Suddenly, I remembered an old song: I finally let thousands of hands wave in front of me, I finally have thousands of enthusiastic smiles, I finally let the crowd be deeply moved by me... I finally lost you, in In the crowded crowd, I finally lost you. When I felt honorable for the first time in my life... When the applause around me was surging like a tide, I saw tears of sadness flickering in your eyes.

Amidst the applause, she finally burst into tears...

The master of ceremonies walked up to her, thinking that she was crying because of the award, excitedly came to ask her acceptance speech, and asked her which school she graduated from.

The only one thought about it, and boldly admitted, "I didn't go to college, and I was even very poor. Because of poverty, I could only make dolls by myself since I was a child. From clumsy handmade dolls to standing on this podium today, I have experienced There are many, many, and the reason why I am today is because of a person who is very important to me, he changed my life, and I will always remember him."

In fact, the only one didn't see it, the person she mentioned didn't go far away, but just stared at her quietly from a farther corner, watching her burst into tears, hearing her mention him, the dry eye sockets became moist

After the award ceremony, a grand ball was held. Many toy companies took this opportunity to approach her, hoping to hire her, but she declined them one by one.

Yi Han was always by her side, but he didn't ask her to dance, and she was not in the mood to dance, so they drank champagne quietly in the corner.

Suddenly, someone stretched out a hand to her in a gentlemanly manner, "Only one, is that okay?"

Very familiar voice!The only one looked up, and it turned out to be Fujita!

She was overjoyed, "Mr. Fujita, you are here too!"

"Yeah, do I have the honor to ask a big designer to dance?" Fujita's smile looked a little weird under the light.

"Of course!" The only one stood up generously, and slid onto the dance floor with him.

"Congratulations! The only one!" Fujita proudly looked at his favorite student.

"It's all due to you, it's because you taught well, Mr. Fujita, thank you very much!" said the only teacher who looked at him.

"Didn't you tell me not to call me teacher? Call me again!" Fujita frowned slightly.

The only one can't help sticking out his tongue, "Yu Guang!"

"That's about the same!" Fujita smiled with satisfaction, "Actually, you have to thank another person."

The only one who knew who he wanted to talk about hung his head in silence.

"Do you know when he came to Japan? The competition came from the very beginning, and he paid attention to every detail in the selection process. He was also the first to hear the news of your award. He was happier than you. Just now he was in Japan. At the award ceremony, I made a special trip to watch you receive the award before leaving." Fujita said softly, but caused an uproar in Wei Wei's heart.

Did he make a special trip to see her win the award?From the time she heard the news of the award to the present, he has never come to congratulate her, never sent a congratulatory text message, and never even appeared in front of her, but he came all the way to Japan to follow her competition...

Why does he always exist so quietly in the darkness around her, staring at her quietly?Didn't she make it clear to him?Break it, break it cleanly, thoroughly!

She forced herself to calm down, "That's his business, not mine!"

"Only, are you really so cruel?" Fujita looked at her disappointedly.

The music gradually stopped, and the only one turned around gracefully, "Yu Guang, you won't understand! I will thank him and thank him forever, but I can't be with him."

After finishing speaking, before the next piece of music played, she returned to her seat and said to Yi Han, "Let's go, I don't like this kind of atmosphere."

"It just so happens that I don't like it either!" Yi Han wished for nothing, and took the only one to leave.

And in a corner behind them, a pair of cold eyes stared at them until their figures disappeared at the end of the road...

Fujita quietly appeared beside him, sighing, "Just let go?"

He didn't answer, turned and walked in another direction...

In the car, he took out his mobile phone and dialed, "Ting En, have you found out what that Yi Han does?"

Lei Tingen said a few words at that end, and he couldn't help frowning, "You can't even find out? Is he really clueless or is he too powerful? Well, continue to investigate!"

(End of this chapter)

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