Chapter 110

"How dare you!" Yin Ziran suddenly stood up angrily, "Meimei, you dare to drag Wei Wei to plastic surgery, I will chop you up!"

Dick was not happy, "Why did Mr. Yin threaten my girlfriend? And insult my career? I want to sue you!"

Meimei quickly appeased Dick, "It's nothing to do with you! It's our own business, don't meddle in it!"

The only one also yanked Dick's clothes corner, "You madman, sit down quickly! What are you crazy about!"

Seeing this, Yi Han came out to smooth things over, "Okay, okay, stop arguing! Everyone is almost finished eating, let's go!" After speaking, he called the waiter to pay the bill.

"Who asked you to pay the bill? I said that I was the only one to pay, of course I will pay the bill!" Yin Ziran threw down a stack of money, grabbed his only arm and left.

Yi Han looked at their backs and smiled slightly, "Forget it, let's go too, this second young master of the Yin family is young and vigorous, don't bother with him."

The only one who was dragged by Yin Ziran staggered, and when he reached the outside of the restaurant, he shook off his hand, "Let go of me! What are you going crazy today! You've offended me!"

"You don't want to offend?" Yin Ziran glared at her, "That Yi Han, I warned you not to be with him, why didn't you listen?"

The only one was also irritated by his attitude, "Why should I listen to you?"

"He obviously has bad intentions and has ulterior motives for you!" Yin Ziran said, pointing at her nose.

She slapped his hand away, "So what? I'm alone now, so I could have ulterior motives for me!"

"Then why can't I?" Yin Ziran asked sullenly.

"Because you are my sister!" The only one turned around and ran to the taxi.

Sister...Yin Ziran read these two words, very frustrated...

"I'll see you off!" He didn't forget to shout at the only one behind.

"No need!" The voice fell at the moment when the dull door was closed.

On the taxi, the only mobile phone rang, and when she answered it, she heard Yi Han's soft voice, "Only, I'm really sorry about what happened tonight, it made you embarrassed."

Yi Han's demeanor calmed the only one, and she replied with the same soft voice, "It's okay, it has nothing to do with you."

"Hehe, I'm just worried that you're unhappy. I'm relieved to hear that you're fine! Yin Ziran also cares about you, so don't be angry with him." Every word and every sentence of Yi Han shows that he is mature and self-restraining, and at the same time reflects his respect for The only concern.

The only one secretly feels that an old man is still an old man after all, much more mature and stable!She smiled and replied, "I know, I'm really fine, please comfort your friend!"

"That's good! Goodbye!" Yi Han's voice stopped in his ears with a soft ending, which could leave an aftertaste.

The only one yawned and really wanted to sleep. Looking at the time, it was only after nine o'clock. I may have been too tired recently.

The phone in the bag vibrated, who is it?She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Dr. Lu, the family doctor of Leng's family.

There are two family doctors in Leng's family. Since Sui Mi had a miscarriage last time, Leng Yan saved the numbers of the two doctors in Sui mobile phone, fearing that in case of any accident, she could find the doctor immediately.

It's just that she didn't know that Dr. Lu also left her number, so what's the matter with her at such a late hour?Is Leng Yan sick?

Thinking of this, she suddenly became nervous, and quickly answered, "Hi, Doctor Lu, hello, I'm the only one."

"Ma'am, is Mr. Leng here?" It turned out that Dr. Lu didn't know that she had moved out.

She didn't know how to answer, so she said vaguely, "This...he's not here."

"Then Madam, please tell Mr. Leng why his cell phone is turned off." Dr. Lu didn't care whether the only one agreed to tell the news, and said naturally, "The Dulantin he wanted me to send tonight is gone. Also, Ma'am , I have to remind you that Mr. Leng is now too dependent on Demerol, he is almost addicted, and Demerol has serious side effects, it is best for him to stop."

"Demerol? Is he using Demerol?" The only one didn't know about it at all.

"You don't know?" Dr. Lu was also very surprised, "Mr. Leng has been suffering from severe insomnia for many years, and has the habit of taking sleeping pills. It seemed to be better this year, but he committed it again recently, and it was accompanied by severe insomnia. Anxiety symptoms, taking sleeping pills seems to be ineffective, he doesn’t know when he started injecting Demerol himself, I advised him, but he didn’t listen, he asked me for medicine today…”

"Where is he?" Wei Wei felt pain and anger in her heart, this man was simply sent by God to torture her!It turned out that he was not joking when he said that he took sleeping pills, she was so careless!

"At the seaside, he asked me to send me to a house by the sea..."

Before Dr. Lu could finish speaking, Wei Wei hung up the phone and asked the driver to divert the car to the beach.

Standing in front of the beautiful small white building, Wei Wei never thought that she would throw herself into the trap again. This man is the catastrophe in her life, the demon she cannot escape...

She took out the key, but found that the door was unlocked, and it opened with a slight push. The living room was dark, and there was no one else. When she went upstairs, she first searched for the bedroom, then the study room. After searching for each room, there was still no one. Finally, she Reminds me of the garden on the roof.

He quickly ran up to the top floor, pushed open the door, and under the starlight, he sat on the ground, his back was even more lonely under the faint starlight, and a pile of empty wine bottles were poured beside him.

"It's only now?" He didn't look back, took a big sip of wine from the bottle, and said coldly.

The only one's chest was so tight that it was about to explode, entangled in anger and heartache, wishing to wake him up.She rushed forward and grabbed his wine bottle and threw it on the ground hard, tears streaming down her face.

(End of this chapter)

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