Chapter 111

Leng Yan was surprised when he realized it was her at first glance, "The only one? Why is it you?"

Only looking at his pale face, disheveled hair, and messy clothes, it is impossible to connect him with the exquisite and perfect Leng Yan in the daytime.

"What on earth do you want?" She burst into tears and yelled at Leng Yan, "You just kill me! What do you call me?"

Leng Yan lowered his head and just whispered, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! How many times have you said sorry? I don't want to hear you say sorry! You look like this, you are not the cold one in my heart! You let me down so much!" The only one stood in front of him and cried, Desperately wipe away tears.

Leng Yan stretched out his hand to hug her leg, but his arm stayed in the air for a long time, and finally let it go.

"Quickly tell me! Why did you inject yourself with Demerol? Who injected you? Didn't you know that it would be as addictive as a drug?" The only questioned him tearfully.

Leng Yan just looked down at the ground and remained silent.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Wei Wei squatted in front of him and shook him, "You are talking! Who said that no matter what happens, you must cherish yourself, don't let me despise you, Leng Yan! "

He slowly raised his head and looked at her with empty eyes, "Only, I want to deal with this matter properly. I often think about what to do, and often I can't sleep because of insomnia. Sleeping pills, I got you later, I don’t know why I slept very peacefully, the first time you left, I suffered from insomnia again, and it was worse than before, taking medicine didn’t help, I would think of many things when I closed my eyes , Occasionally, it was like a nightmare, I started to keep my eyes open all night, but when I didn’t sleep, I would think more, the more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t sleep, it became a vicious circle, and I often thought of headaches, I felt that I was about to Crazy, I am really afraid that I will become a lunatic like Jing Lan."

"So you injected Demerol?" Wei Wei saw his painful expression, and his heart twisted into a ball.

Leng Yan nodded, "At first, Dr. Chen suggested that I try an injection, but he also warned me not to use it often, but after the injection, I felt very comfortable, my head didn't hurt, and I fell asleep soon, this feeling Made me feel attached to it."

The only one nodded, "I understand, so you didn't let me get pregnant when I went home later, because of the medicine?"

"Yes! I tried my best to control it. As long as you are by my side, I won't often suffer from anxiety and insomnia. Occasionally, when I am really anxious, I can make myself very tired and fall asleep by loving you, but as soon as you leave ..."

"Okay! I see!" She stood up, no matter it was night, she found the number and dialed the phone.

The bell rang for a long time before someone picked it up and said lazily, "Hello!"

The only voice was hard and cold, "Dr. Chen? I'm Mrs. Leng. From now on, you will be fired. Your salary and liquidated damages for the Leng family. Please go to the company tomorrow to find Mr. Leng. Good night."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone without leaving Dr. Chen a word.

"Why did you fire him?" Leng Yan looked at the resolute and indifferent only one in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes, and at the same time ignored the only one who claimed to be "Mrs. Leng".

The only one snorted, "As a doctor, he knows that Demerol is as addictive as drugs, but he still dares to use it for you. He is not a qualified doctor! It is the most merciful to fire him!"

"And you, get up!" The only one ordered him coldly.

Leng Yan stared at him blankly, his eyes still blank, still lifeless.

Annoyed, Wei Wei grabbed his collar and tried to pull it up, while yelling orders, "Stand up like a man!"

Leng Yan's tall body was only slightly moved by her, but the only one fell to the ground due to inertia, and fell on the broken wine bottle just now. His elbows and back were completely embedded in the broken glass, and the only one screamed in pain.

Leng Yan jumped up from the ground and helped her up, only to see that her light green suit was already stained red with blood.His face changed color with fright, "Only, don't move around, I'll call Dr. Lu."

He took out his mobile phone and found that the battery was dead...

The only one pushed him to beat him regardless of the injuries on his body, "Don't call me a doctor! Just let me die! Will you feel sad if I die once? With your current state, even if I don't get stabbed to death by glass, I will be killed." You are mad!"

"Give me your phone! Don't make trouble!" Leng Yan suddenly regained his usual domineering, the light in his eyes warmed Wei Wei's heart, he still likes him like this, I hope he really comes back like this

She obediently gave him the phone, if her injury could revive his heart and make his eyes shine again, it would be worth it...

"...10 minutes, I'll be there right away! The only one is injured!" His order was concise and short, as if he had returned to the coldness that made her heart thump...

She stopped talking, and he carried her downstairs, returned to the bedroom, took off her shirt, and blood was dripping on her back.

At the 9th minute, Dr. Lu's knock sounded on the door.The only one lay on the bed, and refused to let Leng Yan open the door no matter what.

"Don't open the door! Doctor Lu, he's a man! I... I don't have any clothes on!" She blushed anxiously.

Leng Yan frowned, "What do I think is the matter! I don't mind, what do you mind! He is a doctor!"

"Does it have something to do with you? Of course you don't mind, I just won't show it to him!" Wei Wei pulled the quilt cover back with her backhand, and was so painful that she shed tears because of the wound.

Leng Yan was speechless, but there was a ray of joy in his heart. After all, no matter whether the only one still belongs to him or not, at least in her heart, only he can see her body...

(End of this chapter)

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