Chapter 120

What is this?Because it is autumn, the leaves are yellow and yellow, and I can't tell what kind of plant it is.

And her cell phone rang at this time, it was still the signature ringtone of Leng Yan's call, originally she was angry for no reason, and she didn't remember it at this time.

As soon as she answered, Leng Yan asked, "Did you see the plants on the windowsill?"

"I see! Yellow leaves, malnutrition, what's so interesting!" The only one flattened his mouth.

Leng Yan smiled, a little embarrassed, "It used to be wisteria, very beautiful, but it's autumn now..."

"You planted it?" The only one was surprised.

"Yes! It has been planted a long time ago, and you will move out when it grows up..." Leng Yan was a little shy when he said this.

"Are you very free? How can you grow flowers when you have nothing to do?" Wei Wei wanted to tease him.

"Smelly girl, I don't understand the style!" Bingshan Lengyan actually scolded her for being puzzled, "Remember our agreement? I will send you flowers every week, so I will plant flowers for you! Climb up from my windowsill Your window sill is entwined with vines and leaves, what does it mean, you can experience it yourself!"

The only one whose heart was filled with sweetness, said, "What do you mean? It's not that you want to climb on the window sill to spy on me!" After speaking, he laughed.

Leng Yan was shocked by her answer, heard her laughter, knew she was doing it on purpose, and laughed too, "I don't know who wanted to spy on me at first? And make a doll that looks exactly like me!"

"Is there? Is there? Why don't I remember?" The only one seems to have returned to that hazy time, every day is hope, every day is anticipation...

"Well, no, I only know that there is a little girl waiting for me to come home every day! As long as the light in my room is on, the little doll will fall!" Leng Yan's voice contained a strong sense of humor.

"Then isn't there a person who only comes home on weekends? How come he goes home every day?" The only one retorted unconvinced.

"Because I don't know when, that little girl has lived in my heart, making me think about it all the time, and I don't feel at ease when I go to work. I just want to go home and see what is written on her little note. Will I miss her?" I want to cry..." Leng Yan's voice was originally the only deadly killer, but now it was full of tenderness, almost melting the only one.

"Nonsense! Don't smear you! Who would want you to cry!" Although he was scolding him, the only corner of his lips was bent into a crescent.

Leng Yan was in a good mood and continued to tease her, "Silly girl, when did you fall in love with me? Did you like it the first time?"

The only one blushed with embarrassment, "Who is in love with you? Stop being narcissistic! I am in so much pain that I wish I could kill you, but still love you?" Shyly, she couldn't help recalling when exactly did she start falling in love with him? ?I really can't remember, maybe, I was moved when I heard his voice for the first time...

A kind of pride rose in Leng Yan's heart. A man would have such a mentality, hoping that his woman belonged to him for the first time, "I apologize, I deliberately hurt you that day, and I made up for it many times later! "

The only one shrank to the corner of the bed unconsciously, Leng Yan's tone made her completely imagine how exaggerated his smile is now, she was so ashamed, how could she discuss this issue with Leng Yan!However, I couldn't help but asked, "Why hurt me on purpose? You hate me?"

Leng Yan thought for a while before saying, "I don't really hate it, at least I don't like it. A woman who sells her body for money, and I also drank alcohol."

"Hmph! What about now?" The only one was a little angry. In his initial impression, he was so unbearable.

"Now?" Leng Yan smiled slyly, "Now...I want you to come down!"

This sentence touched the only memory, as if he was recruited to "serve the bed" every time... But, I used to be inexplicably looking forward to it...

"No!" The only one resolutely refused.

"Come down! I can't sleep without you!" Leng Yan's tone hardened, with an order.

"Don't! Pay attention to the influence! You and Jing Lan haven't divorced yet!" The only one muttered.

"The only...wife..." Leng Yan began to regret agreeing to stay with the only one, "What if I can't sleep?"

"I can't sleep either, let's chat!" The only night when Leng Yan got into the quilt unconsciously, his thoughts drifted to that night when Leng Yan turned on his mobile phone and spent the whole night breathing with her...

"Okay! Let's talk while we're asleep" Leng Yan leaned against the head of the bed, he's not a good talker, he can only talk endlessly when he's with the only one.

"Leng Yan..." The only one habitually called his name.

"Call me Yan! Only you call your husband by name and surname!" Leng Yan began to make comments.

"No way, sometimes my name is Yan!" The only one retorted.

"When? Only when make/love..." Leng Yan said slowly.

"Can you...can you not think about that for a while?" Wei Wei replied angrily, "Besides, I don't want to call you Yan now! Because Jing Lan is also called that!"

"Then what do you call me? A special nickname?" Leng Yan smiled and looked forward to it.

The only one who thought about it for a long time... "It's still... Uncle, it's more special... and very kind..."

Leng Yan's smile was stiff...

It's been a long time since I felt this way, the short distance, the heart-to-heart contact, but the topic of chat finally turned around Jing Lan.

"Uncle, I think Jing Lan is fine today, she doesn't look sick at all." The only one stubbornly called him uncle.

The corners of Leng Yan's lips twitched slightly, but there was nothing he could do, as long as the only one was calling him, he would be happy to listen to whatever it was called. "Yes, the recent inspection reports are all good. She is intermittent and will not always be sick. As long as she is not stimulated, she will not get sick."

(End of this chapter)

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