Chapter 121

Leng Yan's heart sank, "Maybe I don't have time at night."

"Today is the weekend!" Jing Lan muttered, suddenly realized, and acted ashamed, "I'm sorry, I forgot, you should have been to the world of two, I... just because I haven't gone out for a long time, so... ..."

Leng Yan could not bear it. Jing Lan hadn't been out for a long time. Ever since she got married, she had been thrown in the cold house by him, and she hardly ever went out. After the only one came, Zeng Ma locked her in the abandoned house In a small two-story building, guard her like a prisoner...

Seeing this, the only one knew that it was time to speak, and smiled reluctantly, "It's nothing, isn't it just a date with Xiao? Push it off, it's rare to have a meal with Jing Lan."

Leng Yan squinted at her, with no expression on his face, and replied in a low voice, "Whatever you want, you decide!"

"Great!" Jing Lan's eyes lit up, "Yan, I'm so looking forward to it! I still want to go shopping during the day, why don't we go out after breakfast!"

"Okay!" Leng Yan threw his chopsticks with a dark face, "I'm going to drive!"

The only one looked at his back and frowned, but he was still angry?It seems that she should be angry!

Jing Lan looked at the situation of the two of them, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and then she looked at Wei Wei aggrievedly, "Wei Wei, is Yan angry? He doesn't want me to go, forget it, I'd better not go... ..."

Wei Wei smiled falsely, "No, he has such a temper, and others call him Bingshan, and it's not like you don't know it!"

"Really? Then I'll go and change. You can have breakfast, and we'll leave after eating!" She walked out of the living room with her head down, her lips raised inadvertently.

When she changed her clothes and came down from her two-story building, Zeng Ma suddenly appeared at the stairs and blocked her.

She was slightly startled, and immediately returned to normal, "Mom, what's the matter, you scared me!"

"What do you want?" Zeng Ma looked directly at her.

She smiled and walked around Zeng Ma, "Shopping! Didn't you hear?"

"Jinglan! I beg you, don't be attached anymore! Don't do stupid things! You finally recovered from your illness, don't make things harder for yourself! Don't hurt the young master's heart anymore." Zeng Ma held her hand and blew tears.

Jing Lan looked disgusted, and shook off her hand, "Okay! Don't cry! Didn't my illness be caused by him? Why do you always stand by him? Who is your biological daughter? It's been like this since I was a child. , Young master and young master talk all day long, when did you ever care about me!"

"Jing Lan, Mom is doing it for your own good!" Zeng Ma wiped her tears.

"For my own good?" Jing Lan sneered, "For my good, you still get a woman to marry Leng Yan? Do you want him to divorce me? I really doubt if you are my mother! Hmph, want to have a baby and kick her away Me? No way!"

"What do you mean?" Zeng Ma looked at her alertly, "What have you done?"

"It's nothing! Don't you like to give her medicine? I'm just helping you!" She raised her chin.

"You... No wonder Ma'am is not pregnant!" Zeng Ma suddenly grabbed her and hit her face with her hand.

Jing Lan simply moved her face closer to her, "Hit! Hit! Anyway, you despise me. Since you don't like me, why bother to give birth to me! Ma'am, ma'am, who do you call Madam? Did you make a mistake? It's Madam!"

Zeng Ma's hand trembled slightly in the air, and finally dropped powerlessly.

Jing Lan pushed her hand away and said with a mocking smile, "If it's okay, I'll be leaving! My dear mother!"

Zeng Ma burst into tears behind her, and suddenly stopped her, "Jing Lan!"

"What else is there?" Jing Lan turned around impatiently, but couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

I saw Zeng Ma knelt down slowly, "Jing Lan, I beg you, don't be stupid! Mom only has you as a child, if you have something wrong, what will Mom do?"

A trace of tenderness flashed across Jing Lan's face, "Don't worry, I just want her to retreat! If you weren't troublesome, I wouldn't need to spend so much time! So, I warn you, don't make trouble for me again! "

"If you do this, don't think that the young master is a fool, he won't find out?" Zeng Ma warned her.

"He?" Jing Lan laughed again, but with a bit of a bitter smile, "He will find out? He has never paid attention to me, doesn't know who I am at all, and has no way of judging which of my words is true and which That sentence is a lie! From today on, I am just his virtuous and courteous wife."

"Since this is the case, why do you bother? The young master doesn't like you, so you can fulfill the young master's happiness!" Zeng Ma knelt on the ground and begged her.

"Hmph! It's not that easy!" A cold light flashed in Jing Lan's eyes, "I have liked him since I was a child, and I have loved him for so many years, and I will never give up easily! It's all your fault! If you didn't talk about the young master all the time Actually, I love him more than me, will I pay attention to him? Will I put my mind on him and think about him? But he doesn't care about me, I don't believe it, the more he treats me like this, the more I like him ! He can only be mine! I still remember him sitting on the grass and reading a book, he is so handsome!"


"Jing Lan...don't be stupid! The young master and the madam are in a very good relationship now, just let go!" Zeng Ma grabbed her skirt.

Jing Lan grabbed the skirt, walked a few steps quickly, turned her head and said fiercely, "Get up quickly, don't ruin my life! Also, remember, don't make trouble in the middle! You still rely on me to die!"

Mama Zeng burst into tears, watching her back gradually drift away, and finally couldn't help crying and fell to the ground, "Madam, master, I have committed a lot of sins, how should I come to see you? I am ashamed of you!"

Outside Leng's garden, Leng Yan's car has already started, waiting for Wei Wei and Jing Lan.

When Jing Lan reached the stairs of the main house, she happened to be the only one who came out from inside. She smiled and took the only hand, and they walked towards Leng Yan together.

The only one is secretly funny, this is really harmony between wives and concubines!How stupid of myself!

(End of this chapter)

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