Chapter 122

In the shopping mall, Jinglan tried on one piece of clothing after another in front of the full-length mirror. She had been tossing for nearly a day from one shopping mall to another.

Wei Wei and Leng Yan both sat with stern faces, watching her turn around, and asked her enthusiastically over and over again, "Is it good-looking? Is it good-looking?" Wei Wei could only answer yes with a half-smile. .

"Wei Wei, why don't you just sit there!" Jing Lan ran over to pull Wei Wei.

The only one who couldn't help it, was pulled up by her, but was stopped by Leng Yan's cold voice, "What's there to try? The body is only so good, and it's useless to dress up!"

"Yan! Why do you say that?" Jing Lan still complained about Wei Wei.

"How do you say otherwise? Do you want to hear something even worse?" Leng Yan said abruptly, got up and walked out.

The only one who was so wronged that tears rolled in his eyes was obviously his own wife, why did he use her as a punching bag?

In a fit of anger, she also ran out, leaving Jing Lan watching their backs with an imperceptible smile on her face.

Leng Yan had already gotten into the car, and Wei Wei stood outside the window for a while, seeing that he didn't respond, opened the car door and sat in the back seat, instead of sitting in front with him, Leng Yan's face became even more ugly.

Jinglan came out from the shopping mall with big bags and small bags, saw the only one sitting in the back seat, and sat next to Leng Yan in the passenger seat without thinking, took out a box and handed it to Leng Yan, "Yan, I bought you a shirt. This one is out of date! Last year's model! Throw it away!"

"Thank you!" Leng Yan took it calmly and handed it to Wei Wei, "You hold it for me."

Wei Wei pursed his mouth and almost shed tears. Leng Yan was wearing the blue shirt she gave him. Although he had worn it many times, Leng Yan liked it and still wore it often.

She forced herself to swallow her tears back, she must never shed tears in front of the two of them, absolutely not!Pretending to accept the shirt box as if nothing had happened, she turned her head and looked out the window.

Outside the window, a young couple is biting the same ice cream, their mouths are covered with cream.

She smiled bitterly, and the scene of eating stinky tofu with Leng Yan flashed before her eyes, but it seemed to be a long time ago, and she and he were unhappy for so long...

Suddenly, she began to doubt whether her choice was wrong, a man with too many experiences, she couldn't afford to love...

"Here we are, the only one, get out of the car!" Jing Lan's excited voice pulled her back from her thoughts.

"Oh! Here we come!" Wei Wei opened the car door and jumped out of the car. Leng Yan didn't wait for her, and had already walked to the door of the restaurant.

She bit her lip, and for a moment, she wanted to leave, but in the end, some reason forced her to move forward and keep up with his pace.

Jing Lan is really familiar with this place, and ordered a lot of dishes in one go, but unfortunately, the only one who is allergic to seafood, she looked at the table full of dishes, unable to use chopsticks.

"Yan! Eat this, this is delicious, and this, your favorite food before!" Jing Lan put a lot of food in Leng Yan's bowl, but Leng Yan actually ate them all.

The only one holding a water glass, this is already the fifth glass of water she drank, I don't know if this water will turn into tears in her body...

Both Leng Yan and Jing Lan seemed to have forgotten her, they chatted about their childhood, and laughed out loud from time to time, the only one who looked at the strange Leng Yan across the dining table felt that it was too much for him to stay here...

The sky was getting dark gradually, and in the end, no one noticed that the only grain of rice hadn't been eaten...

"You guys wait for me outside first, I'll pay the bill!" Leng Yan stood up.

"Why don't you ask the waiter to come and buy it?" Jing Lan asked strangely.

Leng Yan didn't answer, and walked past Wei Wei with a sullen face. When he passed by, the coat started a slight breeze, carrying his unique aura, which made Wei Wei's heart ache.

"Only, let's go! Is today's food delicious?" Jing Lan smiled at her.

The only one sniffed and forced out a smile, "It's delicious! It's really delicious!" But his teeth were itching with hatred in his heart, wishing to tear Leng Yan into pieces.

"That's good! I'm still worried that you don't like seafood!" A smile appeared on the corner of Jing Lan's lips, and gradually became cold.

The younger brother who parked the car at the restaurant had already driven the car over, and the only one was still the first to sit in the back seat, and Jing Lan also unceremoniously sat in the passenger cab.

Later, Leng Yan came out with a bag and started the car without saying a word.

At the crossroads, one side was going to the luxury residential area in the middle of the mountain, and the other was going to Rong Silan's house, Wei Wei couldn't help but said in a cold voice, "I'll get off here, I'll go to see Duo'er."

Leng Yan ignored her, and only said, "Jing Lan, I'll take you home first."

In front of Jing Lan, the only one who didn't want to quarrel with him sat quietly, didn't want to talk anymore, his heart was cold, like the autumn night outside the window...

When they arrived at Leng's garden, Leng Yan got out of the car and opened the door for Jing Lan, and helped her carry the big and small bags back. Wei Wei looked at the backs of the two of them coldly, and gradually made a decision in his heart.

With a wry smile, she can't blame anyone else, she is willing to play the disgraceful role, I hope it's not too late to wake up now!

In a blink of an eye, Leng Yan came back after delivering the things, got into the car, and drove without saying a word.

The only one finally couldn't bear it any longer, burst into tears, gritted his teeth and said, "Stop!"

Leng Yan still ignored her, and drove the car out of the big iron gate of Leng's house. The only thing he saw was that his request was always ignored, so he became angry and pulled the car door to threaten, "Leng Yan, if you stop again, I will jump out of the car." !"

Leng Yan made an emergency brake with a "crack", and the only one bounced heavily on the seat.

"Why do you get out of the car when you are blind?" Leng Yan asked coldly.

"Don't worry about it! Just worry about your own wife!" The only one opened the door and was about to get out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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