Chapter 123

After the passion was over, the only one was still panting, his face flushed with indulgence, and he leaned softly in Leng Yan's arms.

"Baby, let's go down to dinner!" Leng Yan stroked her back covered with fine beads of sweat.

Wei Wei twisted her body and said coquettishly, "Don't go, bring it up for me!"

"Okay!" Leng Yan kissed her forehead, got up, put on clothes and went downstairs.

Later, Leng Yan came in with a plate, followed by Only, who actually held its own small bowl in its mouth, and wanted to enjoy its dinner in the bedroom.

Leng Yan shook his head helplessly, "This is all caused by you!"

The only one put on his pajamas, stuck out his tongue, "Have you not eaten yet?"

"Of course! I was taken away by you too!" Leng Yan put a bowl of milk on the ground and said to Only, "Only, don't forget to drink milk after eating!"

The only one laughed, "Only, your daddy really loves you!"

This time, Leng Yan was not angry, and stared blankly at Wei Wei, "Wei Wei, it's all my fault, otherwise the baby might be born soon."

The only one was stunned, thinking of the little life that stayed in her belly for a short time, and smiled slightly, "How can this be your fault? It's my fault, too capricious, too careless."

"No, I was too selfish at the time, and I didn't dare to tell you about Jing Lan. I was afraid that you would leave me if you found out. I just wanted to divorce the marriage quietly by myself, and then marry you again. Everything was done seamlessly..."

"Don't talk about it!" Wei Wei covered his mouth, "Don't mention the unhappy things in the past, isn't there a divorce tomorrow? Everything will pass!"

Leng Yan nodded, "Yes! Everything will pass! Fortunately, we are still young, let's eat quickly, and hurry up to make a human after eating!"

The only one widened his eyes, the atmosphere has changed too fast, right?It was quite sad just now...

"Isn't it? Still coming? I don't want it!" The only one muttered in protest.

"Yes, yes, I want to be a daddy, I need to work harder!" Leng Yan stuffed a mouthful of rice into her mouth.

After eating, Leng Yan really kicked poor Only out of the room, and poor Only fell again under his strong force...

After being exhausted, Leng Yan slept peacefully. It was rare to sleep so deeply, but the only one could not fall asleep. Thinking of tomorrow, Leng Yan would be able to bid farewell to his past life. I was looking forward to it, but also inexplicably uneasy. Very smooth, isn't it?

She couldn't help but laugh at herself for being suspicious. Could it be that she was still hoping that things would not go well?Maybe, now that Jinglan is recovering from her illness, she can of course think about things with normal people's thinking. If it were her, she would also be willing to fulfill the happiness of her beloved...

It must be so!She tried to close her eyes and continue to sleep, but she still couldn't fall asleep. Remembering that the things she brought back from the old house hadn't been tidied up, she simply got up quietly.

Taking out a pair of dolls from the bag that used to hang in front of the window of the old house, she felt sweet in her heart. Everything in the past flashed through her mind like a movie. She never dreamed that the surrogacy of this money transaction would Give her a period of real happiness...

Still hanging the puppet in front of the window, the bell rang crisply and crisply when the night wind blew with the salty smell, Wei Wei hurriedly closed the window, lest the peaceful dream of the person on the bed be awakened...

Sitting at the desk, she took out a lot of notes from her bag. Those were all the nostalgia when she was teasing with Leng Yan's puppet. For her, it was one of the most important memories in her life.

After Leng Yan divorced, the old house belonged to Jing Lan. She didn't want all these to be burned by Jing Lan, so she brought them all back.

Each note was marked with time by her, she sorted it out one by one, flipped through it one by one, revisiting the touch at that time over and over again, unknowingly, tears wet her eyes, these are tears of joy, tears of happiness ...

At some point, a pair of warm arms embraced her, looking back, she met Leng Yan's bright eyes.

"I said why your hands are empty, so you secretly miss me here! Silly girl, the real person is lying there not thinking, what is he thinking holding the little note!" Leng Yan said softly in her ear.

The only one gave him a blank stare, "What do you know? This is very important to me!"

"More important than myself?" Leng Yan flipped through the notes.

"Of course!" The only one replied without thinking, "Even if you leave me one day, these notes will always be with me. Those are the best times in my life!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Wei felt a sharp pain in her ears, and it was actually Leng Yan who bit her hard, and she turned her head angrily, "What are you doing? It hurts me to death!"

"Do you still know the pain?" Leng Yan glared at her, "Do you know how much your words just made me hurt? How could I leave you? Don't you want me? Just let these notes accompany you?"

The only one was stunned, why would he say such a thing?What a bad omen...

"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant..." The only one explained in a whisper, but was kissed by Leng Yan's soft lips, a shallow, gentle kiss...

"Hey, don't mess with it, I will give you more good times, from now on, our every day will be good! It's late, let's go to bed, tomorrow when the sun rises, our new life will begin! "Leng Yan picked up the only one.

"No! I don't want to sleep until I finish these things, you go to bed first!" The only one stubbornly slid out of his arms.

"Alright then! I'll help you, let's go together!" Leng Yan smiled suddenly, turned around and took out a bag of things.

The only one opened it and was shocked, isn't this all the note she wrote to Leng Yan? "So you kept all of these?"

"That's right! This is evidence!" Leng Yan smiled evilly, "I'll save it for a little girl to prove it to her later when she denies it. She was the one who said 'I love you' to me first. !"

"Nonsense! Obviously you said it first! I'll look for it, and I've marked the time!" The only one pouted, not convinced.

"Really? I also indicated the time, let's find..."

(End of this chapter)

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