Chapter 124

"You..." The girl thought she was making trouble, and said sternly, "I tell you, there is going to be a meeting inside, you leave immediately, or I will call the security guard!"

"What's the matter?" A male voice came from behind.

When the girl looked at her, she seemed to see a savior, "Vice President, there is someone making trouble here."

Vice President?The only one who turned around was Qin Ran!Leng Yan actually appointed Qin Ran to be her vice president?Did she know that Qin Ran was not only Leng Yan's personal bodyguard, but also his assistant and his confidant, otherwise, Qin Ran would not have come forward to do the only thing of cheating on marriage back then.

The restless heart finally settled down, and with Qin Ran helping her, she felt a little bit better.

Qin Ran smiled, "Hello Mr. Ran, I am willing to help you, and I will take care of you in the future!"

This time, the secretary was dumbfounded...

When Wei Wei was in Mosha for a meeting, Leng Yan received a call from Jing Lan on the way to Leng's old house, and her voice was weak.

"Hey, Yan, I'm sick, and I may not be able to sign today."

Leng Yan's heart sank, "What's wrong?"

"I seem to have a cold and a fever. I'm sorry, let's go another day!" Jing Lan said while coughing violently.

"Alright then, have you seen a doctor?" Leng Yan asked when she heard that she was coughing badly.

"I've read it, don't worry, I'll rest first, bye!" Jing Lan coughed again after finishing speaking.

"Well, okay!" Leng Yan put down his phone and fell into deep thought.

All along, he had a feeling that the divorce came too smoothly, and he felt a little uneasy. Today, this hunch was really verified, and at the same time, a thought arose in his heart...

He thought for a while, and called Dr. Lu, "Dr. Lu, it's me. Jing Lan seems to be ill. Go and see her and give her a detailed examination."

"Okay, will Mr. Leng go too?" Dr. Lu asked.

Leng Yan thought for a while, "Okay, you go first, I'll be there later!"

When Leng Yan arrived at Leng's house, Dr. Lu had already examined Jing Lan and given her medicine. Jing Lan was lying on the bed and resting quietly.

"How is it?" Leng Yan asked Dr. Lu as soon as he entered the door.

"I'm seriously ill and have a high fever. Try taking some medicine first. If it doesn't work, you may need an injection." Dr. Lu replied.

Leng Yan walked to the bed and looked at Jing Lan, thinking secretly, it turned out that he was really sick, he thought...he was ashamed for having such dirty thoughts...

"Yan... Yan..." Jing Lan was talking in her sleep.

Leng Yan sat by the bed, "I'm here, Jing Lan."

Jing Lan slowly opened her eyes, her eyes filled with joy, "Yan, you're really here! Am I dreaming?"

"Well, it's me, not a dream!" He still had a cold expression.

Jing Lan shed two lines of tears, "Thank you, Yan, I thought you didn't care about me anymore, I... Anyway, this is enough! Tomorrow, tomorrow is better, we will go to sign!"

Leng Yan frowned slightly, "Let's talk about it after you recover!"

" are so kind!" Jing Lan stretched out her hand to him.

Leng Yan's eyes fell on her hand, then moved away, and finally did not hold her hand...

"Doctor Lu, you can stay here with Jinglan tonight!" He turned to Doctor Lu and said.

While Jing Lan slowly lowered her hands, a trace of sadness and resentment flashed in her eyes, which turned into tenderness, "Yan, can you... don't leave too? Just once, okay?"

Leng Yan didn't speak, and there was a fierce ideological struggle in his head. If he didn't go back, Wei Wei would understand him and wouldn't say anything, but he would definitely be unhappy in his heart. If he went back, would Jing Lan be sad? And what about relapse?She hasn't had an illness for a long time, and if she falls ill at this juncture, the divorce will be delayed again.

Just as she was thinking about it, Zeng Ma came up and said to Leng Yan, "Young master, you can go back, it's fine for Jinglan to have me take care of her, don't make things difficult, besides, there is Dr. Lu here!"

Leng Yan looked at Jing Lan's tears, and finally said, "I'd better stay and observe!"

"This..." Zeng Ma looked at Jing Lan and said nothing more.

"Jing Lan, you have a good rest, I'll go back to my room, call me if I need anything!" He went back to his room and called Wei Wei after he finished speaking.

"Mr. Ran, is the meeting over yet?" He asked in as relaxed a tone as possible.

"Leng Yan!" The only one who heard his voice was very happy. Today's meeting was a bit depressed. "The meeting was over early, but..." She stopped when she was on the verge of speaking. Handle it yourself, you can't rely on Leng Yan for everything.

"But what?" Leng Yan sensitively sensed that there was something in her words.

"Nothing! Just nervous. What about you? How are things going?" The only thing that worries him the most right now is his divorce.

Leng Yan was silent for a while, "Jing Lan is sick, so she didn't go. However, Wei Wei, don't worry, I will go when she recovers."

It would be a lie to say that the only one is not disappointed, but what can she say?I had a premonition that it would not be so smooth, I will not get sick sooner or later, but at this time I get sick...

"The only one?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Leng Yan knew what she was thinking, "Unhappy?"

"No!" She hurriedly denied, "Are you still in the old house? Are you not coming back tonight?"

Leng Yan hesitated, "I haven't decided yet. Didn't I ask President Ran for instructions? If Mr. Ran disagrees, I won't stay."

Wei Wei felt pimples in his heart, but said, "You stay, you won't feel at ease when you come back."

"Only, thank you, I knew you would agree."

The only wry smile, is this considered to be her decision?

"Baby, I love you!" Leng Yan didn't know what to say, this sentence was the only one he loved most, and he hoped that he would be happy after hearing it.

"I know, I don't think it's disgusting, I won't say anything, I'll call you at night!" Wei Wei smiled, only his love could give her the strength to continue walking.

(End of this chapter)

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