Chapter 125

The only time it was dark after analyzing Mosha's situation for the last time, and Leng Yan called to ask her if she had dinner. Leng Yan went to see Duo'er at Rong Silan's house, and sent Xiao Cui away, so he could take a taxi to Rong's house by himself.

Unexpectedly, there was a traffic jam on the road, and after half an hour, there was no sign of unblocking. She was so hungry that she decided to get off and take the subway.After getting off the car, I realized that I was downstairs in Yi Han's revolving restaurant.


Following this cry, Wei Wei had to smile and shake his head, there really is such a coincidence in this world that Yi Han happened to come down from upstairs.

"Is it funny?" Yi Han's smile is always so gentle under the neon lights.

"Isn't it okay for me to smile when I see you? Do you want me to cry when I see you?" The only one smiled even brighter.

Yi Han laughed out loud at what she said, "It's been a long time since I saw you, would you like to show me our new dessert?"

"Okay! It just so happened that I didn't eat! I'm eating Bawang's meal again!" I don't know why, I feel that Yi Han is easy to get close to, even if I haven't seen him for a long time, he speaks very casually.

Yi Han smiled, "It's an honor for President Ran to come to our restaurant to eat Bawang's meal!"

"Ah? How did you find out so soon?" The only press conference that he remembered hadn't been held yet.

Yi Han raised the newspaper in his hand, "The whole world knows it!"

The only one couldn't help shaking his head, "The current paparazzi are really powerful!"

"Okay! This is a great thing! I want to congratulate you! Please!" Yi Han made a gentle gesture of invitation.

The only one chuckled and followed him into the building.

"You sit down first, I'll make dessert for you myself." Yi Han pulled the chair away for Wei Wei.

"How embarrassing!" The only one laughed.

Yi Han booed, "It's my honor!"

Soothing music was playing in the dining room. Before Yi Han came, he took out the only book he carried with him. This was the business homework assigned by Leng Yan every day. He also said that he would check it every day. It's really unreasonable to punish her. Who is she?spouse?Daddy?teacher?Take it all!

She smiled slightly, and began to read the book intently, hoping that she would not be punished tomorrow. It is really scary when Leng Yan gets serious!

"What are you looking at? So serious?" Yi Han appeared at the dining table holding a plate.

The only one happened to encounter a question and didn't understand it, and Yi Han should understand it too, so he took it out and asked.

Yi Han put the plates on the dining table one by one, and said with a smile, "Oh, don't be ashamed to ask!"

"Don't say that! I really don't understand at all. There is no way to catch the ducks on the shelves now, teach me!" The only one pouted habitually.

Yi Han's eyes were slightly dazed, "Okay! I'll teach you after you finish your dinner!"

The only one glared at him, "Why are you as virtuous as Leng Yan!"

Yi Han was slightly taken aback, "What kind of virtue?"

"Old-fashioned, just like my father!" The only one took a big mouthful of food.

"Haha!" Yi Han's expression relaxed, "He really cares about you! Eat slowly, don't choke!" He said and handed her the juice.

"Look, it's coming again! Old-fashioned and long-winded, it's the portrayal of the two of you!" The only one gulped down the juice, "Okay, you can teach me!"

Yi Han saw that the food on the table was basically not moving, so he couldn't help smiling, took the book, and patiently told Wei Wei.

After talking for nearly an hour at a stretch, the only one couldn't help sighing, "It turns out that listening to people's explanations is so many times faster than groping by yourself!"

Yi Han burst into laughter again, "Of course, otherwise, what else would teachers do in this world? Teachers can lose their jobs! If you finish the rest of dinner, I'll talk to you for another hour."

The only stomach growled, and she smiled awkwardly, "I really forgot, I haven't eaten lunch yet!"

"This is impossible! It will starve your stomach! How did Leng Yan take care of you?" Yi Han said involuntarily.

"It has nothing to do with him. He told me to eat. I'm busy and don't want to go!" The only one immediately defended Leng Yan.

Yi Han smiled and shook his head, beckoning, and the waiter brought another dinner.

"It's cold just now, let's eat this hot one! You must eat it!" Yi Han set the knife and fork for her, and said, "You, as long as anyone says that Leng Yan is not good, you will immediately fight to the death! Is he really that good? How does he compare with me? What is better than me? I'm learning!"

The only one thought while eating, "I can't say where it is better, your personality is not as sunny as yours, and you are not as careful as you. Although you look good, you are not inferior to him. As for cooking, of course you run a restaurant, so you are better than him. But, for no apparent reason, I just like looking at him and eating his dishes, haha!"

"Look at your nympho! You like to eat his dishes, right? Then you go home and ask him to cook for you, and you don't eat mine!" Yi Han pretended to put away the dishes.

"Don't!" Wei Wei was anxious, "Isn't there nothing to eat tonight? Don't be so stingy, you just said that I would give me a lecture after dinner!"

Yi Han smiled and patted his forehead, "So I'm just a substitute! Okay, I admit it! If I can serve President Ran Da, I'm willing to be a substitute too! How about it, our restaurant will deliver takeaway for your lunch in the future, How about it? In case you forget to eat your lunch!"

"Okay! Why don't I ask you to be my teacher? You are much more patient than Leng Yan!" The only one was overjoyed.

"I dare not! Will Leng Yan kill me?" Yi Han laughed.

As soon as I said this, the only mobile phone rang, Yi Han raised his eyebrows, "Look, the phone is coming?"

(End of this chapter)

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