Chapter 129

Leng Yan threw the book away, and hugged her up, "I didn't promise you to learn only barking, what I said was, if I lose, I will lose to you tonight!"

"Hey! Why are you doing this? We were obviously angry and quarreled, why did you want to do this right away?" The only one kept beating him in his arms.

Leng Yan hugged her and went upstairs quickly, "Am I angry? You have always been angry alone, so I will help you extinguish it now!"

"You're shameless! Lazy! Big pervert!"

The only sound of cursing was locked in the door by Leng Yan...


In the early morning, Wei Wei lay on the bed and refused to get up. Leng Yan pinched her nose, "Mr. Ran, if you don't get up again, your employees will rebel!"

The only one slapped his hand off, "Go away! It's so annoying! I'm exhausted!"

Leng Yan repeatedly sighed in her ear, "If the employees of Mosha knew that their president looked so cute at home, I don't know how many people would quit their shares and resign."

Speaking of Mo Sha, the only one who couldn’t fall asleep, she forced her eyes open and complained, “It’s all about you! My company’s affairs are tiring enough, and I have to study when I have time, and you won’t let me sleep well at night. Do you want me to live!"

Leng Yan kissed her glowing red cheeks, found clothes and put them on her, "I'm sorry, it's really hard work for our baby, who made you responsible! This is called hard work for the capable!"

Wei Wei suddenly woke up, "What does it mean to be able to do more work? Is it necessary to do this at night?"

Leng Yan approached her and smiled, "Of course, I want to be a daddy."

The only one sighed, half bitterly resentful, "It's easy to say, if you really have a child, whose is it? Yours? Or Leng Yi's?"

"Why did you say that suddenly?" Leng Yan found her some slippers here and there.

The only one shook his head, "I don't know either. I always feel that the divorce between you and Jing Lan is not that simple. Look, it hasn't been done yet!"

Leng Yan smiled, "I knew you were thinking wildly, believe me, divorce is a sure thing for me. Back then we were able to get married like that, why can't we get divorced?"

"But the problem is that Jinglan's situation is different! Isn't she sick? We have to be careful everywhere!" The only one looked at him worriedly, "Leng Yan, if you can't get a divorce, what are you going to do with me?"

"What are you talking about! What do you mean by handling? Do you treat yourself as a commodity?" Leng Yan rapped on her head, "If there is no if, I will definitely be able to get a divorce! As you said, I have scruples about Jing Lan's illness, But this scruple is not without limit, this limit is that you cannot be wronged!"

"I hope!" The only one sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him, not optimistic.

Leng Yan tapped her head again, "Why don't you have confidence in me? Be happy!"

The only one smiled and rubbed his head, "Also say I'm stupid, if you keep typing, I'll become even more stupid!"

"She was a stupid girl!" Leng Yan saw that she was smiling forcedly, and hugged her to comfort her, "Don't think about it, I told you to leave everything to me, go and freshen up, Mosha will be very busy today, right?"

The only one nodded, "Yes, a new product ordering meeting is going to be held, and next week's charity party is also being prepared to raise donations for the orphanage."

"Then hurry up! I'll wait for you downstairs first!" Leng Yan let go of her, pushed her gently to the bathroom, and went downstairs to have breakfast by himself.

Just after drinking the milk, his cell phone rang, and it was from the old house.

"Hello, I'm Leng Yan, what's the matter?" He said while turning his head to see if the only one came down.

"Yan, it's me!" Jing Lan's sickly voice came from the phone, "I seem to be feeling worse, can you come back this afternoon?"

"Okay, I'll be back!" Leng Yan did not hesitate.

" don't have any ideas, do you?" Jing Lan asked timidly.

"Don't worry, she's very reasonable." Leng Yan said affirmatively, "That's all, I'll come directly from the company in the afternoon."

"I'm not reasonable at all!" The only one quietly appeared behind him.

Leng Yan put away his phone, turned his head and smiled, and pulled her into his arms, "It scared me to death, it suddenly appeared!"

"Of course I'm scared after doing something wrong!" The only one struggled a few times in his arms, but he didn't break free, so he gave up and just complained, "What is this? I can bear it once or twice. I'm always like this. Saint! Although she is sick, if you keep using this as an excuse, you should just move back to live!"

Leng Yan didn't argue with her, but just handed the juice to her mouth, "Hey, drink up the juice!"

"I won't drink!" The only one glared at him, "Can't you go home again tonight?"

"It depends!" Leng Yan laughed along with him.

"Don't come back! It's fine if you don't come back, and I'll go out to find another man too!" Wei Wei bit his wrist and finally broke free from his embrace.

"You dare to go!" Leng Yan put down the juice and threatened.

"I'll go find it for you! It seems that you are the best in the world, and all women depend on you. Go and accompany her. She is your rightful wife. I am nothing!" Eat, pick up the bag and go.

Leng Yan looked at her back and sighed, and called the driver, "Xiao Cui, Madam is out and hasn't had breakfast yet, when you pass by Tang Ji, stop to buy Madam's favorite bean curd, be sure to look at her Eat it, and bring your wife back on time at night, and don't let her eat out."

"Yes, I see, young master!"

The next call was made to Dr. Lu, "Dr. Lu, isn't Jing Lan's illness better? What's going on now?"

"Oh, I'm thinking about it too. It might be a repeated infection. It was fine, but I accidentally caught a cold last night, so it got serious again!" Doctor Lu replied.

"Okay, I got it, I will visit her in the afternoon, and you can stay with her in the old house during the day!" Leng Yan couldn't understand the expression on the phone...

(End of this chapter)

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