Chapter 130

Leng Yan suddenly picked her up and put her on the bed.Jing Lan closed her eyes, her lips trembling slightly with excitement, ready to meet Leng Yan's kiss, however, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement, instead a quilt fell on her body.

She opened her eyes, and saw Leng Yan sitting on the stool beside the bed, with a playful smile still on his face.

"Yan, you..." Jing Lan called his name in disappointment.

Leng Yan held down the quilt, "Don't move, you've already caught a cold, it's better to be careful."

"Yan, do you really hate me that much? Do you even bother to touch me once?" Jing Lan's eyes welled up with tears.

Leng Yan looked at her with a half-smile, "I just don't like women who are too scheming."

Jing Lan was a little flustered, "What do you mean?"

Leng Yan stood up and took out something from behind a large row of books, the red light showed that it was in working condition.

"What is this? A camera? Take pictures of us? And then? Use it to blackmail me? Or show it to the only one? Or show it to the media?" Leng Yan's expression turned into a sneer.

"No! Yan, I just want to take a picture as a souvenir!" Jing Lan tried her best to explain.

"Keep it as a souvenir?" Leng Yan smiled, "Jing Lan, do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? Well, I'll show you one more thing."

He put down the camera, picked up another remote control and pressed it, and the conversation between her and Zeng Ma began to be heard in the room:

"It's much better, and so are you. Why don't you take good care of your body?"

"If you don't help me, don't make sarcastic remarks. For what? Don't you know who it is for? I have exhausted my energy on him, and it is impossible for me to give up now!"

"Jinglan! Look at what you have gained after all these years? Don't blame mom for finding a woman to separate you and the young master. In fact, it's for your own good. Mom doesn't want to see you sink in this quagmire again!"

"Come on, don't say it so nicely, for my own good? For the perfect young master in your heart, okay? Get rid of me, this crazy woman!"

"If you want to say that, I can't help it, but, in the future, you must cherish yourself, and don't deliberately pour cold water on yourself to catch a cold. It's not you who suffer like this!"


"Drench yourself with cold water for a cold? Bitter trick? Jing Lan, I really underestimated you!" Leng Yan turned off the power.

Jing Lan turned pale with shock, "You... you actually installed a bug in my room? When did you install it?"

Leng Yan sneered slightly, "What do you think I stayed at night last time? Originally, I was really full of sympathy for you who was sick, but don't forget, this house belongs to my Leng family, and the servant is also my Leng Yan." People at home, naturally someone told me that you got sick after being drenched in cold water all night, as you wished."

"But, I was in the room that night, why didn't I know when you went in to install the bug?" Jing Lan tried hard to recall what happened that night.

"Are you sure that you are in the room all night? It seems that there was a time when you also dressed like this and came to my room? You just didn't find me, and then went back!" Leng Yan sat back in the chair again.

Jing Lan immediately put on a pitiful expression, "I'm sorry, Yan, I... I just... just love you so much, so..."

"So you don't want to divorce me at all?" Leng Yan looked directly at her.

Jing Lan's heart broke, and she decided to go all out, "Yes, I don't want to get a divorce. I have loved you for so many years, and I have loved you so hard. I will never get a divorce even if I die!"

"Then why do you pretend to agree to my divorce?" Leng Yan looked at her sadly, "Jing Lan, is it necessary to continue this marriage between us?"

"Yes!" Jing Lan shed tears, "Yan, maybe I am nothing in your eyes, but you are my everything, although you seldom go home, although you never touch me, but in name I am nothing. It's your wife, that's enough, it's my lifelong dream to be your wife."

"Jing Lan!" Leng Yan frowned, "You said you love me, but why do you love me? How much do you know about me?"

Jing Lan's eyes were in a trance, "I don't know why I love you? But I love you. When I was young, when you and Leng Yi walked from the garden together, all I saw in my eyes was you. You look so melancholy You are so handsome, but you suddenly left without a sound, without saying goodbye to me. I thought you would never come back, so I agreed to Leng Yi's marriage proposal. Who knows, after eight years, you came back again Yes, and brought back a woman, eight years, it should change everything, I thought I had forgotten you, but... However, I understood at the first sight of you, I will never forget you in my life I may forget you, I only love you alone..."

"Jing Lan!" Leng Yan didn't know how to make her sober, "I'm not worthy of you, really, I have many shortcomings, I'm not as perfect as you imagined, once you know the real me, you won't love me again It's gone! We don't get along much, what you love has always been the me you imagined, not the real me!"

"The only one who understands you?" Jing Lan looked at him.

He froze for a moment, then nodded, "Of course! The only one understands of course."

"Then she still loves you, doesn't she?" Jing Lan looked at him stubbornly.

"What's the same?" Leng Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Why is this different? Yan, my request is really not high. Just let me be your wife. Come back to see me when you remember. It doesn't matter if you don't come back. As for the only one, you can talk to her Together, I don't care, I don't mind whether you live outside or come back, I can't have a baby, let the only one give you a baby, I don't care!"

"But I care!" Leng Yan interrupted her loudly, "What do you think of me? It's unfair to you and the only one!"

(End of this chapter)

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