Chapter 131

At noon, Leng Yan was having a meeting in Qisheng's meeting room. The meeting was about a new project with the Yin family, which was the renovation of the area around the Pigeon Building where the only one lived. Of course, Yin Xiaozhuo and Yin Ziran were also having a meeting, mainly to discuss publicity strategies aspects of the problem.

There is also an orphanage and a children's community in this project, which are completely built as charitable acts without any return, so they have a good reputation in the society, which is equivalent to free advertising, and the media will respond to the two The person in charge of a company is doing an exclusive interview. The meeting is discussing whether it is necessary to select an image spokesperson. If necessary, should they invite celebrities or choose from the company?It seems that most people agree with picking from companies.

At this moment, the only one came with two bags. The secretary outside the conference room knew her, so she stood up and said hello, "Hello, Mrs. Leng!"

The only one nodded, "Hello, is Mr. Leng there?"

"Yes, madam, please." In view of the previous lessons, the secretary did not dare to stop her.

Seeing that the secretary didn't stop her, she thought the meeting was over and there was no one else inside, so she pushed open the door and shouted in her usual soft voice, "Leng Yan, change your shirt..."

Immediately, all eyes were on her, and the others dared not do anything, but the laughter on the faces of Yin Xiaozhuo and Yin Ziran was obvious, and of course there was a slightly proud smile on Leng Yan's face.

"Let's stop here for today's meeting. Let's adjourn the meeting and resume it in the afternoon." Leng Yan smiled.

Everyone came out of the conference room. When Yin Xiaozhuo and his brothers passed by Wei Wei, they all smiled knowingly. Yin Xiaozhuo also extended his hand and shook hands with her, "Madam is the real Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves the suffering. If Madam did not catch up in time It is estimated that our cooler will make us drive hungry until the afternoon."

Yin Ziran also echoed, "Yes, yes, only, on behalf of my colleagues from the two companies, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

"Fuck you!" The only one glared at them, "My husband is humane and has boundless affinity. Is it as scary as you say? Don't slander our husband!"

"Hey, I complained to the wrong person! Ziran, let's go! Don't hinder others here!" Yin Xiaozhuo sighed.

Yin Ziran stared at Wei Wei for a long time, "Do you think Wei Wei is suitable to be our image endorsement?"

"Advocacy? What endorsement? I'm not from your company, what kind of image endorsement! I won't go!" The only one refused repeatedly.

Leng Yan paid attention to this sentence, "It's a good proposal, kind and cute, bright and lively, isn't it exactly what we want? Moreover, it happens that Mosha is also engaged in a love activity, so we simply merged together and joined Mosha Save time and effort! Another free image endorsement for nothing!"

Both Yin Xiaozhuo and Yin Ziran echoed it again and again, saying that this is a good idea, it saves a lot of expenses, and they don't have to worry about it themselves.

"Hey, you guys!" The only one couldn't help getting angry after hearing this, "What do you mean? The purpose of cooperating with me, Mosha, is to save money and effort, leave everything to me, and the three of you will go to Happy happy?"

Yin Xiaozhuo let out a smirk, "Otherwise, what do you think, Mrs. Leng?"

The only one was speechless, "Anyway, I don't do business that loses money. If you ask me, you can. The remuneration must not be small, and it must be twice what you pay those celebrities outside."

Yin Xiaozhuo coughed, "This is your own internal matter, you and Leng Yan can discuss it on your own, and the fat will not flow to outsiders."

Leng Yan always looked at her and smiled, "Is it enough to give you all my property as a reward?"

Yin Xiaozhuo vomited, "Leng Yan, you look cooler in Bingshan, look at your eyes now, it's really disgusting."

Yin Ziran stared at the only bag as if he had discovered a new world, "I seem to have something to eat, I'm so hungry..."

"Yeah, I brought lunch, why don't we eat together!" The only one opened the bag.

"Okay, okay! Love bento, don't eat for nothing..." Yin Xiaozhuo was about to make a move, but found two words in Leng Yan's eyes --- get out, so he immediately changed his mouth, "... eat... also It's free. Ziran, let's go..."

Ziran shook his head, "The only one, the guy who values ​​sex over friends, I have loved you for nothing for so many years!" After speaking, he went out with Yin Xiaozhuo resentfully.

Yin Xiaozhuo stepped out of the meeting room and came back suddenly, with an ambiguous smile on his face, "I wish you a happy lunch, and don't forget to close the door..."

"Get out!" Leng Yan regained his old iceberg face, casually grabbed the pen on the table and threw it towards Yin Xiaozhuo's smiling face.

Yin Xiaozhuo laughed and disappeared behind the door.

Leng Yan casually hugged the only one on his lap, "Did you go shopping today?"

"Yeah, I went to the mall after finishing my work in the morning, and I bought you thirty shirts." The only one said while unbuttoning his shirt.

"Buy so much? It's not like being the only one who is frugal." Leng Yan looked at her with a smile.

The only one put a new shirt on him, pouted his lips, "one a day is enough, some people don't want to come in."

Leng Yan laughed loudly, pinching her chin, "Why didn't I see your potential to be jealous? I really convinced you!"

"Get up and let me have a look!" After buttoning the last button, the only one pulled him up to look at him, with a satisfied expression on his face, "Not bad! Much better looking than that one!"

"Okay! Don't be serious! Look at what you bought, I'm really hungry!" Leng Yan sat down holding his only hand.

"I passed the restaurant last time, the roast goose there was delicious, so I bought two roast goose rice." The only one put the rice in front of him.

"It's very fragrant!" Leng Yan smelled it, "It's good to have a wife!"

"Yeah! So some people have two!" The only one gave him a blank look.

"Eat yours!" Leng Yan patting her on the head lovingly, and gave her the roasted goose leg in his lunch box.

The two were eating when the only mobile phone rang.
(End of this chapter)

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