Chapter 132

Lei Tingen was speechless, "It's really strange, my people have monitored all his activities, and there is no abnormal behavior other than normal daily life."

"That means he is only interested in the only one?" Leng Yan speculated.

"It should be..." Lei Tingen said in a tone that was not completely sure.

"No, you haven't met that man. My first feeling tells me that he is not that simple. I believe in my feelings. I can't describe it in words. In short, I feel very special. No man has ever given me such a special feeling. " Leng Yan experienced this feeling carefully, and tried hard to express it in words.

Lei Tingen could only sigh, "I haven't seen him before, so I can't understand the feeling you mentioned. I'll meet you next time I have a chance."

"Right away! The only company, that is, your former company, wants to make charitable donations, and you, a former president, will come to support you!" Leng Yan suggested.

"Really?" Lei Ting'en was very interested, "This little girl is quite capable, so I have to take a look!"

Neither of the two sides mentioned the matter of Mosha. Some things will always be a pain in the heart. Not mentioning them doesn't mean forgetting, and not mentioning them doesn't mean they care. It's just that all living beings will eventually meet someone who can heal their wounds... ( Hee hee, advertise for the next article, show me PIA, I consciously crawl away...)

Leng Yan thought of the only figure who left angrily, and he was troubled all afternoon. When Yin Xiaozhuo and others came to the meeting in the afternoon, he was also absent-minded.

"Mr. Leng, what do you think? Mr. Leng?" The subordinate asked him cautiously, his heart pounding, is Mr. Leng wandering?This has never happened!Could it be that his report just now was too bad?A drop of sweat slid down his forehead...

When Leng Yan came back from the fugue state, he caught a glimpse of Yin Xiaozhuo's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He was annoyed in his heart, and said, "Boss Yin can make the decision. I have something to do. Go out for a while!"

All the participants were shocked, what happened to Mr. Leng today?In the past, even if there was a big event, I would not miss the meeting...

After Leng Yan left the company and drove around the street for a long time, he waited downstairs in the Mosha company and kept looking at his watch. The time really counts like years!

Finally, the only one in the pink and green suit came out from behind the revolving door, followed by Qin Ran, the two of them didn't know what to say.

He was overjoyed, got out of the car and ran towards the two, and when he was almost in front of them, he yelled, "The only one!"

The only one squinted at him, pretended not to hear, and walked past him.Qin Ran came up to greet him, "Master!"

Leng Yan's eyes suddenly landed on Qin Ran's shirt, and he immediately became suspicious, "Why didn't I hear that you suddenly changed your preferences and liked the same brand as me?"

Qin Ran looked at his shirt and explained with a smile, "Oh--this one, Ma'am, the company benefits are good, and uniforms are distributed to all male employees in the company today, one for each, all of them are Armani, I can't wait to put them on! By the way," Qin Ran fumbled in his pocket, "Madam only bought 29 pieces, which was not enough for distribution, so I asked me to make up for it. This is the invoice, and Madam asked you to pay for it!"

How unreasonable to give the shirts bought for him to each of the company's employees!Qin Ran still dare to ask for a reward?Really hit the muzzle!

He looked at Qin Ran coldly, "Really? It will be deducted from your salary and bonus this month!"

"What...what? Why? Hey, I..." Qin Ran was completely puzzled.

"What me! Don't take it off for me!" Leng Yan yelled at him.

"Take off? Take off what?" Qin Ran was still confused about the situation.

After a while, the only one got into his own car and drove away. Leng Yan became anxious and shouted, "Take off your clothes!" He didn't care about Qin Ran any more, got into the car and chased the Ferrari in front of him.

Qin Ran stood there thinking for a while, but couldn't figure out why he was asked to take off his clothes. He could only shake his head and sigh. Today is a bad year...

Leng Yan called Xiao Cui while driving, "Xiao Cui, stop the car for me immediately!"

"Oh, yes, master!" Just as Xiao Cui was about to step on the brakes, Wei Wei said grimly beside him, "Xiao Cui, increase the horsepower and drive!"

Xiao Cui was stunned and could only step on the gas pedal, "Yes, ma'am."

Leng Yan heard all this clearly on the phone, and said angrily, "Xiao Cui, you don't want to live anymore? Who are you listening to? If you don't stop, I'll deduct your monthly salary!"

Leng Yan's furious voice was loud enough that Wei Wei heard it, and then said, "Xiao Cui, hurry up, he deducted your salary, I will give you double!"

"Xiao Cui, stop!"

"Xiao Cui, drive quickly!"


"Hurry up!"


Poor Xiao Cui didn't know what to do, so he handed the phone to Wei Wei, "Madam, why don't you discuss it yourself first..."

The only one took the phone, hung it up, even took out the battery, and threw it back, "Xiao Cui, hurry up, I'll buy you a new one tomorrow!"

"Yes... madam..." Xiao Cui watched with heartache as his limited-edition mobile phone was ravaged by wheels.

Leng Yan looked at this scene, feeling annoyed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it, he never thought that this little girl would be more stubborn than anyone else when she was really angry, she was at her wit's end, and had only one last resort - bitter tricks.

In a section where the traffic flow was significantly reduced, he aimed at the electric pole on the side of the road. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, his car hit the electric pole accurately and turned off...

Seeing this miserable situation in the mirror, Xiao Cui was so frightened that his tongue tied up, "Ma'am... Young Master... There was a car accident..."

The only one was terrified, looked back and screamed loudly, "Stop, fast! Stop!"

"It's... madam!" Xiao Cui's car hadn't come to a complete stop, and Wei Wei jumped out of the car and ran towards Leng Yan.

When she opened the car door, she saw Leng Yan lying on the steering wheel. She lifted him up and saw that there was still bright red liquid on his forehead. She was so frightened that she cried, "Leng Yan! Leng Yan! Don't scare me! Sorry, I'm not It was intentional! It was all my fault! I was teasing you! Xiao Cui, call the emergency number!" She shouted behind her.

Suddenly felt her waist tightened, she was embraced by a pair of solid arms, and Leng Yan's lips fell on her lips, from initial surprise to gradually intoxicated, when Xiao Cui ran to her, she witnessed an out-of-print real-life scene. Xiu, he whistled, knowing that there is no need to make this emergency call...

The whistle also woke up the two people in the passionate kiss, Wei Wei pushed him away with a blushing face, "What's wrong with you!"

Leng Yan smiled, "I'm kidding you too!"

Wei Wei stood up and looked at the car. Wow, she was still a few millimeters away from the utility pole. She was angry and anxious, "You're crazy, it's dangerous to do this!"

Leng Yan shrugged indifferently, "Don't you know that your husband is a racing car master?"

"Then what's on your head?" The only one wiped it off with his hand.

"Ketchup!" Leng Yan laughed.

Looking at his childlike smile in the sunset, the only one couldn't laugh or cry, "Do you think I'll forgive you for your behavior?"

"Yes! Wife, I'm sorry!" He took out a bunch of platycodon flowers and a box of stinky tofu from the back seat, "I just want to treat you to stinky tofu, why are you driving so fast!"

The only one finally burst out laughing, got into the car and pointed at his nose, "Next time you dare to bump into a telephone pole, I will never forgive you!"

Leng Yan lightly bit her slender fingers, "Yes! I promise not! Wife, are you happy now?"

The only one who laughed and didn't answer.

"Then kiss again?" Leng Yan pouted.

The only one blushed and looked at Xiao Cui next to him.

Leng Yan said viciously, "Xiao Cui! Why don't you leave after get off work? Deduct your salary!"

Xiao Cui smiled wryly, why is he always the one who gets hurt?However, facing the young master and his wife hugging each other under the setting sun, if he doesn't leave, he deserves to be deducted from his salary...

Sunset, stinky tofu, kisses, will this be a romantic evening?

However, under this seemingly peaceful sunset, there are dark waves.

At the same time, Yi Han in the other corner was also engaged in a fierce ideological struggle. He dared not drop his thumb on the call button of the mobile phone. Finally, with a heartless heart, he dialed the phone, "How is the situation?"

"Brother Han, Qisheng and Yin's projects are jointly promoted with Mosha."

"Mosha is also involved?" Yi Han frowned.

"Yes, what should we do now? If we delay any longer, it will be too late!"

"There's no noise from Leng's house?"

"Not yet."

After a little hesitation, Yi Han finally said, "According to the original plan, publish the article!"

(End of this chapter)

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