Chapter 134

"This is not the only one I know!" Leng Yan straightened her shoulders, "Baby, is it because too many things have happened recently, are you tired and scared?"

The only one shook his head, his eyes were blank, "I don't know..."

Leng Yan pressed close to her side face, stroking her soft black hair, "Baby, I know that being with me has wronged you, and you have suffered a lot, but we finally made it to this day, no matter what others say, We must not give up easily. I clearly remember who was so brave to make an agreement with me, pestering me every day and leading me out of the haze, now I am not afraid, you can't back down!"

"Leng Yan!" Wei Wei whimpered around his neck, "I know I haven't behaved well recently, I'm always angry, and I'm not magnanimous enough, and I want to run away from things, but I don't want to, but I just can't control myself. "

"It's not your fault, idiot, how old are you? Other girls would only act coquettishly and cry when you were your age. You have endured enough, and you should vent properly. Things have developed to this point, and you still I am already thankful for staying by my side! Remember one sentence, rumors only stop at the wise, have you forgotten? If the outside world’s evaluation does not get a response, it will be like throwing stones into the lake, and slowly it will naturally calm down.” Leng Yan dotingly kissed her tears.

The only one sniffed, "Leng Yan, you are so kind, no matter how fierce I am to you, you won't be angry, and you will be like this in the future, okay? I will try my best to be the brave and perfect only one, but if sometimes the child loses his temper Now, be self-willed, you have to tolerate me like now, because no matter how I treat you, in fact, I love you in my heart, you must remember!"

He laughed and pinched her nose, "Silly! Of course I won't argue with you! Will I take the kid's angry words seriously?"

The only teardrop rolled down, but finally smiled brightly, "Uncle Leng..."

Leng Yan shook his head, he's an uncle again, but it's better than calling him daddy!

Although the turmoil was fierce this time, it gave the two of them a chance to communicate. After this communication, the relationship between the two of them deepened. However, neither of them thought that what they said casually today would be one by one in their lives later. One by one into reality...

As for the work of the outside world, Yin Xiaozhuo and Qin Ran tried their best to suppress the influence of this news for them, so it did not spread further, and other media did not dare to follow it.

As Leng Yan said, rumors only stop with wise men. After the stone was thrown into the lake and caused some waves, everything seems to have returned to the surface calm...

A few days later, the charity gala held by Mosha started smoothly.

The only one was wearing a white dress, with black hair and high curly hair, showing an unprecedented noble temperament, but standing in front of the mirror, she was trembling with nervousness.

Leng Yanyi was wearing a white men's dress, and hugged her from behind, "Baby, why do I feel like we are dressed like a wedding today?"

"Then change it!" The only one who was already nervous, felt a little guilty when he said this.

"What do you want to change!" Leng Yan hugged her tightly, "This is very good! I still owe you a wedding, and I will definitely make up for it in the future. I will give you the most luxurious wedding in this century."

"No!" The only one pursed his lips, "I would rather you love me for a century!"

Leng Yan chuckled, "That's natural! The little guy who is easy to satisfy! Let's go, the time is coming!"

Wei Wei grabbed his sleeve, "Leng Yan, do we have to go? Anyway, Xiao and Lei Ting'en will go, why not let them host it!"

"Silly! Don't tell me you've been hiding from people all your life? You'll have to face this sooner or later, and we are the protagonists in today's charity gala. No, you should be the protagonist! Let's go! Don't hesitate!" Leng Yan held her hands down the stairs.

When we drove to the venue, the hall was full of guests. Lei Tingen saw them at first sight, and walked towards them with a faint and melancholy smile after being severely injured, "The two masters are late, do you want to drink first?"

Under the light, Leng Yan's white dress made him look like a prince, and he smiled back, "I'm trying my best to create a human being, and I dare not drink."

Lei Tingen gave him a sideways look with contempt, "Shame on a man!"

While talking, someone called Wei Wei loudly, and Wei Wei turned around, only to see Mei Mei and her American boyfriend Dick also came, followed by Yi Han.

"Did you invite him?" Leng Yan asked with a frown.

"No!" The only one shook his head, "Maybe it's an invitation from Meimei! They are friends! I'll go say hello!"

When Wei Wei walked away, Leng Yan said softly to Lei Ting'en, "Did you see that man in the dark blue suit, do you feel evil?"

Lei Tingen boasted that he could see people with a pair of divine eyes, squinted his eyes and said after a while, "Yes, it really feels weird, and I always feel like I have seen him somewhere before, and I can't remember..."

"I also have an inexplicable feeling that I always think of him as an enemy, but every time I see him, I deny my assumptions. I don't think he is an enemy. I can't figure it out. I have dealt with so many people , this person feels the most special!" Leng Yan said, taking a sip of his wine.

"That's because you're too nervous to be the only one, afraid that he will take your oneness away!" Yin Xiaozhuo's voice sounded behind him.

"Boy, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you actually overheard us!" Lei Tingen was very happy to see Yin Xiaozhuo.

"Is this also called eavesdropping? You two are so engrossed in watching, you don't even know when I come here, why are you not even this alert! Leng Yan, no wonder you are being followed by the paparazzi!" Yin Xiaozhuo warned them.

Leng Yan was speechless, "I've really lost my head recently!"

"Brother Yan!" With a delicate call, Leng Yan knew who was coming, and he couldn't help but have a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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