Chapter 135

"Everyone is really here today, who invited them?" Leng Yan asked.

Yin Xiaozhuo chuckled, "I! Zhiyang is a friend!"

"You! You know that the only one hates them the most!" Having said that, Leng Yan turned around to greet Qiu Zhiyang and Qiu Fei'er.

Lei Tingen and Qiu Zhiyang were not very familiar with each other, so they just nodded slightly.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively!" Qiu Zhiyang asked casually.

Yin Xiaozhuo smiled, followed Yi Han with his eyes, "A mysterious person."

"Heh! What a handsome guy!" Qiu Fei'er gave a compliment.

Yin Xiaozhuo's eyes lit up, "By the way, why don't we use this beauty trick! Fei'er will go up later to test the water?"

"Why?" Qiu Fei'er glared at him, then looked at Leng Yan timidly, "He is..."

"Come on! You're hopeless! Leng Yan has a wife! You can wait until the next life!" Yin Xiaozhuo deliberately pissed her off.

Qiu Fei'er was extremely embarrassed by Yin Xiaozhuo's puncture, and gave him a hard look.Leng Yan was interested, and raised his eyebrows, "What a good idea! Fei'er will go check it out at the dance!"

"Okay! Just go! I will definitely go to whatever brother Yan asks me to do!" Qiu Fei'er looked at Leng Yan affectionately.

"Disgusting! Don't be an idiot! Zhiyang, take care of your sister and don't disgrace your Qiu family!" Yin Xiaozhuo laughed.

The only one came over at this time, turned a blind eye to the Qiu brothers and sisters, and directly pulled Leng Yan away, "It's about to start, let's go there!"

Qiu Zhiyang looked at their backs and smiled wryly to himself.

The master of ceremonies enthusiastically announced on the stage, "Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, today is a grand day, our leading Qisheng Company and Yin's will jointly build a fortress of love for our displaced orphans, and the rising star Mo Shakespeare also showed love to the children and added luster to their childhood, let us applaud these three companies for their charitable deeds!"

After a wave of applause, the master of ceremonies announced, "Let's invite our protagonists tonight, Mr. Leng Yan, the president of Qisheng, and Miss Ran Weiyi, the wife of Mr. Leng, the president of Mosha, to come on stage!"

The current Leng Yan is really completely different from before. He rarely shows up in public, but today he walks up to the rostrum with his only arm in his arms, a perfect match, a perfect couple.

Because they wanted to listen to their speech, the audience gradually became quiet, so someone's low-pitched discussion reached the only ear.

"Hey, have you heard about the scandal in Leng Yan's family? It turns out that he also has a mentally ill wife."

"Why haven't I heard of it? It is said that Leng Yan abandoned his wife and family just because of this woman on stage!"


The only hand trembled slightly, and my heart became chaotic.Leng Yan quietly took her hand and squeezed it hard to give her strength.

"Next, we will ask Mrs. Leng to talk to us about the significance of this charitable act!" The master of ceremonies handed over the venue to her.

Leng Yan held her hand all the time, which reassured her a lot, and said in a slow tone, "Hello everyone, this time I did not intentionally set a meaning for my activities with my husband and Yin's. Said, just to fulfill my dream. I was born in a handicapped family. It was not easy for my mother to bring me up. I could barely maintain food and clothing. Toys were impossible. I envied children with toys since I was a child, but I could only do it myself Do. It’s ridiculous to say that the biggest dream at that time was to have a big house full of toys that could never be outdated. As a result, I was lucky. My husband finally helped me realize this dream and let me understand what happiness is. So, I just want those children who are looking forward to in their dreams to make their dreams come true as soon as possible! As soon as possible, I will be as happy as me!"

These words were only spoken with emotion, everyone was captured by the hazy feeling in her words, and the discussion just now disappeared without a trace.

"Ms. Leng's very straightforward and touching statement, we will hold a donation ceremony next, and then friends can dance and revel to their heart's content!" the master of ceremonies announced loudly.

After a simple donation ceremony, the ball began.Yin Xiaozhuo stood beside Qiu Fei'er and kept urging, "Fei'er, go and ask Yi Han to dance, he is standing there alone!"

"You really want me to go?" Qiu Fei'er couldn't believe it.

"Of course!" Yin Xiaozhuo nodded affirmatively.

Qiu Fei'er snorted, "Just go!" Then she twisted her waist and walked towards Yi Han.

Yi Han's height was comparable to that of Leng Yan, standing next to Yi Han, she felt an imposing aura.

After she stabilized her mind, she showed a coquettish smile, "Sir, can I have a dance?"

Yi Han's eyes followed Leng Yan and Wei Wei who were spinning and dancing in the center of the hall, and only glanced at her when he heard the voice, "Sorry, I don't dance!"

"Sir, don't be like this! A gentleman like Mr. must not want to look at me as a wallflower, right?" She was very frustrated, why everyone turned a blind eye to her charm.

"I'm sorry, I really can't dance." Yi Han tried his best to look gentle and polite.

"No, I'll teach you!" Qiu Fei'er said and pulled him.

Yi Han didn't expect her to be so active, and hurriedly withdrew her hand, and between pulling and pulling, Qiu Fei'er lost her balance and fell into Yi Han's arms, sitting on his lap.

Yi Han, however, hurriedly pushed her away from him as if frightened.

Qiu Fei'er couldn't help cursing, "Pervert! It's unreasonable. If you ask my aunt to come again, I will never come again!" After speaking, she ran back to Qiu Zhiyang's side.

Yi Han looked at her figure, with a cold smile on his lips, and secretly said, "There are more and more people here, and the game is getting more and more fun.

Unconsciously, the song was over, and the crowd automatically parted ways. Leng Yan and the others didn't know what happened, so they followed the trend. Suddenly, he was stunned, what should come will always come!

(End of this chapter)

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