Chapter 137

The reporter rushed in front of them, "I'm sorry, sir, we suspect that Mr. Leng abused his wife, please let her speak clearly before leaving?"

"No! I'm leaving! I won't tell you anymore, Yan will be angry! You lied to me, and you didn't even help me find him!" Jing Lan's eyes flashed an imperceptible light, following Lei Tingen Weave your way through the crowd.

The reporters were still chasing after her, "Hey, Mrs. Leng, wait..."

The bodyguard cleared the way and blocked everyone, Lei Tingen finally left with Jing Lan.

"Madam Leng, don't worry, we will definitely seek justice for you!" At the end, the reporter shouted towards their backs.

Jing Lan was pulled into the car by Lei Tingen. In the dark night, she clenched her fists tightly, her knuckles turned blue, her eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of complacency flashed across her eyes. It was God helping her. The lawyer had already handed over the divorce agreement to her. When she was at her wit's end, the time and place were favorable. Someone reported about Leng Yan in the newspaper. Why didn't she take advantage of this opportunity to make a fuss?

On the second floor, behind a certain dark window, a man in a dark blue suit held a glass of wine and watched all this silently. His posture overlooking the world was as if the world was dominated by him. Riding in a black car and gradually turning into a small dot in the dark, I felt a sharp pain in my heart...

"Clang"!It was the sound of the wine glass falling from the second floor to the ground. After the gorgeous fall, it was shattered, and the figure behind the window disappeared in an instant...

What happened tonight was too unexpected, but it seems that everything is inevitable, there must be an effect if there is a cause...

Leng Yan, who left midway, sent the only one back to "Spring Blossoms". Before getting out of the car, the only one covered his hand, "Leng Yan, come back early, I'll wait for you."

Leng Yan turned his hand over, clasped her hand tightly, looked at each other silently, and hugged her tightly, "Well, don't worry. Remember, no matter who asks you anything, you always answer that you don't know."

"Okay!" The only one staring at him, suddenly moved close to him, and pressed a kiss on his lips, "Leng Yan, I love you!" In the dark night, under the moonlight, she said firmly and affectionately.

He was slightly taken aback, and replied softly and gently, "I love you too!"

She smiled, opened the car door, got out of the car, and waved gently, "I'm going home first, waiting for you."

He smiled back and insisted on watching her open the door and enter the house before driving away, feeling warm in his heart...

The only one who stared at him from behind the curtain held his heart and swore to himself, "Leng Yan, I won't let you down..."

As long as you love each other deeply, there is nothing to be afraid of...

************************************************** *************************************

Leng's old house.

Lei Tingen guarded Jinglan every step of the way, and Leng Yan finally arrived. When his figure appeared at the door, Jinglan showed fear and subconsciously shrank back.

Leng Yan stood by the door, staring at her, Jing Lan's eyes flickered under his gaze.

This kind of eye contact lasted for several minutes, and Zeng Ma came up in tears, "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't take care of Jing Lan."

Only then did Leng Yan put away his cold eyes, and slowly walked towards Jinglan.

"Yan... I'm sorry, I... just don't want... I really... love you, I didn't make trouble on purpose..." Jing Lan preemptively burst into tears, looking very pitiful.

Leng Yan walked over with a somewhat gloomy posture, and Lei Tingen was afraid of his impulsiveness, so he stood in front of him, "Calm down, the current situation is not good for you."

Leng Yan pushed Lei Ting'en away, and his tone was surprisingly calm, "Ting'en, I won't be impulsive, I just want to talk to her, Zeng Ma is here too, everyone is here, just in time! Sit down!"

"Yan..." Jing Lan called his name timidly.

Leng Yan sat down opposite her, glanced at everyone's faces and then stayed in Jing Lan's tearful eyes, and said indifferently, "What tricks do you want to play?"

Jing Lan's tears rolled down instantly, "Yan, why do you say that? I have no tricks..."

"Then why haven't you signed the divorce agreement after the lawyer gave you it for a few days?" If Leng Yan had ever felt some sympathy for her, today's incident really made him understand Jing Lan better.

Jing Lan lowered her head, "I...I really don't want a divorce..."

"Bring the agreement! Sign it! If you still want to get some compensation after the divorce!" Leng Yan became more and more merciless.

Lei Ting'en suddenly stood up, walked to him, and whispered to him, "Leng Yan, at this time, I advise you not to force her to divorce. It's not good for you, she is weak."

Leng Yan sneered, "Weak? Ting En, we really underestimated her, she doesn't know how smart she is, she's so clever!"

"No matter what, she is weak in public opinion!" Lei Tingen warned in a low voice.

"I understand! But, do you think that if I force her to divorce now, there is still a possibility to change public opinion?" Leng Yan asked back.

Lei Tingen was speechless, shook his head, and whispered in his ear again, "You are crazy, divorce at this time, if she stabs it again, if she refuses to accept it, stop suing, I'm afraid you will be forced to divide most of your property Are you willing to give it to her?"

"Tingen, I don't care about anything now, as long as I am free! If it is delayed any longer, I am worried that I will be unable to leave!" He was firm and decisive, went upstairs and took down the divorce agreement, and threw it in front of Jinglan, "Sign it!"

"I don't!" Jing Lan looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Mother Zeng!" Leng Yan frowned.

Zeng Ma sighed, wiped her tears and walked to Jing Lan, grabbed her hand and held the pen, "Jing Lan, sign..."

(End of this chapter)

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