Chapter 138

Once Leng Yan made up his mind to do something, no one can undo it. Jing Lan is very clear about this, just as he made up his mind to go to Japan many years ago, no one can persuade him.

Jing Lan knows very well that even if she doesn't sign it today, the divorce agreement will still come true tomorrow, and he can do this coldly.

She couldn't help crying, her hand holding the pen trembled slightly, and after a few struggles, she finally signed her name on the agreement, then dropped the pen and fell down on her knees to cry.

Leng Yan picked up the agreement, walked up to Mama Zeng, suddenly knelt down, his eyes were slightly red, "Mama Zeng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you, I didn't expect things to turn out like this."

Zeng Ma dragged him up with tears, "Master, I should say I'm sorry. I originally wanted you to divorce and marry Miss Ran, but you silly child..."

Leng Yan looked at Jing Lan, and then said, "Mother Zeng, I will still take care of your future life with Jing Lan. I will take care of Jing Lan for the rest of my life and treat her as my own sister."

Zeng Ma cried and nodded, "I know, I know the young master is a good boy, you can go, Madam will worry if you stay here for a long time."

Leng Yan slowly walked to Jing Lan's side, stood for a while, and finally said, "Jing Lan, I'm sorry."

The only answer to him was Jing Lan's aggrieved cry. Finally, Leng Yan took the agreement and left, and Lei Ting'en followed. Behind him, Jing Lan's crying gradually stopped, staring at the direction they left, with resentment surging in her eyes , things won't end so easily...

"Jing Lan, let's go up and rest!" Zeng Ma supported her whose face was still stained with tears.

Jing Lan shook off her hand and glared at her, "Whose mother are you? Treat him better than me? I really wonder if he is your illegitimate child!"

Hearing a "slap", Zeng Ma slapped Jing Lan on the face, "Presumptuous! Is there anyone who talks to Mom like that? I treat you badly? Will you hide so many things for me? I feel ashamed!"

"Let's fight! Let's fight! If you kill me, you will be worthy of the Leng family! Let me tell you, I won't just let it go!" Jing Lan covered her face and ran upstairs crying.

Leng Yan and Lei Ting'en each drove a car on the mountain road, but met Qiu Zhiyang's car on the way.

Leng Yan stopped the car and asked, "What are you doing here at this time?"

"I'll take a look, I'm worried about you!" Qiu Zhi raised his eyebrows and smiled evilly.

Leng Yan's face was like a flat plate, "I have two thoughts about your reaction, one is that you are gloating, the other is that you are gay, and I don't like either."

"Hey, isn't it, for a woman, you really don't want brotherhood?" Qiu Zhiyang's smile froze, and he put on a bitter face.

As soon as Leng Yan stepped on the accelerator, the car passed directly by his body. When Lei Tingen passed by, he smiled politely at Qiu Zhiyang in the car, "He's not this kind of person, he's just in a bad mood."

Qiu Zhiyang also nodded and smiled, "I know that, I just want to help him."

Lei Tingen smiled again, "Me too! However, he doesn't need to come here in the future, he doesn't live here now." Then he closed the car window and followed Leng Yan's car lights.

Qiu Fei'er in the car pouted, "Brother, I told you to come here quickly. If you didn't come, I didn't catch up with Leng Yan at Leng's house. I didn't even have time to talk to him!"

Qiu Zhiyang was speechless, and patted her on the head, "What on earth is your brain made of? Do you think there is still hope for you and Leng Yan?"

"Why not? Leng Yan had a wife before? I didn't even know that before! He would divorce his wife for the sake of the only one, so why didn't he divorce the only one for me?" Qiu Fei'er was obsessed.

Qiu Zhiyang shook his head, "You are such a big idiot! You are not allowed to have illusions about Leng Yan in the future! By the way, you went to check on that Yi Han at the party just now, did you find any results?"

Qiu Fei'er pursed her lips, "That man is crazy, he doesn't know how to sympathize with others, he pushed me away when I almost fell down! His heart is so hard, as hard as his feet!"

Qiu Zhiyang was amused by her baby sister's words, "What kind of metaphor is this? The heart is as hard as the feet?"

"Originally! When I fell, I fell on his lap and helped his foot. It was already stiff!" Qiu Fei'er argued.

"You are talking nonsense! You are neurotic all the time, give me some lady in the future, don't disgrace the Qiu family!" Qiu Zhiyang reprimanded her impatiently.

"Cut! Isn't our Qiu family embarrassing enough? Is it my turn to embarrass myself?" Qiu Fei'er disapproved and gave him a sidelong glance.

Leng Yan, who had already driven away, thought of something from the Qiu family siblings, and immediately called Qiu Zhiyang's mother, "Hello, auntie, it's me, Leng Yan."

"Leng Yan? Is there anything else to do at this late hour?" The Qiu family and the Leng family are family friends, and Mrs. Qiu has a good impression of Leng Yan.

"It's still that matter. I don't think it's that simple. It may be more difficult to solve this time. I still need to ask you to say hello." Leng Yan's intuition told him that although the marriage is divorced, there are still endless troubles...

Madam Qiu readily agreed, "Don't worry, as long as I can help, I will do my best!"

"With Auntie's words, I feel relieved. This time, I was too careless and underestimated Jing Lan."

Mrs. Qiu smiled lightly, "Man, you must walk steadily in this hurdle. You, Auntie doesn't know what to say about you. Forget it, since it happened, it's useless to regret it. Let's do our best to remedy it!"

"Then thank you, auntie, it's too late to bother you, good night!"

"Good night."

Leng Yan put down his phone, feeling as if his heart was blocked by a stone, he let out a long sigh of relief, and drove towards the spring blossoms.

go home!The little girl is still waiting for him!

(End of this chapter)

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