Chapter 139

It turns out that the reporter who interviewed Jing Lan at the charity gala really applied for legal aid for her, and filed a lawsuit after many investigations.

Not only was he accused of cohabiting with the only one when he already had a spouse, and he was called a husband and wife to the outside world, but he was also accused of abusing his wife physically and sexually on the grounds that he had imprisoned his wife all the year round and had no sexual life with her;

At the same time, he filed a request to the court for the invalidation of the original divorce agreement against him for forcing his wife to divorce by improper means; finally, he also mentioned that Leng Yan flouted the law and married the only one as the deceased Leng Yi to avoid bigamy.

As a result, Jing Lan not only requested that the divorce agreement be invalid, but also proposed that all the property under the only name, including a small villa, the "Spring Blossoms" beach house and Mosha Company were all contributed by Leng Yan during the cohabitation period with the only one. The only thing left is to ask for all of them to be returned.

The only one followed Leng Yan's repeated instructions, and answered "don't know" to all questions.She never knew that Leng Yan was married, and that the name on the marriage agreement was Leng Yi... So, she was released soon.

Only now did she understand why Leng Yan wanted her to say that she didn't know. If she knew that Leng Yan had a wife and was still with him, then she would be responsible...

This case was originally small, but because the protagonists were Leng Yan and Wei Wei, it attracted widespread attention from the society. In addition to the reporters' exaggeration, although the court ruled that Wei Wei was not responsible, the condemnation of public opinion was still overwhelming.

In the public opinion, the only third party who destroys other people's families, Leng Yan has become a full-fledged evil husband, who loves the new and dislikes the old, and abuses his mentally ill wife.

The direction of public opinion will soon affect their company's performance.Because the only one is the spokesperson for Qisheng and Yin's new project, there are many large photos of her in the advertising area on the street, but overnight, the photos are splashed with sewage or thick ink, and all kinds of ugly words appear on the advertising posters one after another. superior.

At the same time, the charitable acts of the three companies have also been criticized by public opinion as hypocrisy, putting gold on their faces.Since Mosha’s business projects are mainly toys, and the consumer group of toys is mainly children, some people say that such a shameless woman is not worthy of designing toys for angelic children. Some sensational tabloids began to advocate boycott of Mosa Products, Mosha's performance declined rapidly within a few days, and many customers even began to return orders.

As a result, the stocks of the three companies Qisheng, Yinshi and Mosha also fell sharply.

The only one who had to take care of the company and pay attention to the case was exhausted for a while.Fortunately, Yin Xiaozhuo picked up Yin's and Qisheng's two companies, Lei Tingen also returned to Mosha to help, and more importantly, Qiu Zhiyang actively worked for Leng Yan's affairs.

But I don't know what channel Qiu Zhiyang used, but the court's decision was to dismiss the lawsuit, and the original divorce agreement was valid.

The only one was overjoyed, and when he and Leng Yan returned home from the court, they also changed their attitude towards Qiu Zhiyang who went with him, "No matter what, I want to thank you for this matter. As for the matter between us, we will talk about it later."

Qiu Zhiyang smiled wryly, "What kind of deep hatred is there between us? Why don't I remember?"

"Qiu Zhiyang, don't think that I don't care about the past because you helped Leng Yan this time. Does it have nothing to do with you because I grew up under your bullying? Isn't my mother's death because of your Qiu family?" Speaking of the past, the only one Some excitement.

Qiu Fei'er muttered, "Cut, good intentions are not rewarded! How much did my family pay for this case this time? My brother has liked you for so many years, but it is useless. You and Leng Yan are all cold-hearted people who don't know what to do or what to do. !"

She remembered that her love for Leng Yan could not be reciprocated, and she felt sore, she turned to Qiu Zhiyang and said, "Brother, why are we both so miserable? We just met these two people!"

"Enough, don't talk about it!" Qiu Zhiyang saw that his thoughts that had been hidden for many years were revealed, and it was revealed in front of Leng Yan, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

The only one was taken aback, and couldn't believe Qiu Fei'er's words, "You...what are you talking about? Qiu Zhiyang..."

"That's right! Be kind enough to be a donkey!" Qiu Fei'er gave her a blank look. "Besides, didn't my dad die too? Who should I ask to be held accountable? If it wasn't for you, would my dad die?"

Qiu Fei'er's words angered the only one. She was in a good mood because of Leng Yan's nothing, and she was furious, and shouted at Qiu Fei'er, "Your father is a scum! He deserves to die! Poor my mother, she is clearly a victim or not. There was an accident for no reason, and it was your family who killed my mother! It was your father, that scumbag!"

"The only one! Stop talking!" Leng Yan, who had been silent all this time, interrupted the only one, took her hand and left.

Wei Wei shook off his hand and shifted his target, "Why don't you let me say it, it's like this! Are you reluctant? Are you reluctant for me to scold your brother? He owes the scolding!"

"Okay! Go back!" This was the only time since they fell in love with each other sincerely, it was the only time I saw Leng Yan talking to her in this tone, and he seemed extremely impatient.

"What do you mean?" The only one couldn't figure it out. During the days before his trial, she was busy and exhausted. In the end, not only did she not get the slightest compliment from him, but she was also disgusted by him because of one or two words.

She angrily chased after him and was going to continue to argue with him, but she froze in the parking lot.

A group of people who came from nowhere filled the parking lot of the court and protested one after another, asking the court to retry the case. Some even boldly shouted to thoroughly investigate the inside story of the case.

The only one who forgot the dispute with Leng Yan just now, stepped forward to put his hand in Leng Yan's palm, and asked worriedly, "What's going on?"

Leng Yan smiled, "It's okay, maybe it was made by those young reporters who wanted to use our case to become famous in one fell swoop!"

(End of this chapter)

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