Chapter 140

A few days later, the driver took Jing Lan to the lawyer's office, and Leng Yan was already waiting.

When the two met, they were already speechless.Accompanied by Zeng Ma, Jing Lan approached Leng Yan slowly with her head down, and sat down.

Seeing the two people coming, the lawyer opened the folder, "Mr. Leng, the following is Ms. Jing Lan's request for a divorce agreement. You can consider whether you can agree. First, all property under Mr. Leng's name belongs to Ms. Jing Lan; Second, during the existence of the two marriages, the Mosha Company and the beach house that Mr. Leng gave to Ms. Ran Weiyi also belonged to Ms. Jing Lan. However, what I want to explain here is that there is no evidence that the beach house is Mr. Leng For Ms. Ran Weiyi."

"Why not? Ran is the only poor girl who can afford such an expensive villa?" Jing Lan asked aggressively.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, the law is about evidence, not reasoning," replied the lawyer in his usual professional tone.

Jing Lan had no way to refute, and resorted to a sarcastic way, "The ghost knows that you and Leng Yan are colluding, what the hell did you do?!"

"Ma'am, the law is about evidence, not reasoning." The lawyer was a little annoyed, "Please show the evidence, or I will sue you for defamation!"

Jing Lan swallowed her saliva, speechless.

The lawyer continued, "In addition, the Mosha company mentioned by Ms. Jing Lan is not the only one that Mr. Leng Yan bought and gave to Ran."

"How is it possible?" Jing Lan was a little excited, and asked loudly, feeling that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to her.

The lawyer handed her a document, "This is the transfer document of Mosha Company. The document shows that Mr. Lei Tingen donated Mosha Company to Ms. Ran Weiyi without Mr. Leng, and Mr. Lei Tingen did not collect any fees from it. In other words, it is a gift of friendship."

Jing Lan held the document and held her breath secretly, "Okay! No, no, I just don't want Mosha Company and the beach house!"

The lawyer turned his gaze to Leng Yan, "Mr. Leng, then there is only one condition for Ms. Jinglan's divorce, which is to ask for all of Mr. Leng's property. Do you agree with Mr. Leng?"

Leng Yan didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. At this moment, he leaned lazily on the chair and replied indifferently, "Of course I agree, why don't you agree? Sign it!"

"Okay!" The lawyer nodded, "Then I will report the property under Mr. Leng's name to Ms. Jinglan. Mr. Leng owns 20.00% of the shares of Qisheng Company and ten famous cars of various brands. If Ms. Jinglan thinks there is no objection Please sign it both of you!"

"What?" Jing Lan couldn't sit still anymore this time, and stood up excitedly, "Why is it only 20.00%? Impossible! Isn't he the president?"

"Please don't get excited, I will explain to you." The lawyer said calmly, "Mr. Leng Yan has only owned 20.00% of Qisheng's shares for a long time. People, Mr. Leng’s will stated that although Mr. Leng Yan does not own the other 19.00% of the equity, he can manage it on his behalf. Mr. Leng Yan managed it on his behalf. That is to say, Mr. Leng handed over the company's full rights to Mr. Leng Yan, but Mr. Leng Yan only has the right to manage, except for his own 60.00%, he has no right to transfer the shares. "

Like a deflated ball, Jing Lan sat back on the chair, "Then who owns the other 60.00%?"

"Sorry, according to Mr. Leng's will, this cannot be disclosed to outsiders."

Jing Lan looked at Leng Yan, there was no expression on his face, no wonder he agreed so simply... She was dissatisfied and said aggrievedly, "Yan, I still don't want a divorce, can I not sign?"

Leng Yan smiled ironically, "What do you think?"

"Anyway, I won't sign!" Jing Lan began to complain again.

"Whatever you want! Sign it or sign it. If you don't sign it, I will leave! I will sue the court again. Do you think the public opinion and the court will still sympathize with you this time?" Leng Yan stood up.

"Don't go!" Jing Lan called him, weighing in her heart, if she goes to court again, her history of false accusation and false testimony last time will probably be very unfavorable to her, and the court will at most hope to judge most of her property, then Even the 20.00% is gone..."Sit down and discuss!" She can only do this...

"Okay!" The lawyer propped his hands on the desk, "You two discuss if you have any questions."

"By the way, you just said that Leng Yan's property is only shares and cars? What about Leng's house?" Jing Lan suddenly thought.

"Mr. Leng's will stated that this house belonged to Mr. Leng Yan before Mr. Leng got married. After marriage, Mr. Leng moved out of the old house and bought a new one, and the house was left to the housekeeper's family. Therefore, if Mr. Leng remarries, this The house belongs to the steward."

"Oh!" Jing Lan stopped talking, and glanced at Leng Yan beside her, tears welling up, "Yan, I..."

"Don't talk too much, sign if you agree." Leng Yan's attitude at the moment is really like an iceberg, this time, he is heartbroken.He was mentally prepared for Jing Lan's unfeeling, but what he didn't expect was that Zeng Ma, whom he regarded as a relative, turned out to be a greedy and ungrateful person in the end.

Finally, Jing Lan tremblingly signed her name on the divorce agreement, hesitated to hand it to Leng Yan, Leng Yan snatched it, quickly signed her name, handed it to the lawyer, and walked out of the office quickly. Take a look back.

In the corridor, Zeng Ma chased her out, and shouted in tears, "Master..."

Leng Yan stood still, turned his head, his keen eyes swept over Zeng Ma's face full of tears, and an idea flashed in his mind like lightning...

Zeng Ma just looked at him with tears in her eyes, without saying a word, he cleared his throat and said in a low voice, "I'm leaving, take care."

A ray of sadness slipped through my heart, and more joy, freedom and joy!The moment he walked out of the lawyer's office, the world opened up in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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