Chapter 141

Beach House "Spring Blossoms".

Leng Yan saw the garden full of balloons and ribbons from a long distance, the colorful colors instantly warmed his heart, and the pace of going home was also particularly brisk.

However, when he walked to the door, the house was quiet, what was the only one doing?Are you still sleeping?

With a smile on his lips, he opened the door.

In front of a flower, countless petals sprinkled down, one after another, extremely gorgeous.

At the same time, the only one and the other three men sprayed at him with spray streamers in their hands, shouting, "Congratulations on being free!" "Congratulations on being abused by another woman!"

"Who's talking nonsense!?" The only one raised his eyebrows, and the jet streamer changed direction.

"It's so vulgar! It's even sprinkled with petals!" Yin Xiaozhuo pointed at the petals all over the floor and smiled.

Lei Tingen also echoed, "Exactly! The only one, you don't have to act like this if you want to take a petal couple bath, right?"

"It's really disgusting!" Yin Ziran shook his head exaggeratedly.

Leng Yan hugged the only waist, arrogantly proud, "I know you are jealous, which one of you has such a good wife like me?"

"Exactly!" The only one kissed Leng Yan on the face without hesitation.

"Hey! You guys are so mean! Don't make people angry!" Lei Tingen's eyes widened, intending to punch Leng Yan.

Suddenly there was a series of dog barking, and everyone saw that only was rolling over like a little snowball, and there was a sign hanging around his neck: welcome daddy home!

The three men laughed loudly, "This is fun, congratulations to Leng Yan for upgrading!"

Leng Yan looked at Wei Yi with a face full of black lines, and whispered in her ear: "I will definitely make your wish come true, I want to be a mother and I am crazy!"

"No way? You're crazy to want to be a father!" The only one bowed his head with a blushing face.

"Hey! Hey! Please don't talk about topics that are not suitable for children, there are minors here!" Yin Ziran looked at them with his arms crossed.

"Where is it?" The only one glared at him.

"Here! Is Only one year old?" Yin Ziran pointed to Only at his feet.

Lei Tingen laughed, "This is only a minor dog!"

"It's almost done! Don't teach the children badly! You bunch of lewd men and women!" Yin Ziran looked very cold.

The only one was laughing so hard that he couldn't get up on Leng Yan's shoulder. At this moment, the doorbell rang, and several people looked at each other. Who else is there?

"I'll go!" Yin Xiaozhuo opened the door, and standing outside were Qiu Zhiyang and Qiu Fei'er.

"Aren't you welcome?" Qiu Zhiyang raised his eyebrows.

Leng Yan looked at Wei Wei, and said with a smile, "Why? Everyone, come in! Come in and have a seat, and stand at the door. Wei Wei, go prepare some fruit!" He pushed Wei Wei away.

"Okay!" The only one went to the kitchen, who knows, Qiu Fei'er followed after a while.

"Only, I'll help you!" Qiu Fei'er said behind her.

The only one was washing the fruit without looking back, "Thank you, no need, how could your eldest lady do such a thing!" Today is a good day, and she is in a good mood, and she doesn't intend to spoil her own mood.

Qiu Fei'er kept a relatively low-key voice, completely different from her usual style, "Only, are you still angry with me?"

The only one was slightly taken aback, "No, I dare not!"

"Don't dare! You're clearly angry just by saying that! Let me show you something!" She stretched out a newspaper in front of the only one, "Today's!"

The only one couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he glanced at it casually, and saw the headline on the newspaper read: Witness a touching bitter love, wish the lover love forever.

She snatched the newspaper and read the article hastily. Although the male and female protagonists in it all used pseudonyms, the matter between her and Leng Yan has caused a lot of trouble recently, and everyone knows that the story is about them.

However, this time it is no longer slander or condemnation, but vividly describes the whole story of their love, all kinds of hardships and setbacks on the road of love, and the consistent situation of each other without complaint or regret. The story seems to be starting all over again, sweet and bitter, and I can't help but burst into tears.

"It's also available on the Internet! The click rate is super high, and there are countless people who follow the post overnight. Netizens support you! I am moved by you!" Qiu Fei'er looked at her with a smile.

" your masterpiece?" The only one couldn't believe it.

"That's right! I wrote it overnight and asked a friend from the newspaper office to send it to me! How about it? I'm actually studying literature! I don't think I have a good literary talent!"

"But, why are you..." The only one who couldn't accept Qiu Fei'er who was completely different.

Qiu Fei'er's eyes gradually became moist, "This time you and Leng Yan had such a big quarrel, my brother and I saw it, my brother told me the story between you, I am really happy Touched. The only thing is, I misunderstood you and thought of you as a vain woman who was stalking her. That’s why I treated you like that before. It turns out that you are very kind and really love Leng Yan. Although I have a temper like a lady, it’s not that I’m not bad. People who can tell right from wrong, I apologize to you, in fact, what I yearn for is also such a love, unfortunately..."

So it is!The only thing is that the heart gradually opens up, and true feelings are the power to turn wars into jades!

"But! The only one, I'm not for you!" Qiu Fei'er smiled slyly, "I love Leng Yan, and after this incident, I love him even more! Who doesn't love a man who is dedicated and responsible? ?So, I just don't want people to misunderstand him, and I don't want his reputation to be tarnished."

"So?" The only one looked at her.

"So, I won't give up. I will continue to love Leng Yan and continue to compete with you! Whoever laughs last is the one who laughs the best!" Qiu Fei'er raised her chin slightly and smiled provocatively.

The only eyes were full of tears, and he also grinned, and the tears rolled down.

(End of this chapter)

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