Chapter 145

"Arrested, suspected of taking bribes! Don't talk about these things, the Qiu family will handle it themselves." He took the only hand and went back to the bedroom, but without the passion just now, he just hugged the only one, as if feeling something think.

The only one felt a little strange, raised his head and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Leng Yan smiled lightly, "I was thinking how to propose to you?" However, the hesitation that inadvertently flashed in his eyes was the only thing he didn't see.

The only one blushed, and the unconcealable joy showed in his eyes when he lowered his eyelids, "I want an unprecedented one, or I won't marry!"

"Unprecedented and unprecedented? Good!" Leng Yan pressed on her with a smirk, "Young Master Yin's unique move, just pounce on him!"

"Ah? No way! I've made you cheap!" The only one dodged his lips and laughed.

After the two rolled and frolicked for a while, Leng Yan stopped and looked deeply into the only dark pupil, "Only, how about we go on our honeymoon first and then come back to get married?"

"Why?" The only one looked at him puzzled, why reverse the order?

Leng Yan's fingers moved lightly on her cheeks, with the coolness of autumn on his fingertips, "Only, I feel tired. For so many years, I have been supporting myself very hard, and I feel that I am overdrawing my life. It does not refer to physical strength. I'm not tired, but my heart is tired, now I finally let go, I want to relax."

The only one who thinks about it is that getting married requires a lot of preparations, and it is indeed a labor-intensive thing. It is good to go out with Leng Yan to relax, but the performance of the two companies is now affected, so going out now...?

"What about the company?" She asked softly.

"You can transfer without us, leave it to Qin Ran! The question you have to consider now is where you want to go."

The only eye rolled, "I really don't know, I have only been to two places since I was born, one is here, and the other is my hometown in the countryside."

"Oh? Your hometown is in the countryside?" Leng Yan never heard her mention it.

"Yeah!" The only one nodded, "I didn't have a father since I was a child, and my mother took me to live with my grandparents in the countryside. One year, my grandparents passed away, and my mother was also seriously ill. Luckily, she was rescued in time. After recovering from illness, she often hugged me and cried, and then brought me here, saying that she hoped to give me a good environment, let me study hard, and sent me to the best school, but I couldn't bear to see her It's so hard, so I often skip class to go to work, hey, I finally failed my mother's hope..."

Leng Yan didn't know her past. He only knew that she and her mother depended on each other, and their life was relatively difficult. However, in a difficult environment, it was rare for the only one who could grow up to be so pure and kind, as strong and as confident as her.

He listened to her quietly, and hugged her pitifully, "Only, aren't you fine now? President of the company, mom should feel relieved."

Although it is not the first time to hear him call his mother, the only one is still very touched, "But, everything I have is given by you, not earned by myself..."

"Nonsense, if you don't have this ability, even if I give it to you, you will be ruined. Besides, I gave you the toy design award too?" Leng Yan scolded her dotingly, "Okay, don't say these things Now, let me decide, we will go on our honeymoon tomorrow! This time I will give you a perfect honeymoon! Go to bed first!"

Two days later, Leng Yan and Wei Wei appeared in the Aegean Sea in Greece.Both of them were dressed in pure white casual clothes, lying on the rented boat, with the endless blue sky above their heads, the golden sunlight pouring down unobstructed, and the surrounding sea water that was as blue as the sky glowed a little bit. With a golden sheen, everything is stunning.

"Is it beautiful?" Leng Yan squinted his eyes slightly, the brilliant colors of the sky were so bright that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

"Beautiful, really beautiful! I've never seen such a pure color, the sky here seems to be painted with paint!" The only one lying beside Leng Yan sincerely praised.

Leng Yan smiled slightly, "The Aegean Sea is the most beautiful place I have ever been to in my life. All the colors are so pure that there seems to be no speck of dust in the air. Only when I got here did I realize that all the colors in the palette are so pure. The colors are all originally taken from nature.”

There are many islands in the Aegean Sea. From time to time, ships pass by them and travel among the dotted islands, but Wei Wei and Leng Yan just float quietly on the sea, listening to the passage of time quietly.

"You two, do you want to go to the island to see?" the boatman asked them in English.

"No!" Leng Yan flatly refused.

"Why don't you go to the island and have a look?" The young only one is very interested in those small islands that look like stars.

Leng Yan noticed the light in her eyes, and asked, "Do you really want to go?"

The only one who is smart, immediately understands that Leng Yan doesn't want to go up, and recalls that he said before coming to Greece that he was very tired and tired, so he knew that he was indulging in such a leisurely life.

For her, the most important element in the honeymoon is to be cold, not to play, so she smiled and shook her head, and approached him, "No! The happiest thing in life is to watch the white clouds drift freely by your side, Drift quietly with the sea, and then slowly wait for the dark together, and wait for the gold-plated sea to be stained with silver..."

Leng Yan hugged her and laughed, "When did the only one become a poet? Is it the beauty of the Aegean Sea that makes you poetic or does it really mean that people in love are either fools or poets?"

The only one puckered his lips and beat him, "I hate it, why are you laughing at me, am I wrong?"

"Yes!" Leng Yan held her hand affectionately, "Only, what you said is in my heart, I just want to float quietly on the sea like this, watching the blue sky move little by little, and then feel that I am very small , very small, the world is far away, very far away. The only one, thank you for understanding me, and thank you for giving up the noise that others flock to."

"Ah?" Seen through by him, Wei Wei was a little surprised, and quickly defended, "No, I really don't want to go to those small islands..."

"Silly girl, what can fool me?" Leng Yan chuckled, kissing her lips, he doesn't care what kind of tourist or boatman he is, in this world there are only blue sky, white clouds, sea water, him, and her...

(End of this chapter)

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