Chapter 146

The bright moonlight of the Aegean Sea cannot penetrate the blue curtains of the arched windows, and an extremely lingering nocturne is played in the white hotel dyed by the night.

Every sound of collision, every string of broken moans is the most primitive sound of nature, just like the Aegean Sea, which contains the most simple and pure beauty.

The high tide and the sinking of the tide form the most beautiful melody, endlessly lingering, endless aftertaste...

After a burst of intense attack, it broke out and calmed down...

He embraced her tightly...

"Leng Yan, shall we go back tomorrow?" The only pink skin covered with fine beads of sweat, curled up in Leng Yan's arms and asked.

"Yeah, we've been out for more than ten days and don't want to go back?" Leng Yan kissed her forehead lightly.

"Well! Such a day is so rare!"

For the past ten days or so, they had an extremely simple life.During the day, rent a cruise ship from a local boatman to wander in the blue sea, or wander around in the old streets. They have tasted every kind of food in those small white houses, and sometimes they are relaxing in the sun with the street. talking to the locals.

At night, sometimes I go to the beach to watch the moonlight, sometimes I go to the local bar, not for drinking, but for those exotic customs, and then love passionately, love fiercely, the only thing I feel is that I am about to be melted by him in the past ten days ...

It is said that the sunrise in the Aegean Sea is the most beautiful, but they didn't go, even if they wanted to, the only one couldn't get out of bed...

How beautiful is this day?The only thing I can't tell is that it seems to have evaporated from the world, and it seems to be hidden in a paradise, away from the temptation/temptation of those disputes, and completely assimilated by the leisurely lifestyle of the Aegean Sea. I really don't know if I can adapt to life there when I go back.

"If you like, we can come here often and bring the baby." Leng Yan stroked her smooth back.

"If you want a child so much, will you stop loving me if you have a child?" The only one pursed his lips.

Leng Yan lightly pecked her lips, "Would you? You immature child."


Wei Wei squinted her eyes and smiled exaggeratedly, "I'm still like this at the age of 60, you have to coax me like you are now!"


"Yes! Follow orders, let's go to bed now! Have the last Greek breakfast tomorrow morning. The fifth hotel in the past is delicious. Remember to buy it for me!"

"Why me again?" The only one was not convinced.

"We made a bet! Whoever begs first will buy breakfast, and whoever said just now can't do it, don't want it..." Leng Yan smiled wickedly.

"Did I say that?" The only one blinked, looking very innocent.

"I didn't say...then shall we come again?" Leng Yan was provocative again.

Wei Wei hurriedly pushed his hand away, "I don't want it anymore, it's too bad!"

Leng Yan laughed loudly, "That's what you said you couldn't do!"

The only one covered his mouth and sighed being fooled!

"Okay! I'll go buy it! Who told you to be my baby fool!" Leng Yan looked at her lovingly.

She hung his neck and kissed him fiercely, "Leng Yan, I knew you were the best!"

"I love you so much, you worked hard just now!" Leng Yan leaned closer to her blushing little face.

The only one was so ashamed that he buried his face in his arms, thinking of changing the subject quickly, "By the way, the name of Aegean Sea is so beautiful, it must be related to a beautiful legend, right?"

Leng Yan thought for a while, "There are many legends in the Aegean Sea, and they are basically related to love. One of them is that Qin is a famous harpist in Greece. Admiring her name, the young king fell in love with her. Qin and the king's Love was not hindered by the royal family. The Qin was brought into the court amid the blessings of the people and all the princes and nobles."

"Later, the originally friendly neighboring country suddenly launched a terrible war. For the safety of the people, the king had to go to the battlefield immediately. On the wedding night, he left the girl he loved so much. Qin went to the place where he had dated every day. The local plucks the harp to the distant king, but waits for his death on the battlefield."

"Jin put on the blood-stained robe of the king that day, and directed the cruel battlefield with the fingers that plucked the strings. In the moment of national celebration of victory, under the cloudless sky, on the lap of the lyre, the king's robe But it was drenched by crystal drops of water."

"Every night Qin would pluck the piano against the night sky, and she hoped that the king in heaven could hear it. And every morning, she collected scattered dewdrops everywhere, and she knew that it was the king's response to her love."

"Finally, after many years, until the day when she never woke up again, people poured all the 520 bottles of dew collected by Qin Yong in the place where she slept. When the last drop fell, a miracle happened."

"A clear spring gushed out of Qin's grave, embracing her body. From the spring to the stream, from the stream to the river, and from the river to the sea. Since then, there has been a clear sea in Greece. People call it the 'Aegean Sea' .”

The only one shed tears when she heard it, "It's a beautiful story, but it's so desolate, why is beautiful love so desolate..."

A tinge of pain flashed through Leng Yan's heart, and he hugged the only one tightly, "Fool, it's just a story. People make up bleak stories in order to earn other people's tears. Our love must be happy and perfect!"

"Leng Yan...Qin loves the king deeply, and the Aegean Sea is her sea. She will definitely hear our oath and witness our love!" The only one bit his lip, strengthening his confidence.

"Yes, of course!" Leng Yan patted her on the back, watching her gradually close her eyelids and fall asleep in his arms.

When I woke up the next day, Leng Yan was nowhere to be found. He must have gone to buy breakfast!

She washed up and went out, ready to surprise him, and found that Leng Yan was behind the pillars of the breakfast shop, seeming to be on the phone...

(End of this chapter)

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