Chapter 151

The only one raised his head with a smile, "No! Yi Han, I've wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I haven't had a chance to speak, so let's make it clear today."

Yi Han faintly felt something was wrong, but he still smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

The only gaze became hazy, "Yi Han, thank you for being kind to me for so long, but I still don't want you to misunderstand. Although Leng Yan and I can't be together anymore, I can't regard you as his replacement You will find a better girl than me, an innocent girl, marry her and have a child of your own."

Give birth to a child of your own?This sentence ignited Yi Han's hatred again, thanks to someone, he can no longer have children!

The only one felt relieved at this moment, but his mood was surprisingly good, "Yi Han, if you are free, can you take me back?"

Yi Han remained calm and nodded, "Okay! I'm here to pick you up!"

"You know I'm in the hospital?" The only one was surprised.

"Isn't it time for your pregnancy test today? Who knew you would come for an abortion!" Yi Han slightly scolded her.

She giggled, stuck out her tongue, got in the car, and Yi Han sent her back to the villa.By the way, Yi Han really cares about her, he even remembers the time of her pregnancy test so clearly...

But she didn't see, a pair of black eyes were staring at her all the time, staring at her hugging Yi Han, staring at her getting into Yi Han's car, with the coldness of ice and the heat of fire...

"Do you have time in the evening? Have dinner together?" In the car, Yi Han turned on the music and casually asked Wei Yi.

"Yi Han... As I said just now, between us..." The only one started to explain again in embarrassment.

"There's no need to explain!" Yi Han interrupted her, "Is it okay to be a friend? If I treat you to a meal, will you lose a few catties of meat?"

"But, I have an appointment today!" The only one refused embarrassingly.

"Who?" He really didn't want to hear the news that Leng Yan was the only one who had an appointment.

"Yin Ziran!" The only one hesitated again and again, but finally answered, but he had some thoughts about Yi Han's too detailed question.

To tell the truth, Yi Han has not been able to impress Sui Wei at all after seeing the incident, and he is also very impetuous in his heart. Perhaps it is time for him to change his strategy...

In the evening, Wei Wei changed his clothes and waited for Yin Ziran to pick him up for dinner.

Looking at herself in the mirror with loose clothes, she smiled slightly. She can't wear clothes that are too tight in the future, it's not good for the baby's development!

Thinking of a little life being conceived in my womb, maternal tenderness slipped through my heart, and I couldn't help stroking my belly, "Baby, I'm sorry, Mommy almost did something stupid, please forgive Mommy?

After going to the hospital today, she just wanted to understand something, how precious life is, and there will be a lively baby in her womb, how could she make such a decision cruelly! ?

Regardless of whether the child has a father or not, it is not the most important thing for her now. The most important thing is to give birth to the child safely and let him grow up healthy and healthy.Even if there is no father, she will do her best to take good care of him!She believes she can do it!

She herself is also a child without father's love. Although life is very hard, she also feels the beauty of life. She has never regretted coming to this world once, never regretting the people she met in this life...

"Mom! I didn't do anything wrong, right? No matter who the child's father is, the child is your grandson after all! You are as kind as you, and you will definitely let me give birth to him, right?" She looked out the window in the direction of heaven , laughed, but it felt like something was tearing in my heart, and it hurt every now and then...

At six o'clock sharp, Yin Ziran came to pick her up on time, and smiled when he saw her, "Oh, this is the image of a mother-to-be! Does this child have my share?"

"What nonsense?" The only one glared at him, "Get in the car, where to eat?"

Yin Ziran insisted on this question, "Why don't I have my share? Can't I be a godfather? No matter how bad it is, you said that I am your brother, so I am the child's uncle, right?"

The only one smiled, "Okay! Uncle is as big as the sky, that's all right! Why did you think of inviting me to dinner today?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you! What's the reason?" Yin Ziran raised his eyebrows with a hippie smile on his face.

Looking at him alone, a warm current surged in my heart, it still feels good!She and Yin Ziran spent most of the time in each other's lives, like relatives, they appeared when each other needed each other, no, more precisely, they appeared by her side when she needed it, it seemed that Yin Ziran didn't need her when.

This kind of relationship is completely different. You never have to worry about gains and losses, and you never have to worry about it. As long as you look back, you will find that Yin Ziran is always standing there with a smile, caring for her and loving her, just like an inseparable relative...

But the other person gave her a very different feeling!Like most of the time, that gloomy face appeared in front of the only one again.The child in her stomach reminded her of the existence of this person all the time, but whenever she thought of him, her heart ached.

That feeling was like a flame scorching her heart, but she was still like a bird in the cold wind, knowing the pain of burning, but she still wanted to get close to the flame, but she wanted to remember, remember the pain, remember the pain when it happened Happiness and then condemning myself over and over again for not thinking, not remembering...

The music in the car is the theme song of "Love in the Aegean Sea". She seems to have seen the blue sky and the blue sea of ​​the Aegean Sea again...

"The only one, we're here! Right here!" Yin Ziran interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh!" She woke up suddenly, opened the car door by herself, and followed Yin Ziran into the restaurant.

In the seat they reserved, another person was sitting.

Yin Ziran was shocked and angry, "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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