Chapter 152

The person sitting on the seat turned out to be Mr. Yin!

Those two sharp gazes shot towards Sui Wei, and Sui Wei secretly thought, these are definitely not kind eyes!After comparing Mr. Yin's attitude a few times, she had to wonder, is she here for the Hongmen Banquet today?

"Is there a reason why I have a meal with my child?" Mr. Yin's stern face showed no clue.

Yin Ziran said angrily, "Is there any mistake! One and only, let's change places!"

"Stop!" Mr. Yin yelled.

The only one teased Yin Ziran and signaled him not to confront the old man. After all, he is also Yin Ziran's father. The word "father" to her is stalwart and unattainable...

"Sit down!" Old Master Yin ordered Yin Ziran with a sullen face.

Yin Ziran looked at Wei Wei, took Wei Wei's hand and sat opposite Mr. Yin, and said carelessly, "Wei Wei, order and try to pick the most expensive ones, it's rare that our iron cock is willing to bleed and treat us to dinner, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not to kill Bai Don't slaughter!"

The only one looked at Yin Ziran in embarrassment, and smiled politely at Mr. Yin, "Hello, Uncle! You should order some!" She handed the recipe in her hand to Mr. Yin.

The old man squinted at her, and said in the same indifferent tone, "Don't call me uncle! I'm not your uncle!"

Wei Wei was stunned, smiled and said nothing, but Mr. Yin ordered a large table of dishes on his own initiative.

Yin Ziran widened his eyes exaggeratedly, half surprised, half mocking, "Hehe, the only one, are you sure the sun rises from the east today? The old man is so generous!"

"Shut up!" The old man said softly to him, focusing his gaze on Wei Wei, "Eat whatever you like!"

The only one was flattered and nodded dully.

"I heard that your mother is a servant?" Mr. Yin asked suddenly.

The only blood rushed upwards, but the contempt that Mr. Yin treated her remained unchanged!

"That's right!" She put down her chopsticks, arrogantly, "My mother is a servant, we are very poor, and we have always lived in a hut like a pigeon cage, but I have never had the idea of ​​taking advantage of your rich family. However, the reason why we can walk together is because my character is as noble as his!"

"Noble? Don't take advantage?" Mr. Yin snorted, "Then why do you still accept that villa?"

"The villa?" The only one suddenly realized, "It turns out that you gave me the villa as compensation?"

"Otherwise, do you really think that pies will fall from the sky? Women are greedy for money! But you have to see clearly!" Mr. Yin's eyes were shining brightly, full of contempt.

The only "Huo" stood up, "Mr. Yin, I have always respected you as an elder and Ziran's father, but respecting you does not mean that you can humiliate me at will! Thank you for your dinner. As for that villa, I will pay you the difference according to the normal compensation!" She secretly rejoiced that in the few short months of running Mosha, she had a savings that could make up the money.

Mr. Yin's face sank, "Is this what your mother taught you? Talk to elders with this attitude?"

Yin Ziran couldn't hold back anymore, and confronted the old man, "Do you look like an elder? If you don't respect the old, who will respect you?"

"You... bastard!" Old Master Yin was furious, "Everyone is unfilial son! Sit down for me!"

At this time, someone in the restaurant has noticed the movement here, Mr. Yin is very embarrassed, the only one who thought about it, stood in front of him, calm as water, "May I ask Mr. Yin if you have any advice?"

"Your mother..." Mr. Yin said slowly, "Why do you want to be a servant at Qiu's house? I was so curious after reading Mrs. Qiu's case, and you are so close to Ziran, I have to say You have inquired about everything clearly. During the investigation of the case, it was discovered that your mother has a lot of money, why does she still want to be a servant?"

A lot of money?The only one who never knew that mother had a lot of money...

"What are you talking about?" The only one opened his eyes wide, "Why didn't I know that my mother has a lot of money?"

Mr. Yin secretly beat his heart, "Didn't your mother never tell you? Shouldn't she give you any bank passbook?"

The only one finds it funny, "Old man Yin, do you think you are ridiculous? Don't say that my mother has no money, even if she does have money, it's none of your business! Okay, I bought it! Today's talk ends here ! Farewell!"

After she finished speaking, she ran out of the restaurant, not wanting to stay for a moment, Yin Ziran followed after her, and before leaving, she still gave her father a bitter look.

Mr. Yin looked at Wei Wei's back, frowned and thought, "Looking at Wei Wei's appearance, I'm not lying. So it's true that her mother didn't take the money? Then the family member lied? Who told the truth? The truth...?"

Yin Ziran caught up with Wei Wei and apologized to her, "Wei Wei, I'm so sorry, my dad is so confused! He's just a money-hungry rooster, don't be angry, be careful, baby!"

The only one smiled and shook his head, "Why? How could I be angry about this?"

"Aren't you full? How about we change to another restaurant?" Yin Ziran suggested.

The only thing is that I didn’t eat anything just now. The table is full of delicacies from mountains and seas. It depends on who I eat it with. I eat it with those who have an unappetizing taste. Dragon meat doesn’t taste good!

She was still in the pregnancy reaction period and didn't want to eat anymore, but thinking that the baby needs nutrition, she would force herself to eat no matter what, so she nodded in agreement.

However, today is not the day for her to eat. In any restaurant, she will meet people she doesn't want to see...

In the next chapter, Leng Yan will appear, hehe~!

(End of this chapter)

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