Chapter 153

The only one listened, didn't make a sound, just stared at the ground in a daze.

Qiu Zhiyang continued, "At that time, Leng Yan was a witness, and the guy who hit me was actually recognized by Leng Yan. He belonged to my mother. At that time, my mother was running for election, so I begged Leng Yan not to reveal her, saying that it was just a joke. The traffic accident has nothing to do with her, so as not to cause negative impact. Leng Yan really thought it was just a traffic accident at first, hesitated again and again, maybe also considering the relationship between the two, so he really didn't leak my mother out."

"Later, because of what happened to Jing Lan, all the things my mother did were exposed, and he also realized that the car accident was not an accident, but a murder. Report, never mention this matter."

After Qiu Zhiyang finished speaking, if before today, she knew that Leng Yan did not report the knowledge and covered up the murderer, she might still be very angry, but today, she can't hold any complaints and hatred in her mind, and only worry about Leng Yan's injury, even Some secretly rejoiced that the mother's death was not directly related to Leng Yan after all.

"Only, sometimes Leng Yan is a very stupid person, especially when he is so stupid to the relatives around him. You can see that he has known Jing Lan for so many years, and he has nothing to say about our brother's kindness, but how about you? I believe you know better than us, if it wasn’t for his so-called looking at you from afar every day, you would be the one who got shot today. So, you’d better let go of your past as soon as possible, I feel uncomfortable watching you both.” Qiu Zhiyang paused , and said, "I know you hate me, but I'm telling the truth, and I sincerely hope you both are happy."

The only one lowered his head and didn't answer his words, the door of the emergency room suddenly opened.The only one rushed to the doctor and asked anxiously, "Doctor, may I ask how he is?"

The doctor took off the mask, "The bullet has been taken out, there is no danger, the bullet must be handed over to the police as evidence."

The only tight heart finally returned to its original position. Once the high tension just now was relaxed, the weak body couldn't bear it anymore. After saying "thank you", the whole person collapsed and went limp to the ground.

A few minutes later, the only one came down to the ward with Qiu Zhiyang's support.

The only one standing by the door, Leng Yan lying on the hospital bed, eyes facing each other, as if for a hundred years...

The corners of Leng Yan's lips moved slightly, intending to smile at Wei Wei, but Wei Wei rushed to his bed/front, crying and shouting at him, "You stupid pig! You can't remember a single word I told you! Didn't I tell you But do you always think of yourself before taking care of me? If something happens to you, what will I do? Who will take care of me? "

Leng Yan's eyes were slightly moist, and he raised his hand with difficulty, caressing the only face, "I'm sorry." The three simple words, spoken in his slightly trembling low voice, only made the only tear more and more .

"Leng Yan..." The only one crying on his chest, "It's me who should say I'm sorry, I'm always so self-willed, so disobedient, making you sad, making you sad, why don't you blame me?"

"Because there was a silly girl who once told me to remember that if sometimes her child loses her temper and becomes self-willed, I will tolerate her, because no matter how she treats me, she actually loves me in her heart. You see, I remember every word she said." Leng Yan stroked her black hair, and said leisurely, like talking in a dream.

The only tears became more and more turbulent, and his face rubbed lightly on his chest, "Leng Yan, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I swear, this is the last time, from now on I will never distrust you again, and I will never discriminate against you again." Get angry, Leng Yan..."

The slight friction may have touched the wound. At this moment, the anesthetic is still in effect, and Leng Yan can't feel the pain, but the gauze of the wound oozes a little blood. The only one feels guilty, and hurriedly got up from his chest, a little bit of blame, "Wipe the wound Why don't you push me away?"

Leng Yan smiled, and pressed her back to his chest again, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid you'll disappear if I let go, I finally hugged you, I want to hug you for a while."

Still the familiar breath, still the generous chest, still his gentle voice, nothing has changed!This is the feeling she wants!Finally found home again!

Wei Wei closes her eyes, leans on his chest carefully, not to touch the wound on his shoulder, at this moment, she just wants to enjoy the peace and tranquility of returning.

However, the next voice broke the tranquility, "You two are too defiant, do you just pretend that I don't exist? Will there be a restricted rating next?" Qiu Zhiyang's voice rang out, with a bit of banter.

The only one blushed and wanted to get up, but was hugged tightly by Leng Yan, only to hear him yell, "Since you know, why don't you hurry up! It's so boring!"

Qiu Zhiyang pretended to be wronged, "No way, I think it was someone who called me every day to harass/harass me and asked me to accompany him, but now he will cross the river and tear down the bridge after using it. Boss, you are too cruel!"

"Demolition across the river? More than that! If you don't get out, I'll tear your bones down!" Leng Yan threatened viciously.

Qiu Zhiyang begged for forgiveness again and again, "Okay, okay, I'm leaving! I'm not a thorn in the side! What's wrong with the world! Prefer sex over friends!" Qiu Zhiyang went out laughing, and closed the door by the way.

Finally, there were only two people left, and the air was gradually filled with warmth. Only one raised his face and stroked his thin outline, heartbroken, "In the hospital again, why are we in the hospital every time we reconcile? And it's all because of you Stupid!"

Leng Yan smiled lightly, "I don't feel stupid!"

The only one glared at him and muttered, "Promise me one thing, you will take care of yourself in the future, and don't let yourself have accidents, I've had enough of not having a daddy, and I don't want our children to have no daddy either!"

Leng Yan's whole body froze, his eyes sparkled, "What did you say? Say it again!"

Wei Wei lowered her head and smiled slightly, holding Leng Yan's hand to her abdomen, "I said, someone is really going to be a daddy!"

(End of this chapter)

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