Chapter 154

together forever?how far is Forever?The sea is dry and the stone is rotten?Timeless?

Is it a legend?Yes or no, no one knows...

Everyone's road has an end, who is at the end?Holding your hand, is there a time when you would rather let go?If so, it must be that I love you too much...

Leng Yan held her hand, turned around, lowered his head and kissed her eyes, and murmured softly, "Only, you only have happiness in your eyes from now on..."

I believe!The only one raised her head and tiptoed, the reward fell on his chin, the stubble stung her delicate lips, she rubbed on his coat, it seemed to reduce the pain.

"Yan, I'm starving to death! Go and eat!" Her suspicious eyes swept across his shoulders, "Don't go!"

He understood, and took her hand with his uninjured hand, "Your husband and I are alive and well, what can a bullet do to me?"

The only joy was disdain on his face, "Bragging!"

He suddenly stopped and turned around. Wei Wei didn't take any precautions, bumped his head, and his forehead hurt.

Instead, he laughed, "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you now!?"

How could he not understand the evil content in his eyes? "Go, go, go! Perverted man!" She ran out of the ward first.

"Stop!" Leng Yan suddenly shouted behind her.

She was frightened and didn't dare to move. Leng Yan circled her from behind and reprimanded her, "From now on, I will use it to walk! Don't run away!"

Sure enough, I had a child and forgot my wife...

There was resentment in Wei Wei's eyes, he put on a smile again, and rubbed her hair, "Be good, there are many, many rewards!"

Bingshan Lengyan melted because of her, because she learned to laugh and pamper, and pampering someone is happiness. Therefore, he is willing to carry this pampering to the end, to the end of his life, just like the oath by the Aegean Sea—— —Leng Yan loves the only one, never complains or regrets...

************************************************** ***************

Getting married, marrying her, is the first priority now.

Leng Yan said that he would give the only one peerless wedding, even though the only answer was no, but he insisted because she was his only one.

Therefore, the preparations for this wedding took too long.The only one looked at the distant wedding and sighed, "Yan, I think it's better to let our children be our flower girls!"

"Little girl can't wait to marry me?" He was somewhat proud.

I've been thinking about it for a long time!The only one muttered in his heart, but he didn't want to be outdone, "Tch, are you the only man in the world? There are so many people who want to marry me! You can line up to the beach!" She pointed to the door.

The door opened in response to the sound, and Qiu Zhiyang stood by the door with a pleasant smile.

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows, "Isn't there just one?"

The only one was dumbfounded, it turned out that this is how Cao Cao came...

Qiu Zhiyang didn't know what they were talking about, so he went straight into the room and got to the point, "Leng Yan, the police station has made progress on the only case of the last shooting."

"Who is it?" Leng Yan's face was heavy.

"I don't know who it is, but judging from the bullet, it's from the same type of gun as the bullet that Xiao Zhong shot last time. I wonder if there is any connection between the two?" Qiu Zhiyang said.

"Have you looked for Xiao?" Leng Yan continued to ask.

"I've looked! Xiao didn't bother to look it up, because everything was safe and sound, so he thought it was a robbery."

Leng Yan nodded, "Tell Xiao Xiaoxin, there is a first time, if you don't achieve your goal, there must be a second time."

"What about your safety?" Qiu Zhiyang was a little worried.

"Don't worry, the people from Tingen Zhiyu's group are around us."

The only one immediately hugged his arm tightly after hearing this, "What? You said Lei Tingen, he is... a gangster?"

"Are you afraid?" Leng Yan looked at her with a smile.

The only one shook his head again and again, "No, I'm not afraid of Lei Tingen, I didn't expect..." Underworld?She thought of it as a horrible term. How could Lei Tingen, who had a sunny appearance, be such a character?

At this time, the servant, Sisters of Lotus, brought Qiu Zhiyang a cup of coffee, "Master Qiu, please have some coffee."

"Why is Sister Lian here?" Qiu Zhiyang remembered that Sister Lian was a servant in the old house of Leng's family.

Leng Yan smiled, "After the old house returned to Jinglan, she resigned all the servants. I didn't need servants here, but now I'm the only one who is pregnant. I should ask a servant to take care of me, so I specially invited Mrs. Lian Back, she has experience in all aspects of caring for pregnant women, mothers and children."

"Oh!" Qiu Zhiyang was thoughtful, "By the way, the only one, have you appointed a bridesmaid?"

The only one to answer indifferently, "Yes! Meimei!"

Qiu Zhiyang was a little sad, originally Qiu Fei'er wanted to be the only bridesmaid...

It happened that Sui Wei's cell phone rang, and Sui Sui was about to answer it, but Leng Yan grabbed it with a firm attitude, "There is radiation!" Then he answered the phone himself, and told Sui Wei, "It's Meimei."

"Meimei? What? Are you going to get married? Next week? Okay, I got it, I'll tell Weiwei." Leng Yan put down his phone, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Weimei, Meimei is getting married next week, so she can't be your bridesmaid."

"With whom? Dick?" The only one asked anxiously.

"I don't know!" Leng Yan forgot to ask who the groom was.

"Why are you doing this? I said I'll pick it up, but you're acting brave!" The only anger didn't come out for no reason. Meimei went to her a few days ago and complained to her. She felt that Dick was not authentic. Woman, why are you rushing to get married now?Doubtful...

next week?Next week is going to be busy, Leng Yan and Yin Xiaozhuo are negotiating for the first time about their new project cooperation, she is going to re-enter Mosha, why is everything next week?

(End of this chapter)

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