Chapter 155

Leading to the warm spring beach, glowing white in the night.

The only one carrying shoes, stepped on the soft and wet sand, but Leng Yan disappeared.

Suddenly, the moon disappeared into the clouds, the surroundings became dark, and there was a light rain. Wei Wei became a little scared, and shouted on the beach, "Yu! Ye! Where are you? I'm afraid! Ye!"

What answered her was the roar of the sea wind...

The sand became even more slippery with the rain, and she lost her balance and fell to the ground.Abdominal pain came like a demon, and she clutched her stomach and whimpered. Blood, along her thighs, seeped into the beach, stained a large area, and spread to the beach.

"Yan! Save me! Don't leave me! Yan! Child! The child is gone!" She was torn apart in pain, crying and shouting.

"The only one! The only one! Wake up, I am here, I am here!" Someone wiped the sweat off her head.

She hurriedly opened her eyes, and in the dark night, Leng Yan's pupils shone with light.

She clings to his arms and weeps, "Yan! Where have you been? Why don't you ignore me? The child is gone! The child is gone!"

Leng Yan also hugged her tightly, and his warm lips brushed against her forehead, nose tip, lips, and cold cheeks, "Fool, you are dreaming, I am always by your side, and the child is fine, if you don't believe me touch it yourself! "

He took her hand and came to her lower abdomen, "Look, he is inside, sleeping peacefully, let's not wake him up, okay?"

Only then did he realize that he was never on the beach, obviously on the bed, in his arms, and there was no pain in his abdomen.

Heaved a sigh of relief, moved his hands gently on his abdomen, and the lingering fear in his heart still persisted, "Yan, it was so scary just now, I dreamed that the child fell again, there was a lot of blood, no matter how I called you, you didn't respond!"

"Fool, the shadow of the miscarriage last time was too deep for you, this time I will not leave you an inch, you will be fine!" He felt more and more responsible, rubbing her hair, comforting her softly.

The only one indulged in his tenderness, gradually calmed down, the feeling of fatigue climbed up again, and muttered, "Yan, promise me that you will never leave me alone, I will be afraid."

In Mo Yezhong, he smiled slightly, "Of course, of course." He never thought of leaving her behind...

She had already fallen asleep amidst her steady breathing, and she seemed to hear his answer, but also didn't seem to hear it.

The next day, the rare winter sunlight reflected half of the sky outside the window red.

The only thing is to open the window and take a deep breath, the world is so beautiful, the darkness of last night was really a dream for no reason!She laughs that she is nervous, and now the pregnancy syndrome is prevalent. Could it be that she is also lucky to be one of them?

Going downstairs, breakfast has been prepared. Although Aunt Lian is helping, three meals a day are still being prepared by Leng Yan.

I don’t know when I started, I learned to be picky, I only eat his dishes, I only love his busy figure in the kitchen, the faint smell of oily smoke is the so-called smell of fireworks in the world, very warm, very warm...

Habitually, prepare milk and ham sausage for only—its favorite food, and then, as before, the whole yard calls it to have breakfast, "only! only!"

I just called a few times and got no response.Wei Wei gradually felt strange, did he sneak out to play with the dog crush again?It's winter now!

Without putting on her coat, she walked out of the house and searched in the garden, "only? only?"

Suddenly, her footsteps froze in place, the milk glass fell to the ground, and the milky white liquid spilled all over the floor.

"Ah—" followed by her screaming, and she ran back to the house, throwing up on the steps.

The scream startled Leng Yan, he ran out to support the only one who was vomiting constantly, "What's going on?"

The only pupil dilated, extremely frightened, pointed in the direction of the garden and cried, "Only, go and see Only!"

Leng Yan was puzzled, and ran to the garden to have a look, only to see Only died in the garden, disemboweled and disemboweled, it was a horrible sight.

He returned, picked up the only one inside, and shouted, "Sister Lian?!"

"Here we come!" Sisters of Lotus came tremblingly.

"What about only?" Leng Yan asked.

"I... I don't know! I didn't see it last night, I thought it was sleeping in the young master's room!" Aunt Lian panicked.

"I don't know?" He raised his eyebrows, his calm eyes concealed waves, "Who was here last night?"

"No one!" Aunt Lian tried her best to recall, "Oh, there seemed to be a black shadow flashing, I called out a few times, but there was no response, I thought I was wrong!"

Leng Yan thought to himself, there are people from Lei Tingen around here, if someone wants to break in, it's not easy, could Only's death be related to the family members?A person flashed in his mind, and he was a little uncertain.

"Only is dead, in the garden outside, you go and bury it." He ordered lightly.

"No!" The only one who had been curled up in his arms sat up, "Don't bury it, Yan, just throw it into the sea, clean it up, and go by yourself, okay? You can do it for me, I really want to go , but I dare not, I dare not look at Only like that, I am afraid of being sad..."

Leng Yan held her head and kissed her forehead, "Okay, I'll go, don't be afraid."

The only one retracted into the sofa, hugging the cushion, "Hurry up and come back."

Leng Yan got up, took out a stack of money from his wallet, and handed it to Sister Lian, "Sister Lian, you go back, you don't need to do anything here!"

"Ah? Why? Young master, what did I do wrong?" Aunt Lian felt aggrieved.

"That's right." He said nothing more.Whether it was related to Aunt Lian, he wasn't sure, but he couldn't take risks, as long as the only mother and child were half unsafe, he would eradicate them, because this time only died, who will it be next time?This time, never dare to be careless again!

(End of this chapter)

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